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One World One People: honesty.

>Story Of Loo
current .doc:
.pdf (usually trails the .doc in updates):

***not longer currently updated.  New blog:

Please sign the petition FOR WORLD PEACE with harm to none, CLO.
Unless you're psychotic and enjoying the abomination called Psychiatry, of course.

Update Boxing Day 26 Dec 2017:
"OMG: this guy has a cover for his story marketing the real idea of world peace to governments in a way to cause them to consider an arms-length international sustainability school, as not only curious but practically necessary... by asking The Taiwan (R.o.Chirst?) Government to accept Rene Helmerichs as a political refugee... seeking Asylum in Taiwan after having been committed in Canada for a criminal offence he did NOT commit. 

Rene can validate that he has been able to demonstrate a lawful counter-defence the entire time but which was never heard in any open court, fair-trail, or psychiatrists-to-do-not-exaggerate-beyond-belief process in a country that claims to have a Charter Of Rights And Freedoms.  

Rene is doing this all, most recently, to continue marketing the idea of building a sustainability school to Nestle in Switzerland for the funds to better market every concept OF sustainability includes 'sub-stance-ability', which becomes 'sub-substance ability' when the unnecessary lines, between all things truly sustainable, are removed:

The petition at leading to fragments of the story here at, the rest all on the public pay-per-view records of Ontario, Canada.



Did you know a boy really walked up to a police officer and asked to be arrested, after telling The City Of Barrie police department that he was marketing to build a school about 200 km west of Edmonton in the hill of the Rockies of Canada, already in 2012?  Did you know he's spent 3 years unnecessarily in jail for it?

This started and still is only an advertising campaign, but is also nothing less.  Rene Helmerichs and Lindsay Hsiao began the committable venture in 2005, and renewed agreement in February of 2012.  The idea is that peace can begin with a small nucleolus and radiate outward, like the pictures the Mormon Community Of Christ ( 2011 Peace Catcher's Club represent.  Unfortunately, one-sane-honesty is the foundation of all peace, and where principles differ, legal friction does arise.

Did you know Rene was presumed guilty of a criminal offence that did not occur but which psychiatrists were permitted to say occurred after Rene got a book contract in 2012?  Why has Rene been powerless to explain to officers of Ontario their mistake?

Did you know psychiatrists don't believe Rene?  Rene took the Chief Psychiatrist of Ontario, Canada's, esteemed Waypoint Center For Mental Health to court to ask why Rene couldn't have his psychiatric sessions audio recorded, because since 2012 psychiatrists of mind Anjana Chawla or Liqat Ali have only being outright lying or fraudulently inventing facts.  Unfortunately, everyone in Ontario likes to keep a tight lid on things so "public" material is only received after months and years of unnecessary delay.  So why even bother having psychiatrists, those esteemed doctors whom we are literally brainwashed to trust from birth on, bestow the courtesy of allowing a patient to have sessions recorded?

Here is a sample of a normal court event:

It's a viral-becoming story at, since Rene was a college teacher and is still a teacher, after sitting in jail for 3 years just to write a book to market a charity to build a school.

Unfortunately, memory fades over time and Rene has 10s of 1000s of written notes to re-gather from public records in Ontario, Canada.  For this, Ontario asks steep fees.  We will need your gracious support and funding to help building a commonly sustainable peaceful future together.

What did Rene Helmerichs do?  Well, he emailed The Mormon Community Of Christ with a marketing-partnership offer, and they thought he was with The Devil because he'd signed up for their 21 April 2012 Good Sense Budgeting workshop, but wouldn't tithe to their church any of his College teaching salary? 

Tim Stanlick (sp) had emailed local minister Matthew Swain to have police arrest Rene if he ever contacted them again.  Barrie Police detectives Tanya Lynch and Troy Armstrong were kind enough to make a plain-clothes visit on 1 Sept 2012 to explain the situation.  Rene slept on it.  And, in the wee hours of 3 Sept 2012, Rene committed himself to the most outrageous idea even to dawn on his mind, and emailed the church again to effectively say, "You have no idea what being a Christian means."  Then Rene walked up to a Barrie police sergeant and effectively told them to shovel it.

This is the story of how peace can begin with "me" and extend to "everyone" like the son of Rene was taught by Matthew Swain at Maple Grove School in Barrie in 2011 for 10 weeks with his treasurer Natalie Yewchyn in attendance 9 of those weeks, despite her not have a child, and despite The Peace Catcher's Club was only for kids.

The adult-to-child ration on any given night was more than one.  Natalie didn't need to be at the Peace Catcher's club, and she sure as heck didn't need to give Rene her email address there, before inviting him out to a Christmas Eve rock-concert throw-small-toys-at-the-audience awesome Connexus Church For The Unchurched extravaganza on 24 Dec 2011.

Natalie didn't need to accept a long-stem blue rose at the Barrie Social's New Years Eve party to which a whole group of the Barrie Mormon groupies had invited Rene.

Natalie also didn't need to lie on the stand at the June 2014 trial when it finally came about to actually try Rene for the new 3 Sept 2012 criminal charge allegations of contacting, against her wishes, one Natalie Yewchyn, and causing her fear for her safety by giving her flowers and a book on 22 August 2011.

In fact, after the judge denied Rene the right to submit the fact that Barrie Police had turned Rene into a physical bomb-threat in their 4 Sept 2012 report from an Officer Read--links to reports to be provided automatically in this document later--and then all the other stuff at the trial and leading to it--sure,

Why not just let Natalie Yewchyn say, "No, your honor.  I've sworn I will tell the truth and I am when I say that I never once emailed Rene.  Ok, maybe once, but just only in reply!"  And emails were submitted to show the exact opposite was true.

So the whole story is true, and Rene now has to hide outside of Canada because, literally, Rene lost his teaching job, his family, custody of his son, his Mom's house, and any chance at getting a future teaching job because Rene now has a criminal record over the simple fact of entirely and honestly just standing up for himself the entire time against a massive idea that no one seems to be noticing is nothing but a big black cloud of ash and soot.  Thus is our true mission to clear the air and, well, honestly in the process to with The Nobel Peace Prize.

b'deep, b'deep

Why would a Canadian citizen need to appeal to an Asian country for political asylum from a first world country?  We're soliciting help to build a sustainability school; partner for The Holy Bible Sideshow testament to life on planet Earth? 

Unfortunately, the contents of this project are entirely serious.

The intent is to raise 10,000,000 USD from international churches; and, a Carte Blanche contract with The Canadian Government for their ongoing transgressions.  The incipient idea was formally presented to the Canadian Charities Directorate, postmarked 5 May 2012, and acknowledged soon there after.

A "Carte Blanche" may be a new term to Chinese readers.  It comes from the French for "white card" or, in American lingo, "The top-secret clearance you need to have the kind of partnership with the red beast that would have some individuals call you 'King Of Canada', especially if they made you Governor General, the effective king, if only to sit down and correct all of the Canadian law books to make absolutely sure the openly public never-ending case of the glory-hole crown against the little shit Rene Helmerichs does not repeat itself."

Rene he told them he would do it and then it happened.  Ask yourselves why:

  • The Ontario College Of Surgeons And Physicians;
  • The Ontario Ombudsman;
  • several Criminal Code Of Canada prisons;
  • at least 7 psychiatrists (ok, no record but that of action here);
  • Georgian College;
  • the formal judicial inquiry system of Ontario, Canada;
  • the formal lower-court-only judges inquiry system;
  • the crown prosecutor complaint system;
  • the Human Rights Tribunal Of Ontario;
  • the dozens of Civil Court system cases that were dismissed;
  • the Toronto Star and other news notifications that met no reply;
  • all the pleas to Ontario Legal Aide to please stop the nonsense of this waste of tax-money;
  • the lawyers involved, the nurses, all criminally defined "officers"; and,
  • and the oddities in court that are all recorded on their records
Part 1 of a work in progress, (this page, Word clickable) downloadable .doc :
  • parents will be able to see their kids live in classrooms from ring-phone government apps... the likes of which are already available in the private sector;
  • automatic translators will quicken the ability of developing win-win start-ups;
  • workplaces will incorporate shared and searchable cloud storage in which, e.g., teachers can share resources for same classes taught at different schools;
  • global food giants, e.g. Nestle, will try to sell the public on the idea that mental health can be bought from a colorful fix-all worry court ordered injection until we agree that each of our minds remains part of one multi-functioning dynamically changing state such that we are simply not our bodies but drive them like avatars;
  • kinks in laws will only be worked out quicker as same-consistency compounds.

are wanting to deny that Rene Helmerichs was officially retired from society by psychiatrists who wouldn't believe that they could be out-smarted.

#talk2dream has tried to notify all of the above, also see comments to this file at  We even tried Royal Bank Of Canada lawyers.  Bank lawyers that should recognize whatever "accident" did happen to do this, could conceivably happen again at some point in future if we don't work together to fix our mistakes, and request money from Canada by which to do it.

Rene Helmerichs waited 3 months just to have James (Waypoint Center For Mental Health Chief in 2015, also goes by Jamie) explain why he doesn't allow audio-recording of sessions that do result in unwanted forced physical injections and further imprisonment without trial or right to object to the patient.  Courthouses have audio records and when Mr. doctor Komer, and Mr. doctor Van Imp, and Mr. doctor Lorberg after the first two doctors who believed the fictitious 4 Sept 2012 Officer Read police report declared Rene to actually be of harm to himself (Anjana added that someone might want to hurt Rene??? as grounds to need to keep him safe.) bend fact so far that it becomes uncontextual and fraudulently perjurous, Rene would like to be able to show how and where they did.  The judge and crown put off the request, and the chief psychiatrist is off quoting an opinion for secrecy he read in a book at school once.  The date was in 2015, the prosecutor Kathryn Hull, and at The City Of Barrie courthouse.  With funds, a physical copy can be located and posted online sooner.  There is much work to do.
Muslim intersection at (clickable in .doc) 5. Rene from birth to Sybil:for pro-Islam-not-exclusive-Christian; 13. For St. Francis, The Pope; of the downloadable .doc.
Nominate THIS VERY TEXT AT FOR THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE!!! and not the lively pursued partnerships at

Suggestions are appreciated.  Last updated 20 Dec 2017.  Advertised also on Google Circles.  Facebook yet to come.

(Contents clickable in the downloadable word .doc document from

We're all hell-bent, on about our passion.  But do we spiral swerving from turbulently swirling eddies outward or think from a conveyored tub flying in synchronized approach back unto a common concept of something?

They say perfection exists.  They say to talk about the things you want so that you think more about them more often.  That by thinking about them more, you want them more, so that the things you want are more wanted?

Can things think?  That's the interesting question.  We know that parts of things have motion, like the electrons, and the moving parts that we can't see yet that make up the moving parts of the electrons that we can see.  But we don't think about motion as thought.  And we don't think about the fact that bodies never really join.

Now let's think about the things we want: the reason(s) why any of us bother to get up in the morning.  Did you know, "You can't have them all unless all conflicts with any absolutely."?

Where there is absolution, true all truth, there is not conflict.  At that point of constancy, there is only unity and not need for any solution because no problems exist.  There is only "the Ever answer".  Constancy is the (above/beyond/real) real-time event underscoring concepts like "the law must be ever consistent", "consistency must same-apply", and "same applies to all."

That's exactly like saying, "All is possible" and then tacking on something undefined like "with blah blah blah-blah-blah." 

Literally and logically, "You can have whatever you want in life, just as long as it doesn't interfere with any part of the greater collective want," and then clarifying by adding "so make sure: 1) at least one other person keeps the same-sane goal, and; 2) you've worked out how it can help the least of us poop like the best of us, figuratively speaking."

Then, just talk to dream for it, to achieve it.  They do say that you can have only "unto that ye truly seek".  Read on for our #talk2dream, and what we haven't yet accomplished in terms of funding for the international legally (that generally means "having not need for worry about money but needing partners willing to share the construction bill) sustainable school.

Skip to 4a. Historical Information and Carte-blanche for The Honest Union if you're in a hurry for a news taste of the #talk2dream Canada interactions, see 4b. The RNL, Roman Numeral List.

Jon Peniel shares The Great Bowl allegory: we're in hell, but we can look upon our common environment with the same love of being of one kind--and educate for a pleasantly-sustainable less-stressful future if we work it out together.

This goal necessarily includes marketing for The Nobel Peace Prize, as well as offering globally-uniting ideas and suggestions to individuals and corporations alike, from one real-time feed school at some point in the future.  Add website-branding-addition of a small golden or black book, a 5x5mm square with an 11 inside, to show the idea of divine unity: 1+1=11?

Biblically, Jesus knew that by casting out one demon, only more would come.  In real terms, that's an internet marketing project's dream if the subject matter is the line between transparent and ghostly peaceful, One World Family, obligatory marketing negotiations.

A great big THANK you to ALL supporters, both commercial and private sector!  And to Carl, for suggesting names be added in place of initials!

-"Roger.  This is theoretically possible, but it's impossibly difficult to understand."

-"Roger, The #talk2dream Union For Honesty presents The Impossible Can in 'The Choice Amidst The Argument In The Business For Being Happy: CLO Jon Peniel's The Lost Teachings Of Atlantis, Disappearance Of The Universe, A Course In Miracles, applied' and "Mother is the invention of necessary."

Our little boy is ordinary.  The most ornery little runt who once stood in a river of tears trying to share as the teacher had asked him, unable to speak the local language.  Oma's nickname for him was "Pingelleech" but of course she only spoke German. 

German was all Rene's Mum spoke too.  She worked as an immigrant motel-cleaner while his Dad drove forklifts and put stickers on boxes for a shipping company.

At six, little boy Rene was run-walk-sprinting home from Scarborough's Cedar Brae Public School when, what was standing inside the ungated entrance of the arbitrary wall?  A brown-faced, really tall and lanky, 4th-grader blocking the way!

"WHY ARE YOU JUST STANDING THERE???  CAN'T YOU SEE I'M RUNNING AT YOU???!!!  YOU..."--That little boy yelled.  My God did that little boy scream.  He screamed so loud and so strong that his spirit was actually kicked back from its host and young Rene was left with a bird's eye view of the entire scene just as if he were having a... dream?  Whoosh.  Silence.

"Why are you yelling?" the wiser boy asked.  He stepped aside and bewildered Rene ran home.

Years of raw carrot snacks and Sigred's Medium Rye with Hazelnut Spread sandwiches for lunch passed.  Rene was invited into the draft pool for Canada's National Math Olympians (1994?; who knew such a thing existed?) for mostly guessing on Waterloo's National Fermat contest, and accepted (1995) into Canada's R.A.F with a guaranteed job as air force pilot.  The Air Force invite came after a one-week live-in stay at C.F.B. Downsview for rigorous physical and mental testing.  The Canadian Government would also be providing a four-year degree in computer science, after all.  But Rene politely declined after thinking boot-camp mind-breaking tactics to be unnecessary and not fun.

The 1989 question of "What am I?" plagued Rene so much so, that he fashioned a layered questioning mark in a Georgian College Introduction To Pottery course the next summer.

By 2011, Rene managed to lose a net available credit exceeding one million Canadian Dollars (CA$), that's at least $30M New Taiwan Dollars (nT$) at June 3rd 2009 exchange rates, after paying 300K nT for stock-market trading lessons.  Greed had taught him an extraordinary lesson not unlike the Bear Sterns CEO learned in 2008.  It was then that he met Sybil.

Sybil was a dark-skinned Toronto District School Board (TDSB) superintendent.  The venue was a closed-door meeting at the Simcoe County District School Board (SCDSB) education center in Midhurst, Ontario.  Sibyl was speaking off the cuff trying to grapple with the effects of the waste of money the Ontario Government has to swallow just for the mess inner-city Ontario public school principles face.

Our boy, Rene, has had a few bumps growing up.  Most notably should be the broken foot in 2005 linked to an event that occurred more 13,000 years ago.  There is more.  Context is of prime importance to ensure mutual understanding.

History is not really the purpose or intent of this story.  However, history is the record of facts that give general directions back to a more-or-less common base-of-operations from which other ideas can be extended as logically correct (also internally consistent, with context) or revealed to be incorrect (inconsistent).

News agencies are notably NOT partnered if they are displaying horrific or negatively-stimulating ideas without also promoting the underlying common theme of a willingness for peaceful world-peace-engineering negotiations.  The Honest Union is not against the common rules of fair play and good sportsmanship (conversely, reference the teacher's union at Georgian College, Sept.-Oct. 2012).

i.               Patricia Whittington praised the work of Rene at Georgian College in The City Of Barrie, Canada, in July, 2011, and warned Rene that he would to upgrade formal school to retain his renewable unionized teaching position.
ii.             Talk To Dream was proposed to the Canadian Charities Directorate on 5 May 2012 as a marketing vehicle for a sustainable school.
iii.            A book contract with Balboa Press was arranged in June 2012.
iv.           Georgian College renewed the teaching and marketing contracts of Rene to expire 31 March 2013, the fiscal end-of-year.  Rene had no intention to upgrade his schooling for a part-time teaching position.
v.            Rene began marketing #talk2dream to Tim Stanlick of The International Mormon Community Of Christ,, in August of 2012.
vi.           Barrie police detectives Tanya Lynch and Troy Armstrong warned Rene that he would be arrested if he ever contacted members of #cofc again, on the first of September, 2012.
vii.         On 3 Sept 2012, Rene committed himself to the idea of #talk2dream as unexplainably grandiose and called out the formal directive of Tim Stanlick to local minister Matthew Swain that Rene should be locked away for thinking the same Christ, the same One God, and the same Holy Spirit exist with the least of us always (and without special baptism).
viii.        Rene forgave his friends, and recruited them into Talk To Dream.  Rene was locked into a mental ward while the Mormon #cofc changed their story. 
ix.           Georgian College removed all access to Rene's email account and actively prevented Rene from being able to show (legally defined) prison officials that the #cofc higher-level story is absolutely fraudulent.
x.            The church attempted to remove itself entirely from the actual happening.  The local Barrie minster Matthew Swain claimed Rene was love-obsessed with their then local treasurer Natalie Yewchyn. 
xi.           When finally Rene was given a trial for the accusation of love obsession, the Ontario Superior Court judge of the June 2014(!) trial at the City Of Barrie denied Rene to submit even a redacted (with black lines to block text) version of the 4 Sept 2012 police report wherein police claimed Rene to be a real bomb threat.
xii.         The 4 Sept 2012 police report permitted psychiatrists Anjana Chawla and Liaqat Ali to join opinions and state that "police believed Rene to be of harm to others" and therefore need to be locked up for 2 months without a trial for the allegations that Rene was later re-punished for (this is normally illegal too).
xiii.        After the first 2 months, Rene then had to wait 16 months inside of a mental hospital, for that mysterious trial that kept getting cancelled while the crown prosecutors attempted to have Rene kicked from the court process on grounds of an in-operational mind.
xiv.       A mental hospital inside a jail, where Rene was sometimes let out for a 20 minute inside-larger-room walk once per week from his jail cell, isn't supposed to exist inside of a jail because he wound up isolated at times for days longer than what that UN considers torture? 
xv.        Rene was never permitted bail.  Rene had had no criminal history, had stated direct peaceful-only intention, and had stated this to be part of a marketing campaign, but Rene was never permitted bail.
xvi.       Sending email had been his only crime.  Email that could still be read today if police had kept it (it was mysteriously absent at trial).  Really his only crime was sending email that could have be marked spam and just not read and possibly ignored?  Yes.
xvii.     Well, he was also arrested and charged by his probation officer for citing the name of the treasure on a blog in contradiction to a court order requiring Rene not to blog the names of the perjurers (the real criminals). 
xviii.    Interestingly, the law is fundamentally in place to ensure honesty but here we have a direct example of how the law in Ontario, Canada, is mis-used.  Officer Tamara Williamson insisted Rene to be mentally ill for her own lack of belief and insight.  In the end, Tamara played her part well, even if everything she did only caused delay and was completely unnecessary to this greater marketing campaign.  For that reason, it would be absolutely fantastic if we could just work as a team and strip of her of police enforcement badge, if only for her utter dishonesty and complete prejudice found on the records after July 2014.
xix.       Rene has been complaining TO officers of the ONTARIO CANADA GOVERNMENT the whole time, and not a single individual has bothered to hear this case, except to re-arrest him, or to have judges re-order him injected merely to shut him up and keep him off the internet?  What's he going on about?  Basic human rights are ignored in Canada, intentionally, and quiet openly since they're actually crafting superficially inconsistent laws to mitigate more of that kind of absolute madness??
xx.        Rene did not receive a first fair and public trial for the accusation of contacting Natalie against her expressed consent.  She and minister Matthew had actually changed the original story completely.  The intention of Rene at that time is recorded in the audio-recording of 3 Sept 2012 where he can be heard walking up to the Barrie police Sergeant at Johnson's Beach and explaining why Rene was doing what he was doing.
xxi.       Mathew actually wound up committing formal perjury in court AFTER the police and psychiatrists bought their story and had to go along with it.  Now they have little choice but remain silent and delay admitting they're standing in a sinking ship. 
xxii.     This is entirely honest and specifically NOT an exaggeration of fact.
xxiii.    Rene was denied bail, repeatedly and continuously for years, despite having been an esteemed Georgian College teacher, not having a previous criminal record, and the only known occurrence of crime was spam email to 100s of people at once to make a point that a church couldn't tell someone not to communicate with them about their ideas for God.
xxiv.   Once, when Rene had tried to point out that the law actually required Rene to be given a bail review hearing by the judge.  There's actually a law in place for that in case prosecutors (government lawyers programmed to just delay criminal cases until defendants, routinely, plead guilty with "time served" just to get OUT of jail) the likes of Ms. Katheryn Hull in Barrie, and Sisk, and others, don't awake fro their illegal comas.
xxv.    When Rene brought this up to one Barrie courthouse Judge of the day (names would be a lot easier to remember if Judges voluntarily gave them and the crown didn't scold self-represented but jailed and barred from legal books defendants publicly presumed to be innocent until conviction), the judge tried to call Rene out and actually blurted "that's a lie" onto the record.  Wouldn't you know it, that didn't show up on the transcript?  The chief crown lawyer Ms. Hull can be seen coming up with excuses battling with Rene through the otherwise jovial Judge (***name needs to be looked up--she's a bit on the heavy side but not fat, was a judge lvl 2, not just justice, Barrie courthouse, lower court session).
xxvi.   Wait, did the crown prosecutors actually deny Rene access to legal reference material?  And the Ombudsmen?  And legal aide?  The jail refused to allow Rene to have his own copy of the Canadian Criminal Code (with annotations to explain things and include basic current case-law developments) given him by a random Barrie Justice?
xxvii. A Barrie Justice (low-level judge) had given Rene his personal reference book when Rene tried to press formal charges against psychiatrists Anjana Chawla and Liqat Ali but THAT Justice was honest, and honestly said, "Look, they are psychiatrists.  We're going to need a lot more to keep the crown prosecutors from just throwing the charge out.  If they do that, you can't use any of the previously submitted facts."  Right.  Bribery to Rene to lower a blog of defamatory information, complete with patient names of others on the ward equally trying to combat the psychiatric nonsense of arbitrary imprisonment and release only with forced injections, isn't big enough.  Check the facts, Rene was injected, and the injections, despite initially thought to need to last a full year, ended faster than Rene's newest legal lawyer (Nov. 2012) could file a legal injunction. 
xxviii.      Three times the crown lawyers tried to have Rene declared mentally incompetent to stand trial in his own defence, but at the trial, the June 2014 trial Superior Court 12-jury trial, the judge openly denied Rene to submit any evidence that remotely could suggest to the jury that doctors and mental health were somehow involved too?
xxix.   At the June 2014 trial the judge specifically told Rene that it was rude to interrupt the opening remarks of any party, and then proceeded to interrupt Rene's opening remarks 4 times in under 20 minutes?
xxx.    At the June 2014 trial, Rene was assured he would have enough time to speak, but then the judge just shut him up and closed the trial days before he had early told Rene?  Are not both party agreements necessary to change the dates of a trial ESPECIALLY if that trial is ALREADY underway?
xxxi.   Luckily there is a record of the 100+ court appearances Rene had to make before he finally gave up trying to wrap his head around the inner functioning of The Ontario Penal System for the Jon Peniel Mission.  And for the fact that Rene had to plead guilty just to get OUT of jail, in the end (all-told three times for this same silly mis-adventure).
xxxii. The normal jail time for the original charge that the police should have pressed on 3 Sept 2012 would not likely have exceeded 30 days in Barrie (in bigger more honest places like Toronto it could have just been offered what Mike Duffy had been given, or that Ontario Governor who killed bicyclist Allen Sheppard with his car by running Allen into a fire hydrant... on the oncoming-traffic side of the street and telling the court that witness testimony can't be relied upon).
xxxiii.      Rene served first twice that locked into a mental ward without even a criminal trial for spam email, and then served another 16 months for actually the exact same allegation since the 2 March 2013 charge was made indictable and any previous offence date was before 3 Sept 2012.  So the crown prosecutors were full of b.s. from even the start of laying the charge because, fundamentally, one can't be charged twice and serve time twice for the exact same allegation and the exact same offence (and that's in Canada's laws, even though the City Of Barrie routinely ignores that part--in the annotations of that courthouse Justice copy).
xxxiv.     Rene uncovered that there exist multiple systemic flaws within The Province Of Ontario Government and the Canadian Government as a whole.  The question is, is publicity enough to heal Sybil's noted inconsistencies?
xxxv.Reference is made to Edgar Cayce for civilization key-dates in the 1960s paperback Cayce On Atlantis, 13k... as the date the Great Pyramids Of Egypt were actually built; Helen Schucman and William Thetford (both esteemed professors at NYC's Columbia University) both wrote the material is 80% of that for ACIM and the applied ACIM available in e-format at (note .org) confirms which parts overlap.

Sybil is/was a superintendent of the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) in Ontario, Canada.  The meeting at which he and Rene met was paid for by the Ontario Government, Georgian College managers had been invited and Rene was dragged along because he oftentimes just seemed to be in the right place at the right time?  The meeting occurred in about 2011.

At the meeting, Sybil exasperatingly explained his lack of enthusiasm to have to deal with the inner-Toronto-city public school principals who are complaining about parent complaints.  What are parents complaining about?  God! or, well, formal understanding lack there of in the Ontario education system.

On the one hand, parents were insistent that their kids need education, the formal governmental kind, but other the other, they claim their kids need to be removed from class to wash before the regular daily prayer rituals to remember to be in servitude, and serve politely.  So... they've been politely complaining, again and again and again, it seems.

At times, up to 95 percent of students are removed from the class for almost a whole hour when travel and class disruption is included.

The Muslim courtroom argument has already cost The Ontario Government billions of Canadian dollars, by Sybil's estimate.  And, at that meeting, Sybil's only question was, "If the Catholics teach that there exists only one God, why can't they just let the Muslims in?"  Oh, right, because Mary wasn't a virgin and Edgar Cayce and Gary Renard BOTH made reference to that?  Ok, so let's forgive everyone in our common #talk2dream now.

So it is that The Government Of Ontario has TWO formal public tax-payer funded school systems: one "Public" for everyone but not including respect for one God, and one "Separate" for Catholics and any of the 5 big Christian churches that are partnered with Roman.  Mormons, Muslims, and just open-minded people fit in neither.  So then you get kids realizing this and the smart ones drop out in around grades 9 or 10.  But then, because it's the smart kids that drop out, the schools then try to keep them in by offering them "Alternative" schools which are kept out of the spot light.

The Ontario Government doesn't tell the regular kids who are wondering how to pay $40,000 Canadian per year just to go to university for 4 years in slavery to the idea of paying all that money back while interest grows on it faster than the inflation rate of income...

The Ontario Government doesn't tell the regular smart environmentally-friendly likeable kids that do well in school, about Alternative schools, because, well, if you're late for class at the Alternative school, it's usually ok.  The idea is that "we're all just people" there.  And that's totally the common part that all the public stuff doesn't teach.  So to keep the drop-outs in school, they go to Alternative schools which are able to offer dual credit high school and college courses. 

Alternative schools, serving the regular school drop outs, wind up giving students college degrees for much less money, which students can then convert to university degrees, or just keep and realize that every degree is pretty much the same when it comes to making money in an internet world hell-bent on self-suffocating attention.

So, The Ontario Government, not only not services the Muslim parents of the students looking to remember #talk2dream One God, but also no one else since everyone trusts them with their opinions to be doing what is truly best for the tax-payers whose time is used while fighting the interest rates on the student loans needed by the students without real employable skills but went to private universities thinking they could find what wasn't publicly taught to them earlier?

Bear in mind this has been and still is a #talk2dream marketing campaign formerly begun in 2012 for the funds to build an internationally sustainable school to, one day--when the governments of the world think like Nestle HENRi that a common pool of multi-culturally educated teachers specifically graduated from either psychology, business, agriculture, the latest or most locally-suitable sustainable applied farming practices--wherever sustainable partnerships take and the sustainable school.

Of course, if Sybil recalls neither the meeting nor the conversation, well, check the facts and work out that our boy Rene recalls necessary things by writing them down right away so that there will remain at least some sort of record about what IS happening.  Specifically, that roman numeral list back up a section at 4b. The RNL, Roman Numeral List.

Rene suggested the idea of a formal marketing partnership to a major international church, whose senior officials subsequently informed the local minister to contact the police in August of 2012.  Rene had already secured a book contract, and set the groundwork for registering Talk To Dream with the Canadian Charities Directorate. 

Police first arrived the evening of August 31st, 2012, for a short discussion.  The following day, two plain-clothed detectives arrived with a warning of future arrest for peacefully sharing a creative marketing venture.  The arrest would come if Rene again contacted members of The Mormon Community Of Christ international church.

Rene had been emailing Tim Stanlick et al., after the local Barrie congregation minister's wife Irina Swain hopefully deceived Rene to market tithing propaganda ( Good Sense Budgeting workshop at Grove Park Home, Barrie, Ontario, Canada, 21 April 2012) in his Georgian College class weeks earlier.

In April of 2012, upon reflecting of all that of which those Mormons were capable and the rapid rise of the Australian Movember Charity, Rene and a friend came up with the idea of #talk2dream. 

Talk To Dream markets for an international sustainability school from which world governments can eventually benefit when cultural changes increase and physical barriers become reshaped from internet allegiances.  Examples include NESTLE HENRi's when next-generation farmers leave their family business to find better paying different work in cities and no one is left knowing the latest farming techniques, or when international honest lawyers who've learned the law innately as "be kind to others always" are finally needed for judicial councils.

Marketing #talk2dream continued early Monday 3 Sept 2012 morning.  Rene had been warned not to further email the church about growing an idea so big to envelope the whole of the church concept-for-itself-as-god-teacher, or he would be arrested.  Since it was a Labour Day, it was a holiday, and that actually means it was a holyday because even the churches started that government tradition?

Why wait for the cops to show up on their time, when cops and stress are about the same idea if cops spend their whole day having to focus on the negative stuff that everyone else takes for granted as being absent from pleasantly law-abiding life in an Eyes Wide Shut movie sort of way?

On 3 Sept 2012, Rene emailed a final uncommon 92-page .pdf file, but which contained absolutely zero threat and zero thought for harm to none, to The International Mormon Community Of Christ church.  Rene then walked to Johnson's Beach since it was frequently police-patrolled.  Before long, a City Of Barrie police sergeant drove into the cul-de-sac turnaround.  Rene flagged him down politely and peacefully, and asked to be arrested.

The officer, of course, found Rene difficult to believe.  A few more were called, and much laughter was heard for hours later by Rene in the Criminal Code Of Canada defined "prison" into which Rene was locked.  Rene had specifically told him that Rene was trying to "unite the egos of the churches". 

Admittedly, the statement sounds grandiose from physical terms, but in the actual governing sphere the thought is more like turning on a glue gun and needing to let it heat up before use, with the warning that not using a hot glue gun can leave an undesirable mess so care must be taken and return to the main point of trying to write a book that all can read when they want to, but that the governments have to read because it's about the laws they're breaking, and which should net a several-million-dollar funding start-up for #talk2dream is, well, still the work in progress.

The official story was quickly altered. boss Tim Stanlick had emailed local minister Matt to contact the police if Rene contacted the church again.  No one disputes this, however, at the June 2014 trial, the alleged emails were not available from police, nor was that even any longer part of the then official story.

Rene had not been allowed a trial.  The 1 Sept 2012 threat from City Of Barrie detectives had been for "Criminal Harassment."  That means intentionally contacting someone against their desire AND causing them fear for safety.  Rene was and is and has always been marketing for peace, with harm to none.  So that charge couldn't possibly stand in any honest court respecting a consistent and sustainable legal foundation. 

Instead, Rene committed himself to the most outrageous marketing campaign ever to have gone viral.  But Rene has yet to be really heard and is really still trying to tell the world how badly even first-world governments can twist the law for their own personal ideas of just "less stress". 

At the trial in June of 2014, the former treasurer, NY, directly states to the judge "I never emailed him".  UC, lawyer for RH, asks, "Never?"  NY responds "Not once.  Well, maybe just once in reply."  NY leads the jury to believe that 1) she'd never initiated contact; 2) she'd never wanted contact; and 3) that she only contacted RH to say she did not want contact.  All three counts are false, and were demonstrated false at the trial.  There is so much more.  Ask Natalie about her former keloid (a bump caused by an infected ear piercing) and how much she hated it for the 2 years that she had it, and listen to her say on the record that she hadn't a clue what it was because she was trying to block the thought so hard from her own memory!!!

The intention is still to facilitate understanding for world peace, yet the church had managed to divert the attention from itself and re-write the entire matter as attention only for one single seemingly insignificant individual who was not longer a member of the church.

The really interesting thing about this story is the extent to which the church involved, and subsequently the government officials, have gone to deny it.

. realizations, personal "Ah ha", as we all have that we are all part of something more.

. RH experiences column of light, eternal "Home" awaiting all without bias or harm of any kind (beyond thinking about or envisioning) AND ready to heal all perceived hurt.
. desire to "share the news" of a Home beyond words, actions lead the way
. decision to leave foreign language country
. Disappearance Of The Universe read
. ACIM begun
. typhoon cancels flight from non English-speaking country (29 June 2016)
. son conceived on Canada day; agreement (2007) to raise son in Canada.

. RH single dad, CC (son's mum) allergic to cold and left country.
. suggestion to approach local Barrie, Ontario, Canada, college to begin course of dream study finds teaching position in language training
. college accepts advice to target not foreign construction workers but health and business professionals
. college offers marketing partnership
. teaching position for gov. funded 180 course over five months, need 8 to begin

. befriend minister (MS) and wife (IS), also a minister--IS non-native English
. IS enrols as student at the college in language course
. RH attends several soirees and such with MS, IS, and other congregation members
. inform IS and MS college policy prevents advertising one religion over another--no religions will be advertised by students or teacher in that course.
. MS, RH, and friends support Australian Movemeber charity
. RH arranges tour of Royal Victoria Hospital (RVH) for health-specific college coarse

. MS and RH polar bear dip in Lake Simcoe, Barrie, Ontario, Canada
. February, meet treasurer (NY) and her boyfriend (T) at b-day party for MS (5 Feb 1977); Lego Hans Solo gift given, favourite of MS
. March, at apartment of MS, asked group if any had access to Word 2007+.  Two in audience worked in IT.  T suggested to come over one weekend when he's up (worked in Newmarket), and gave NY address, around corner from MS.
. IS re-enrolled to support college course

In August, MS insists RH come to the monthly "Spiritual Café" held at a Bistro in Barrie.  There were about 25 attendees of the extended CofC congregation in attendance, including CofC area manager KJ.

RH had previously attended to support MS, and the SJ seemed to enjoy interaction with people there, and the live music.  RH initially replied the 7-9pm time is late for 4-year-old son (SJ) on a school night (Sunday) but MS seemed unusually keen to have RH attend that evening.  This particular evening was different.

To date, RH had remembered close to 20,000 personal dreams of night, and tried to study them.  The best book he'd come across was by Elsie SeChrist who used a perspective founded in the Edgar Cayce readings.  Gary Renard had mentioned the a pre-congnative ability to be common in people "awakening" to their greater mind, which happens also to be joined with all minds.  On this particular day, when BH had mentioned NY to have very recently broken up with her boyfriend of 5 years, T?, RH looked up to see a picture of a girl under purplish light sitting in the exact same way that he'd noted in a dream 5 days earlier.  RH sensed something was up.

RH introduces himself to NY, forgetting completely that he should have known her name from previous CofC encounters.  NY her shares recent break-up news and, oddly, expresses a sincere and deep wish to be married.  Such a conversation should be normal among friends, except that RH knew nothing about NY except her home address.  She shares favourite color, green, and claims to dislike purple--and shares that her ex had just painted the laundry room (?) purple.  The color was brought up because of the dream.  NY gives RH her number with agreement for a coffee date some other time.

Here begins an awkward feeling that remained for almost an entire year to follow.  RH hadn't the patience of Gary Renard who mentioned it better to wait a few days to call.  RH sent a smiley text if only to leave NY his number.  One would note that this would become common 6 years later when adding people on LINE, to ensure both parties recognize each other's addition.  The cell phone service provider sent the following message: "Thank you for using Bell text-to-landline".  Who knew such a thing was possible?  What on earth did a smilie face sound like as an audible landline message??

RH called to apologize for sending a text, and found only an answering machine so he left probably the weirdest message in the history of any stalker NY could ever conceive: something akin to, "I'm sorry.  I apologize for the smiley text to your house phone.  I didn't know such a thing was possible.  Hope it came through ok."

A few days pass.  RH regularly offered copies of The Alchemist, the happy story of one searching the world for joy, to graduating high school students RH tutored.  Looking at a few extra copies on the windowsill of his Mum's dining room, RH thought one might cheer NY, who also loved to read.  Not having any green wrapping paper, he realized a flower store would be able to gift-wrap the book.  He wrote "For Joy & Happiness" inside the cover, and attached both a yellow rose as a sign of friendship, and a card with his name that she know from whom the gift left on her doorstep came.  This single action would later be used as evidence to show RH suffered a love obsession toward NY and began stalking her at that point.  Decide for yourself if such is a reasonable assumption with the events to follow.

Moments after the gift was left, while still driving the 2 mile trek to his residence, the alarm on his phone began to ring, and ring, and ring.  IS was sending message after message IN CAPITAL BLOCK LETTERS to RH about his utter disrespect toward HER friend, and insisting NY wants nothing to do with RH.  The reaction was shocking.  Clearly there was a misunderstanding.  RH attempted to explain the misunderstanding to IS, who was unapproachable at that time.

Weeks passed.  MS contacted and invited RH to dinner.  RH asked if NY would attend, and was told she would.  There were 6 in total who went out to Sticky fingers that day.  The same six had previously enjoyed monthly movie get-togethers, pot-luck dinners, and social outings together.  Dinner was survived.  RH apologized to NY for the act of kindness, and NY casually waved it off as she entered the car of MS--she rarely drove anywhere in her own car, complaining the commute to Toronto each weekday was enough for her.  CofC, employer of MS, has a Peace Makers kids club course.  Public schools in Ontario offer extremely discounted spaces to charities.  The dinner had been to decide whether a Peace Makers course would be possible in Barrie.

For October, 2011, MS arranged to rent library space at Maple Grove school, in Barrie.  The kids club would last 10 weeks.  RH was fished for interest and consented on conditions that he could attend and that the name was altered from Peace Makers since peace cannot rightly be made.  MS assured RH that it was very much an opportunity for parents to interact with their kids in play, and the perfect name MS suggested was Peace Catchers Kids Club.  Five kids were needed, and the son of RH was the fifth.  At one point a couple siblings of other kids attended to make 7 on the highest night.  MS, IS, BH, C?, MW, and NY were volunteer organizers from the congregation and two to four parents and grandparents attended each night, for five kids.  The adult-to-child ratio was consistently at least 1-to-1, and none of the activities were one-on-one models, all were group activities.

While RH was a regular required member at the Peace Catcher's club, for his son to attend, NY had neither a child of her own, nor brought any.  She did not need to be there.  In fact, one Wednesday night about midway through, she gave RH her email address.  RH would have been obsessed if he kept the slip instead of simply sending an email and tossing the scrap of paper.  NY attended each save one of the 10 nights, coming late if she arrived late from her commute. 

For Halloween, MS and IS arranged an all-ages party at Positive Pathways, then on Belfarm Road.  RH brought NY another yellow rose, this time with note "Boo."

December, 2011, saw NY and RH head for their first "date", so defined by psychiatrist Jeffrey Van Imp on 18 June 2013: "just the two of you, alone, out".  The destination was a coffee shop on Dunlop Street, downtown Barrie.  RH recalls the afternoon:
"It had snowed.  The ground was slushy and the cold not comfortable.  We sat and talked for almost three hours.  I looked at the clock and wondered only how much longer it would go on.  NY talked about nothing.  I shared having once read in Carolyn Myss' Anatomy Of The Spirit about a mid 50s woman who claimed to have induced an out-of-body experience on acid, given by her Buddhist daughter at her mum's request.  The reason for sharing was to open the conversation into the unexplained.  NY responded that she had once done Cocaine in university.  NY claimed to have a degree in psychology, if I recall, but chose to follow in her father's profession of Property Manager.  Her dad owned his own plane, shared with a partner.  This was pleasant news since I'd had a commercial pilot's licence and pilots were generally reasonable people able to adapt quickly to challenging situations.  NY and I both also began our lives in Europe, I from Germany and she from the Ukraine.  Unfortunately, when we parted the coffee--she liking hers with milk and brown sugar--her delay in hurrying to her car seemed to suggest a stroll down Dunlop but the sight of her bell-bottoms caught under her own shoe and the feel of the cold coupled with the fresh air that marked the end to gruelling hours discussing nothing found me want to hurry away."

RH and NY were part of a group of friends.  Friends do things together.  But for Christmas Eve, 2011, NY asked RH to pick her up so that they two, alone, could attend a Christmas Eve special of a new church NY had discovered whose slogan, "church for the unchurched", she claimed to just love.  It was an interesting performance held at the Old Barrie Country Club.  The doors were closed promptly at the start and no further entrants permitted.  There was a live band while the audience sat and watched first one person, then two, then as many as the day for the song 12-days Of Christmas run down the aisle throwing small gifts into the audience!  RH received a palm-sized toy car, perfect for his son.

The next encounter was at the home of NY with C? and MW also in attendance.  NY suggested attending the Barrie Social Club's New Year's Eve social.  RH brought his sister and a friend from the college who had also been enrolled in the language-training course.  That evening, he gave everyone at the table a rose, and a long-stem blue one to NY.  If it was too much, NY gave not indication.  RH and NY danced together, just the two.  Before parting for the night, as the dance floor cleared out, NY commented to RH, to paraphrase, "I don't know about everyone else, but I'm not spending the night alone tonight."  RH thought nothing at all of the remark, since he too would be returning to someone whose love he did not yet realize.

In December, 2011, RH began The Barrie Area A Course In Miracles Study Group held Fridays at Positive Pathways.  MS had also registered to show support!  Decision was made with D?, owner of Positive Pathways, to offer the 2 hour Friday meets on a donation-only basis with material supplied to any who were new to the course or hadn't a copy to read.  The group met weekly until the end of June, 2012.  In the end, D? did not keep up her own end to supply RH half the donations to cover the cost of materials; a sad moment but not surprising since CofC had a larger financial partnership with D?.  At one point, during the group, however, D? shared a copy of what one of her young students had written repeatedly about in a journal: the student wrote about and drew pictures of disliking seeing her departed relatives come back, and the sorts of interactions she had with them.

In January, 2012, NY invited RH to her house for a beer or wine after his college class ended at 9.  He arrived around 9:30 pm and left around 11.  Near the end of the second glass of wine, RH heard a CRACK resonate from what seemed to be the air itself.  He asked NY, "What was that?"  On asking a second time, NY snapped out of whatever conversation she was continuing and responded, "Oh, I just love to argue."

The next day he received an email complaint from NY that he should know not to keep her up so late before a work day.  From the start, every encounter with NY seemed to involve a distinct feeling of unshakable awkwardness.  At first RH thought the email from NY to be a joke, but, then, on considering the lack of humorous context and only serious accusation, RH realized NY to be imagining something that wasn't true.  It had been SHE who invited HIM to her house the evening before work!

NY had also undertaken a Project Management course that required a significant amount of home study.  In one meeting at her house wherein MW was sharing the latest humour he'd discovered on youtube, NY complained of the lack of time in her day.  She was treasurer for CofC, trying to organize a Vegetarian Club on meetup (which RH as long-time vegetarian joined if only to virtually support), feeling obligated to attend church, and now asked whether she had time to help do such or such.  MW was editor or designer for the CofC Barrie website.  NY was under stress.  Sometimes the simplest solutions are right in front of us but it takes friends to point them out.  RH sent a polite and kindly-intended email calling NY a dumbass for undertaking a Project Management course and not being able to manage her own time well enough to study for it.  At her home a few days later, NY confirmed to RH that the email had made her laugh.

Nearly weekly outings to the Connexus church, inside the Cineplex in the south of Barrie at the time, continued with a further discussion at William's Café afterwards.  NY, MW, A?, C?, and RH were regulars.  As the church offered actually really fantastic kids play during the video-recorded services, RH invited a father of one of his son's friends, GL who also often attended.   GL and NY found a nice tie in common Etobicoke, Ontario, residence about at the same time.  C? regularly spent Saturday nights at NY's.  At William's one Sunday morning, NY suggested to those present that they embark to a Spa for a mini retreat.  RH, A?, GL, IS, MW were all in attendance.  When NY re-suggested the Spa date the idea was taken seriously.  A date was set for March.

From mid January until mid March, 2012, NY regularly complained of a stiff neck.  Consistency of life would see the concept of ACIM holography applied, but NY was convinced the daily Toronto commute was to blame.  Ironically, she also chose a car licence plate named after the highway she drove each day, but said it reminded her of Barrie since she only took the 400 N coming home.

RH met a mid February, 2012, snowstorm with the kindness-inspired thought to shovel the driveway for NY.  The storm had passed at the sun shone.  RH called NY to ensure permission.  RH then loaded the shovel from his mother's house into his mother's Mazda 3 and did his good deed.  The temperature was not uncomfortable, and NY stood outside taking a break from her study.  RH continued shovelling her neighbour's driveway.  Thereafter, NY invited RH inside, yet again, for a quick tea.  RH hadn't made plans to be gone long from his son, nor was he.

Over that February day-after-the-snowstorm tea with NY, RH heard NY share what she hated most about her body.  Websites have claimed that once a man knows what a girl hates most about her body, he holds her heart because he has her trust.  In this case, RH had never heard the term "keloid" before and attempted to see what NY was so upset about.  She claimed to have had the gross physical defect for nearly 2 years.  Sitting across from her at her dinning room table, she seemed to indicate the right side of her face, turning it ever more slightly as RH tried to see.  It was truly personal to her.

The email concerning the keloid should have been one of many submitted at the June 2014 trial, but that's jumping ahead.  RH had done a bit of quick research and discovered a simple holistic remedy and emailed it to NY, only to receive a short-tempered reply.  NY made it explicitly clear that her sharing something she didn't like about herself did NOT mean that she wanted help absolving herself of it.  At the trial, NY not only claimed, under oath, not ever to have email RH but also claimed absolutely no previous knowledge of the term "keloid", spelled phonetically K-E-Y-L-O-I-D by lawyer UK who cross-examined her.  That should be redressed.  Needless to say, RH had found the source of the enigmatic awkwardness felt in every singe encounter with this woman; it seemed to emanate from NY herself.

In March, 2012, NY had directly emailed RH asking whether RH could drive her the nearly one hour to the Blue Mountain Spa.  Having previously driven NY to or from Connexus on a number of occasions, as well as from CofC events such the monthly Spiritual Café nights, RH remembered only how much of a back-seat driver NY was, and how thorough she was at letting him know of her disapproval.  RH responded to her request with statement that, unlike an airplane, a car only has one steering wheel and that RH could not accommodate her request for that reason.  She never brought up the response, but drove MS in her own car, RH driving GL, on 28 March 2012.

At one Spiritual Café meet, a question was posed the crowd what luck met, since the word didn't occur at all in the Bible.  RH offered that luck was like having toilet paper when need arose, while being blessed was the inspiration guiding the memory to buy more when out and happening upon it at the supermarket.  All in the audience seemed to understand and accept the analogy: our eternal mind, its common spirit, is ever-present in a calm mind.  IS privately thanked RH for the remark with comment that she often worried about not having toilet paper in the house.

Meetings with NY, and the group of friends included several Barrie Social Club events such as Billiards, board games, and Euchre outings, as well as CofC sponsored events whether outside the apartment of MS and IS, or in, and yet sill more.  There was a CofC minister, D? from Newmarket, who arrived once to speak at the apartment of MS about A Course In Miracles!  MS had joined the Barrie Area ACIM Study Group to show support for RH, a normal sign of friendship.  MS had also once helped RH to move his motorcycle from storage in the middle of winter to his Mum's garage, and RH had helped a blind CofC friend move apartments with MS and others.  That friend had asked RH a question about knowing God.  RH answered simply, "Don't you see?  Everything can remind of God."

Any "One God" concept, especially the biblical one (Deut 6:4), is necessarily common to all.  That concept can neither be male or female, nor have any form at all, being ever-present as well as eternal, timeless, and unlimitedly forgiving.  A 2017 Facebook post clarifies also the idea of NOT needing to fear God:

End timeline to 31 March 2012.

A number of events came together at about the same time:

1.  A close and long-time female friend of RH, SF, from another country, shared over Google Talk that she'd changed her name to FS.  Phonetically, FS sounded the same as a personal name RH had called SF years earlier, but the shared meaning was quite different.  FS did not recall the original pet name.

2.  The second event had to do with tax time.  Tax-time was approaching; tax forms were due in by April 30th, 2012.  The year before, RH had offered participants of the college course a tax information session, but off campus to be sure students understood this was not advice from a tax professional nor something the college could support.  IS and MS had offered their CofC-subsidized apartment as venue.  The intent was simply to share information, honestly and freely.  Participants, all educated adults from foreign countries, could ask any tax-related question they liked in a comfortable enough atmosphere that RH had frequented both for personal (friendship and mutual marketing) and professional (CofC-religious) engagements.  Participants responded positively about the quasi workshop pot-luck dinner evening in 2011.  For tax time in 2012, IS approached RH with an idea.

IS mentioned to RH that MS had a friend planning to visit who could give tax advice.  She made it sound quite professional.  RH assumed it was similar to that of the year before, and thought nothing of it when IS said she and NY would be making sandwiches for the lunchtime Grove Park (retirement) Home meet.  IS extended an invitation to all students through RH, and RH in turn extended it to current and past students of the college course.  RH also then registered as a sign of support, and paid the $15 cover which made it only seem more legitimate.  IS did say they needed about 10 registrants before their "friend" would arrive to speak.

RH found out what the Saturday Good Sense (cents?) Workshop had been all about on the following Monday, in class, when he asked his students for feedback or tax saving ideas.  One student began, "Well, it wasn't really about tax advice.  It was about giving money to God."  RH was in shock.  It had been made clear to IS and MS that religion was not to be promoted in his college class, unless all religions were to be promoted equally.  How possibly could they justify that deception?

There seemed to have been something either lost in translation or intentionally hidden from RH about the workshop.  RH had never before even imagined a church claiming advocacy of One God (in their Bible, Deut 6:4) would or could create a workshop designed to convince already financially struggling individuals to give up 10% of their monthly wage via monthly automated bank withdrawals.  The term for this was "tithing"; a term which RH had also never heard nor its action previously thought possible.  To RH, tithing seemed oddly like paying a water bill, except this was directly paying for "God's Work" because somehow the Creator Of All wasn't able to sustain every part except with more stress to the individual praying for relief from stress with each of the monthly payments adding the stress.  Needing to convince people to donate; the idea was preposterous.  It seem utterly chaotic and completely illogical on so many levels, that hypnosis seemed to be the only aspect at which this church excelled, and their marketing for it was terrible if they had to lie to RH just to fill 10 seats.

RH began to realize more and more the worldly church relationships.  Church was a business.  All business relationships are centered about a self interest, and mutual self-interests meant greater business opportunity.  But Church, Church was the ultimate business where differences of beliefs require forgiveness and leaders are generally not questioned.  CofC was able to market that to which forgiveness leads as something to be paid for, to support the acquisition costs of a growing clientele--egotistically brilliant.

3.  Early in April before the Good Sense Budgeting Workshop of April 21st, about the time IS had approached RH to help spread word for it, RH received word that his Bachelor of Education program application to Lakehead University at Orillia had been denied.

The denial of the B. Ed program did not come as a surprise.  There had been discussion about his credentials, specifically, whether or not he had a Bachelor's degree.  The University of Wisconsin-Stout at Menomonie had accepted an 8-semester college diploma as degree-equivalent since that diploma also accompanied, in addition to coursework, at least 200 hours of flight-time, 1000+ hours of simulator time, and a multi-IFR commercial pilot's license.  The once-diploma course was turned into a degree-granting course shortly after RH graduated, accompanying courses RH had previously taken at the University of Waterloo in Ontario.  Nonetheless, RH did not technically have a Bachelor's degree, but does have more than its equivalent as well as an on-campus Master's degree in Education (that program, too, has since changed) and was then employed as a teacher at a college offering at minimum the 3-year Bachelor's degree that Lakehead requested RH obtain before re-applying--so perhaps RH could enrol in a course and be its teacher since he'd already taught it, twice?  For real?

4.  His time with college would end on 31 March 2013.  Backtracking to fill in history, the summer of 2011 the college had informed RH of a new requirement for language-training teachers: an ESL certification.  The schooling upgrade was offered at the same school RH had attended to obtain his pilot's license.  The choices were to commit 2 years of fulltime study, or 7 years of part-time study to continue as unionized but part-time contract-to-government-contract teacher for the current program, or leave.  His employer was supportive and re-iterated ability to retain RH as teacher so long as he would provide evidence of having enrolled in either program.

Everyone was polite at the college, and RH received an outstanding performance review in 2011.  Unfortunately, manger PW did not uphold commitment to provide RH written evidence.  RH received another outstanding review the summer to come (June of 2012).  RH had no intent to stay and would simply remain as long as possible since the money-per-time-for-effort ratio was the highest he'd yet attained, excluding the very brief period where he took in thousands and ten-thousands per week from the forex (stock) market in a greater lesson about the black hole called Greed.

Facing now what would likely be the final year at the college without providing evidence of enrolling into the ESL certification program, and having still no direction where to go after the contract termination date of 31 March 2013, matching the fiscal year, RH revisited his interests.

5.  His greatest interest was in building a school akin to that described by Jon Peniel in the book Children Of The Law Of One: Lost Teachings Of Atlantis.  He'd had that desire at the very least since awaking from a past-life regression conducted by a Dr. Bob Salt in Menomonie, Wisconsin, in 2001, though did not read the book until March of 2006.

In the regression to possibly a future date, there had been a dream-like vision of white buildings, a fairly large campus, the dark background, the rain and people running under it--many wearing face-masks like nurses and doctors have--a comet or something large in the sky, and a man with white hair squatting in front of one of the buildings who felt like the grandfather or was thought of as the father of the buildings but did not own them.  When the man in the dream looked up, it was like he looked right at RH, and RH felt himself connect to what seemed like a much later point in time.  By 2003, that idea turned into The Hugging Tree, incorporated in 2008 with intent to build a school.  But something had happened in 2006.

From marketing outings for the college 2009-2012, RH learned of charity entities whose function, and problem, was to give away money to causes their members supported.  The catch was that they could only give money to another registered charity.  RH looked into this, and discovered so charities actually accept money from others and pay out to non-charity entities for a nominal fee!  That may seem like mitigating madness but when there are people looking for tax-breaks by supporting areas of their own personal interest, and then are told there are rules to follow about giving away money just to save from giving it to their country as a whole, well....  RH decided an educational charity would make the best collection agency for the funding building an accredited high school-college would require, but the charity would also be legitimate.

RH had also been responsible for the design and printing of the college language-training marketing material, and for spending as much of the annual budget as possible to ensure no avoidable decrease to the budget the following year would be unnecessarily incurred.  Apparently RH wasn't the first to think of banking money from the previous budget as in-store ledger credit at a trusted printer shop.  At least one North York public school was doing the exact same at the very same small print shop RH was using!  Not only that, but already while RH was in high school, students were offered "buyouts" whereby the student could miss class without a note and partake in a school-sponsored event, for the nominal cost of whatever the buyout was.  School dances were generally $5, and anything from speeches to talent shows to live performers were $1 and up.  This caused RH to consider whether public schools couldn't be used to support a business model.

An educational charity, then, that entered high schools to offer students insight into their goals, the harmonious and disgruent aspects of goals, and the need for consistency coupled with habitualized tricks (like writing goals down) and ACIM principles seemed like a reasonable start.  Students would buyout into the workshop, and the manual for it could be endorsed by the school for upholding and instilling the 10 character traits that the local education board advertised teaching so much.  At the very least, part of the marketing budget could be used to supply students with a manual helping them remember the traits their parents saw everywhere on paper, but not always in actual behaviour at home.  The charity would further the work of A Course In Miracles, and the two would, could, should only support each other sharing the same goal: a charity to serve all, effectively, with applied oneness but not calling it by any unusual or exclusive name.

The intent was to make a marketing vehicle for the larger real-world venture of advertising and raising funds for the building of the school on a half-section (1mile by 1/2 mile) land in the foothills of the Canadian Rockies, west of Edmonton.  Talk To Dream (T2D) wouldn't need to stress over funds since the government, being rightly the provider of team-oriented understanding, would only need to use money left sitting in paper note-pad ledgers (in any number of places despite the auditing of budgets) for desired-goal-action-consistency workshops offered as buyouts to students with a T2D manual funded from foundations or charities to whose intents the manual would also easily be clearly identified to cater.  Alternatively, schools do have a budget for providing students with school-related necessary material.  Marketing would only need to target the people as a whole, with explanation of clear financial benefit to the government.

6.  A Course In Miracles (ACIM).  Since December 2011, RH had facilitated the Barrie Area A Course In Miracles Study Group.  Attending such a group is really to understand "A universal theology is impossible, but a universal experience is not only possible but necessary." (ACIM, C-in.2.)

The common misperception of ACIMers seemed to be "This world is not real.  I am God.  I need do nothing but forgive everything and everyone to know again that I am."

The error is simply that being ever-present is a real state, that eternity is real and HERE NOW--in the "as you do on Earth, so shall it be done in Heaven" very real sense!  This implies all in the world is merely a physical aspect of a common collective of unconscii that itself is inside one ubitiquitous Mind all minds think is attainable.  ACIM reminds that it is not attainable but that it awareness is with each now, literally, beckoning actively participating (active participation) sharing GENTLE understanding (corrective action) to the rest of us here as reminders for when we forget that we do really share just one eternal mind, no tithing needed.

ACIM teaches "Perception rests on choosing; knowledge does not.  Knowledge has but one law because it has but one Creator.  But this world has two who made it, and they do not see it as the same." (T-25.III.3).  Biblically, this is the same as saying where two agree for Our common self, heaven is in their midst: "Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven for where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." (Matthew 18:19-20).

When FS had shared news of her new name, a peculiar paragraph of ACIM T-30.I.17 rang through the mind of RH: "It needs but two to understand that they cannot decide alone, to guarantee the joy they asked for will be wholly shared.  For they have understood the basic law that makes decision powerful, and gives it all effects that it will ever have.  It needs but two.  These two are joined before there can be a decision."

That paragraph seems to directly contradict the ACIM M-12.1 question and answer: "How many teachers of God are needed to save the world?  The answer to this question is–one.  One [wholey] perfect teacher, whose learning is complete, suffices."

The only reconciliation, to ensure consistency of a course that "aims at a complete reversal of thought" (ACIM M-24.4.) FROM the eternally inconsistent state of absolute relativity in which we find ourselves, is to see others as our self, and focus on the common unseen self interest joining the least of any other (like fish with one eye on the world and the other on the common part.).

FS had simply said, RH, just follow your dreams and everything will work out.  Asked whether FS would be willing to join RH absolutely, her remaining doubt was expressed as "I have nothing." before she turned the question back to RH.  Their agreement projected the mind of RH into creative areas he could never have imagined alone.

Talk To Dream was formally submitted to the Canadian Charities Directorate on 5 May 2012.

In May, RH invited MS to guest lecture in the college class for his experience with the Barrie Toast Masters, to promote better speaking ability of the course participants.  He did this without official pay though RH provided $300 of Staples gift cards for the evening event.  PW, program manager (officially only its program co-ordinator so that the college could receive a higher budget, as the budget was adjusted according to the salaries of the individuals listed on paper in management positions), broke trust when she would not approve return of the nominal bursary from a course budget that had once paid an acquaintance of RH, Maria, known to RH for her Tarot card readings, $2000 for a 2.5 hour guest lecture in its first fiscal year.

MS had become a good friend over the past two years to RH.  IS, MS, and RH had had enough trust that IS would accept innocent offers of RH to drive IS the 1 km home in his little red Hyndai when, for example, she managed a walk to class through a construction site in high heels, likely a hand-me-down from NY.  IS and RH spent well over a dozen hour-long-or-more conversations in that car while MS was off to the United States at CofC subsidized schooling.  That could appear with duplicitous intent, but there simply wasn't any.  Another congregation member, and qualified minister like IS, BH, had made use of the car learning to drive standard.

MS, at the time, advertised himself not only as minister for CofC, but church builder.  IS, unpaid, had used RH as reference to obtain a position as sales clerk in Barrie, which she left soon after.  In her home country, she held a degree in Architecture.  RH had offered IS his college marketing ledger to obtain business cards and a copy of the college supplied Photoshop to assist with her stated desire to begin an at-home interior design business, but IS had yet to materialize action for her stated intent.

In June of 2012 there remained regular coffee-times at the Duckworth Street Tim Horton's between MS, IS, RH, and often NY, and others, C? and MW or BH, who was soon to be married and lived out of town but worked at the local Honda.  IS had once commented to RH at one Tim's meet, "same applies to all."  MS would shortly complain to his superiors, and the police, that RH often spoke in unintelligible pictures.

RH thought more and more about Talk To Dream, having already approached others, since a team was needed in order to submit an application to the Charities Directorate.  Another college course, again Business-focus, had begun, which RH was to teach until October when RH would next focus on the marketing and enrolment (including entrance screening of candidates) for the winter session.  Each course was 180 hours split over 5 months.  RH thought he had until March 31st to complete registry and lay the initial foundation for marketing Talk To Dream.

John had found the physics tutor through The Hugging Tree.  "How can we be talking about two different things at the same time?"  John asked one June evening, and then repeated, and repeated, and.  He eyed the younger tutor carefully.

His friend hadn't thought, he'd only been talking.  It was silly talk, the kind of serious-silly had under certain not negative influences.  Whether it was positive is up to you. John had listened to his friend complain about a girl for so long that he'd actually said, "You have me hate this girl so much that I want to hang her when I meet her and I don't even know her!"

For the past 8 months, RH had met his friend once or twice a week from about 9:30-11 pm after work.  RH had until about 11:30 or midnight before his son would awake the first time in the night, and if RH was beside him when his little foot reached out to feel if RH had come home, then all was well.

This particular evening's conversation had taken the mind into a new territory, the idea behind the symbolism of 3:7=7:3.  The understanding was evidenced when John stopped at the realization that two could see exactly eye-to-eye and continue each other's conversations on two levels of mind, in two minds, at once from the same one level of what could only be one mind shattering the concept of two thinking physical brains.

The principle of Talk To Dream is that consistency must same-apply to yield a state of constancy, which, when realized within the experience of one's own inner goals, thoughts or desires, allows effectively the same mind driving all minds to share inspiration without impedance, or blocks (ACIM T-int).

RH managed to disassociate from himself.  He then led RH to present John with a piece of writing, to use as trial.  The trial was a suggestion.  John's reply acted as confirmation: "I don't get it.  If you are who you’re implying, why does it sound so angry?  And, if you are, where are the miracles?"

No part of any text having laid the foundation of this story has been with intent for harm.  The mysterious anger is explained: if authors of fictional horror stories are able to detach from themselves and write a horrifically-sounding text while not with actual thoughts of harm to self or others, why would psychiatrists presume any other author having learned the same trick of detachment couldn’t use the same talent to write a story to unite others and heal the world of misunderstandings about mind?
The intent of the suggestion offered John was that RH was the second coming; the joke is the choice for wording that included linguistic features common to more than academia.  It was completely preposterous and something at which RH had only laughed while reading the writing his fingers were typing.  And this cannot be stated enough: the second coming is an AWARENESS that can (and MUST!) apply equally to all in time!  ACIM assures the silliness of the thought in T-4.IV.10.2, “The Second Coming of Christ means nothing more than the end of the ego's rule and the healing of the mind.”  However, John “remembered not to laugh [and] in his forgetting did the thought become a serious idea, and possible of both accomplishment and real effects” (ACIM T-27.VIII.7).  John eyed his friend suspiciously thereafter.

In June, RH had realized that Talk To Dream, as a charity, would need a real book in addition to a student manual.

The second performance review at the college was met with high regard, and the odd remark of manager PW, "You are very honest."  This time around, somewhat of a review was returned in writing, although more than a month after the fact and so general that it hardly encompassed the hour-long voluntary session.  Noted commitments of the college would rapidly change when RH was in serious need of their support.  Even the teacher's union in which RH was a member offered zero support.

In July, 2012, RH had commitment of at least four individuals for the project of building a school through Talk To Dream.  RH read online that publishers encouraged authors to have a marketing platform for their book to assist sales.  This idea was amalgamated into the goals of: "I Want The Peace Of God" (echoing the Kenneth Wapnik CD), building a school, writing a book, obtaining a bonafide PhD, and, above all, working with that three letter designator for that which none can understand, G-O-D, for common benefit of all.  According to consistency, all was possible so long as none impeded any other with respect to ability not timing.

With a book publishing contract secured, and the tentative title, The Choice Amidst The Argument In The Business Of Being Happy, emailed to acquaintances Gary and Cindy Renard, RH began to develop a global marketing platform.  He contacted KJ of CofC.

KJ and RH exchanged a number of emails, several dozen.  KJ was quite polite; however neither truly grasped the enormity of the project at that time.  As at the start, the idea of building trust is one that needs to be carefully considered.  It requires a tremendous amount of willingness and determination not to judge but to forgive.

Through KJ, the mind of RH opened grasping the world through her mental sight.  RH understood that it was possible to create a reality through suggestion, but suggestions used without equal application to all can only but deviate from the source of our ever-changing reality.  "Wide is the road that leadeth to perdition", so to speak.

Because of the nature of mind, and taking after the United States policy makers who advertise controversial orders such as the martial law part of Executive Order 13603 advertised on a Friday, RH sent suggestions to CofC on Fridays in August, 2012.

There was not yet a story to tell, merely suggestions to offer by which to construct a real story for peace.  Thus the title was really the whole of the story.  The choice was simply the offer of awareness that when one believes there is only right and wrong, there does remain The Choice to consider something "not wrong" as different from "right" but needing time to digest and additional information to understand.  RH stated intent of not denying anything written when he included media stations in his email offerings, the Friday emails any decent spam filter should have collected.

RH had suggested the idea of a formal peace-marketing partnership to a major international church, whose senior officials subsequently informed the local minister to contact the police. 

Two armed Barrie Police officers arrived the evening of August 31st, 2012, for a short discussion.  As RH opened the door to his mother's, one officer proceeded to step across the threshold requiring RH to take a step back.  Without thinking, RH gently raised his hand and actually placed it atop the chest armor of the officer, gently informing the officer that an open door to his mother's house, did not automatically give the officer permission to enter.  The report of that officer about the discussion had was accurate, honest, and to the point.  There was no mention of need for alarm, nor thought for safety concerns, which had been the primary objective for the officers to screen.

The following day, Saturday September 1st, 2012, two plain-clothed detectives arrived about noon with threats of arrest for the peacefully shared creative marketing venture.  Interestingly, one officer kept RH preoccupied outside of the house, while the other detective cited permission to enter on grounds of safety concerns for the child present in the home.  Her report described, rather inaccurately, what sounds like a poor-person's uninhabitable hovel by her standard, and with no food in the pantry to feed the child.  She did not mention the grocery store across the street, nor the fact that RH preferred to keep just a few day's supply in the house specifically to minimize clutter.  That the detective implied the child not to be cared for is oddly suspicious and was not known to RH until a year later.  The detectives made clear that an arrest would come if RH again contacted members of a church advocating a story that would show readers of the need to make peace, promote peace, and treat each other with respect.

The I Love Me Club met at the St. Vincent Street park that Sunday September 2nd.  RH attended with his son, and met GL and son.  GL asked RH what the name of that girl had been, the one from the church.  Wishing only to forget her, RH responded only "I don't remember."  RH met politician Joe Tascona that day.

The night of September 2nd, 2012, was long.  RH never made it to bed.  Instead, he thought over the idea for Talk To Dream, and the premise.  His knowledge could be summed up in a simple sentence:
“If all exists in one mind, then I am literally walking around in my unconscious calling myself conscious and have no guarantee that I will be any more conscious after my bodies dies.  Yet logic assures constancy exists.”

RH mustered courage.  At one point, he claims to have heard a booming voice coming seemingly from the air itself.  "Why do you doubt." it said.  The hairs all over the body of RH stood on end, goosebumps meant reassurance.

He gave all that he knew one more test.  Remembering the story of the boy in The Alchemist, he spoke in the words of Paulo Coelho, “Soul of the wind, take my hat from my head.”  Then he remembered wanting to take something from inside the house, and turned to get it when, smack, a low tree branch had scooped up his hat.  RH chuckled.  Of course an imaginable greater-awareness aspect of our one mind would use memory in ways RH could neither predict nor imagine.  He committed himself: “Universe, take this body and use it for that you know is best.  You know my heart and mind and together we can accomplish every not-exclusive goal.  I am yours.”

The night of September 2nd, the son of RH came downstairs too the cooler basement in which RH was typing.  RH was in tears.  He couldn't be around his son and show himself just crying to his son, believing he was doing something that could conceivably be termed "best for all".  His son said to him, "Papa, don't cry."  That was easily the single greatest saddest moment in this story for RH.  Everything after has been heartache, or anyache, but none the likes of that.
[for further interest in mutually exploring the unknown physical multi-mind, footnote]
The Education Master's thesis advisor for RH had been annoyed at the introduction of new words, so too had his own sister from the Sept 3 2012 piece, later posted to a blog advocating honesty as not like any other part of speech in the English language, but, rather, a combined verb-adverb-adjective entirely without a noun, explained in participles (heh, RH actually "heard" that word in the style of what Helen described for the ACIM voice): honing to the most honed = hone-sty, not the ugly home one imagines us heading to.  "What if Helen had a computer?  What could that voice accomplish with an internet connection?" (Ego addition:  Beieve it.  Edgar Cayce did, 80% that same-shared voice right there.  Harmonization:  The bible speaks of us as host-redeemer blends, implying our personal desire is to self-same hone back until constancy through the state of consistency in which both reside, namely, all duality on earth in the universe and back around again and again.)
[end for for further]

At about 6 a.m. on September 3rd, 2012, RH emailed a daring reply to the Barrie Police threat, to the church, the police, and, symbolically, Global News.  Ironically, his email address would later be blocked from the Barrie police server.

As that Monday was a holiday, a Labor Day, and there was no threat for harm of any kind (except perhaps to reputation, since the world rests its judgment on reputation), RH did not expect a police visit.  Instead, having taken the initiative, he walked to an area knowingly frequently patrolled, waited not 5 minutes, and approached an officer with a request to be arrested.  Already on that day, RH told police of his intent to unite the churches.  There exists a voice recording of the encounter, as well as the encounter of September 1st.

When the officer had told RH, "Ok, you're under arrest.", RH presumed he would be taken to the police station, complete some paperwork, and enter the formal court process?  RH really hadn’t imagined what would happen.   When the sergeant asked RH whether he would consent to a hospital check, RH presumed they would head to the station after the check.  The officer made absolutely no suggestion at any time that RH would not be taken to the police station to process the arrest.  RH had no way to know what would happen next.

RH was taken to Royal Victoria Hospital (RVH) in Barrie, Ontario, about about 9:30 am on September 3rd, 2012.  He was escorted into the hospital in handcuffs by four laughing police officers.  After an expedited triage process, he was placed into a white room with a bed and stand for a tray.  The voice was recorder which the officer had taken in the cruiser, and turned off, was placed on the tray.

RH had wanted to document the story, in the same way movie documentaries are made.  He would turn on the recorder, wait 5 minutes, then delete the file and try again.  After an hour he stopped.  Police officers could be seen across the hall through two big windows.  After some more time, one officer, Brett, entered the room to take the voice recorder.  Seeing the officer reach for it, RH did the same.  The recorder was knocked to the ground and the two raced after it into a corner.  RH was just about to pick up it when he received a strong elbow to his side.  Brett picked it up, looked at RH, and said, “No recording allowed.”

Physician Evans entered the bleak room and the story at some point near the end of the morning of September 3rd.  He asked questions and RH answered each honestly.  Questions about thoughts of self harm, harm to others, and general awareness of reality: "No thoughts of harm," and had the same awareness of reality RH had had when deciding what to do next for employment, or would have during the school bus-driver course days before his next birthday.  Mr. Evans also insisted on no recording, since is opinion was subjective, based on the hearsay rumours Barrie police found to be so amusing, and without need for concrete evidence of any kind.
At RVH on Sept. 3rd, there was absolutely nothing in the way of the physical examine RH had expected, until nurses came in and took blood without permission and in the face of direct and repeated objection!  RH wasn’t given a choice, he was held down by three nurses despite not physically but only verbally, and likely because he was verbally, protesting so as not to inflict unnecessary self-harm at the approaching needle from which there appeared no immanent means for escape.

Mr. Evans had arbitrarily deemed RH of harm to others or himself, owing to the hearsay that RH had threatened members of the church by emailing ideas for a non harmful marketing campaign?

RH never left the hospital that day, and never made it to the police station to begin a formal redress of the accusations against him.  Instead, Mr. Evans passed RH off to psychiatrist Liqat Ali.  LA hadn't time to meet with RH on the holiday.

September 4, 2012, marked the first encounter between LA and RH.  LA sat back in his chair, put his hands together in his lap, and looked at RH before slowly saying, "So... you think you're God."  RH hadn't at all realized anyone would take that from the outrageously limitless marketing campaign.  RH replied frankly, "If I were God, would I be sitting here under a lock and key which you direct?"  The conversation ended there.

LA refused to here a word RH was saying, or would try to say.  LA extended the original 72-hour hold to a 2 week incarceration and RH was referred to Ken Dover, a psychiatric patient advocate.  KD seemed, at the very least, interested.  He looked right at RH when RH spoke, and of his own accord remarked, "I hear LA doesn't really look people in the eye."  KD assured RH there would be a hearing to review the case.

At the hearing in September about a week after KD and RH met, three community members attended including Janice Laking, a staff laywer for RVH, and a senior psychiatrist.  Also in the room were RH, his legal aid lawyer David Northcott, and LA.  RH was explicitly told that his lawyer would speak for him but that RH would be given a chance to speak at the end of the round-table.  As the hour ended, everyone got up and left RH to raise his hand, "When do I get to speak?"

RH was new to the psychiatric defense process.  He’d never imagined a person is simply ignored in a what RVH advertises as a FAIR hearing if that person is designated as being with unrecognized mental illness (delusions of grandeur) merely for trying to talk to the mental professors that their concept of mind is limited and inherently incorrect.  RH chose to peacefully disagree and was tortured at RVH, according to the Criminal Code definition for Torture, for it.

RH assumed he would get a chance to speak in his own defense, as the lawyer for RVH had also indicated at the start.  Another form was signed and RH received an extension to his term of incarceration for allegations of a criminal offence.  Lawyers seem not to consider that criminal allegations used to support incarceration under psychiatric grounds should be addressed first in the criminal court system and then deferred to the hospital, because once in the hospital, there is no longer any opportunity at all to redress the real crime.

LA had quickly passed care of RH to the chief psychiatrist, Anjana Chawla, when RH refused to give up writing.  With the help of a friend, RH began sharing basic practices of RVH to the web.  Practices like nurse Nathan saying to RH, "You need to take this.  You should listen to your mother.  She wouldn't lie to you."  At one point RH waved his hand in front of Nurse Nathan for signs of life.  Nathan never looked up.

Closing note to all mental health nurses at RVH in 2012:
"I'm sorry, could you tell me exactly what these are supposed to fix instead my body if I understand that my mind, like yours, is an equally import part of a much greater concept we could call one mind, or god, or the universe, and that our minds can-and-do exist without our bodies also, not to mention that a small group of people have you convinced that I'm not a college teacher who was bed-buddies with a mental health nurse at the time the CofC church treasure NY contacted me for dates.  Dates that you believe never happened because she says so?  How about feeding her double what you’ve done!”

A second hearing was scheduled for the second form.  In those private patient-doctor sessions to follow, AC complained that she hadn’t the time to prepare for a meeting that would probably go the same as the first.  There was direct threat received from the chief psychiatrist in several ways.  She seemed self-convinced that she could enact the separation of RH from his son.  The first Children’s Aide Society (CAS) caseworker ended up quitting CAS.  The second one admitted, at a later date, that AC had indeed spoken both disrespectfully and inappropriately to RH.

After AC finished her opening threats of loss of custody, the remarkably untherapeutic sessions generally progressed through new or renewed complaints of some action of RH that intentionally blown so far out of proportion it would constitute perjury in courts of law.  One wonders why one would continue to pursue claims of mental illness when one needs to blow any portion of events out of proportion to justify the claim?  For example, her insistence that RH had “thrown himself in front of a police cruiser” and “wanted to be king of Barrie.”  Never mind the laughable Barrie Police attempt to accuse RH also of being a bomb threat, as if to further justify grounds for even having detained him in a hospital (and not jail where court would have been an option and the original accusations may have stood better chance for any hearing at all).

Church officials changed their story quite rapidly after RH decided to continue the Choose Your Own Fate real-life docu-story marketing Talk To Dream.  The church was in direct violation of its own Biblical teachings and presented a convincing counter story.  CofC detached itself from their treasurer and backed NY’s claim that RH had been obsessing about her since February of 2011, a full 16 months before RH had begun any emailing to the Kris Judd about partnership.  Their treasurer was no longer an official congregation member and the cited offense of offering partnership to the church became the criminal offense of contacting the former treasurer against her wishes in September 2012.

For the second hearing, AC hadn’t had her paperwork completed.  She took time at the start to submit what should have been done days in advance.  She then managed to convince the panel that the second hearing could serve as a combined hearing to both remove the right of RH to refuse treatment AND keep him further detained on grounds of criminal allegations and being of harm to the complainant of the allegation.  RH’s father attended and clapped with remark, “Great speech.”  He failed RH when he too took the side of the socially esteemed authority figures who can neither tell us how or why we must ultimately share one mind in the end, nor that that one mind must originate a common underscoring singular moral for all.

The first psychiatrist RH met, Liaqat Ali, insisted RH claimed to be God.  RH corrected the first and found himself turned over to the second, Anjana Chawla.  Ms. Chawla continued to deny RH the normal right to a trial and claimed RH to be love obsessed about the treasure whose claims RH was not permitted to redress, and that RH was unaware of the presence of mental illness.  RH kept writing about all that he witnessed in the lock-down mental health ward at RVH and, with the help of friends, published his writings on a blog.  Writings sharing, for example, that one patient, Stephanie Theresa Holts (23 July 1990? - Nov. 2012), was admitted by Barrie police in handcuffs with crack paraphernalia still on her person!  Stephanie feared staff at RVH so much so that RH simply accepted responsibility for it and managed to get it off the ward not through the trash.  Thereafter, nurses then tried to attribute a secret cocaine addition to RH.  It’s a sad day when nurses and doctors cannot be trusted to remember their oath.

The legal system of Ontario, Canada, that RH had entered seemed impossible and surreal.  RH was now forcibly injected still without a trail for the criminal offence allegations.  He was forced to yield because he was making a stand against pills for mental health in substitute of a normal conversation to work out logical inconsistencies and explore for teamwork potential according to the ACIM way.

A third hearing was scheduled for the new month-long form AC had enacted after the second.  However, AC then suggested that if RH were to submit himself willingly to her, despite already being forcibly injected and without her removing the order for forced injections, she would consider the release of RH.  Such a submission, she said, would not include another hearing of RH.  Thus was the request for the third hearing retracted in spite of the check box on the retraction paper that was to ensure that it not be retracted for any side bargains a psychiatrist might try to suggest.  It is a game of mental manipulation.

Halloween was nearing.  RH asked his mother whether she would take his son out.  His mother replied negatively, fearing a forecast for slight rain.  RH asked AC whether she would discharge him in time to take his son out for the Halloween walk.  AC originally repeatedly declined, but then came around to such degree that she took full credit for the idea and stated it as being the deciding factor to release RH, on humanitarian grounds?

RH remained locked inside RVH just long enough to allow Anjana Chawla to place him under a community treatment order for continued forced injections.  If he did not comply, Barrie police would simply pick him up and drop him back off at RVH.  However, there was nothing AC could do to prevent RH from continuing to write.  Before the Halloween 2012 release, AC had already suggested to RH that she would remove the order for forced injections if RH took down a the current blog of defame against her.  She stated RH to be breaking the law by defaming her, but RH was in fact permitted to defame her only under the one true condition that every thing written was absolutely true, without exaggeration, and served to redress a greater crime, namely, the total lack of hearing STILL being served RH.

The second lawyer for RH, F?, complimented him on the quick removal of the treatment order.  Ms. Chawla had actually committed the criminal offense of bribery in the agreement that RH lower the blog of defamatory hospital processes in exchange for total absolve of treatments that Ms. Chawla had just 2 weeks earlier claimed would likely be needed at least 6 months to a year before improvement would be made noticeable.

Interesting, The Criminal Code Of Canada, the brown hard-cover version found in the Barrie Courthouse, states a hospitalization such as that RH incurred is included in the definition for being jailed or in prision:

[more to be added]
[This updated version dated November 5, 2017--not yet altered.  Will swap initials for names next.]


Rene definitely does not like puzzles.  Instructions make far more sense when spelled out.  The idea of opposites can't exist at precisely the real-time point.  And, since there are lots of churches around, Rene contacted a church and asked them if they wanted to partner in their marketing endeavours for one linking God.

Rene realized that with each one is what churches call this spirit, this wholey-echoing reminder, and that also precisely partakes in the writing of ideas for the environments we support.  This means, at a very core part of each of us, we are actually really the same being, and we sort of long to continue to express being of one same family in familiar relationships. 

There is not force and misunderstanding when logical text is read emotionally.

That ultimately means that each of us is only ever arguing about our very own concepts for honesty, and ideas that more than one kind of honesty can exist.

It also means that the whole of every legal argument on the face of any planet can be engulfed into one superseding argument seeking to remind of peaceful negotiations.

This in turn means that we do not recognize the biblical Holy Ghost within us, and that it is literally calling to each of us all the time but that we have a free-will choice to choose when we would like to work with it.  This must happen when we decide we want to work together as one global true-family team.

And that means, memories are visions and vice verse, made in the real-time by a process of thinking generally unknown because, well, we haven't every been really taught to consider how even we work our bodies as avatars, to paraphrase Jesus from 2000 years ago?

Halloween 2017::
by Rene

a neat little thing about holography.

The tipsy thing.

In a universe of many things

that rest atop an unchanging

meaning behind all cymbols

such as falling over

to tip over

to be not at center

to be able to identify center

where wants are choices

and decisions made.

Be sober.

[after a day at work--where the computer oddly quit]

One reader response:
Ohh, the Ego speaks first and love fallows it ever after... now I get it--that's why, "be sober."  That's deep, man.

Why do you seem to be more focused on external change than internal change?

The answer is simple, if it can be accepted.  The inner and outer are actually the same, but not understandably.  This is shared by A Course In Miracles (ACIM) in Gary Renard’s Immortal Reality at about p. 161, “When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner, and the upper like the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one, so the male will not be male and the female will not be female... then you will enter the Kingdom.”, with emphasis that “the Kingdom” is an awareness of our eternal reality in any mind and not a physical place.

List of qualified nominators for the Nobel Peace Prize
. Members of national assemblies and national governments (cabinet members/ministers) of sovereign states as well as current heads of states
. Members of The International Court of Justice in The Hague and The Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague
. Members of Institut de Droit International
. University professors, professors emeriti and associate professors of history, social sciences, law, philosophy, theology, and religion; university rectors and university directors (or their equivalents); directors of peace research institutes and foreign policy institutes
. Persons who have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
. Members of the main board of directors or its equivalent for organizations that have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
. Current and former members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee (proposals by current members of the Committee to be submitted no later than at the first meeting of the Committee after 1 February)
. Former advisers to the Norwegian Nobel Committee

Updated 18 Dec 2017
20171215 to the pope.doc <-- Different, submitted online Dec 15, 2017

Kind St. Francis,

This note is literally and figuratively politically correct and should therefore legally be read without emotion at mis-perceived errors that can't exist in a truly correct document.

Read the greater contextual implications of marketing this inside a book designed to self-market for The Nobel Peace Prize.

Gary Renard, in his intended Official introduction to the NYC Columbia University Team A Course In Miracles (ref project, and Edgar Cayce, whose content is mostly in accord with according to Helen Schucman and William Thetford, Professors of Medical Psychology at Columbia University's College of Physicians and Surgeons, both eluded to the fact that Mary, mother of Jesus, your cornerstone, couldn't possibly have been a virgin.

The logic is simple.

If a Deuteronomy 6:4..., using the King James version of The Holy Bible:
6:4 Hear, O Israel:
The LORD our God is one LORD: 6:5 And thou
shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine
heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy
might. 6:6 And these words, which I command
thee this day, shall be in thine heart: 6:7 And
thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy
children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest
in thine house, and when thou walkest by the
way, and when thou liest down, and when thou
risest up.

is at all to be trusted, well, then God must exist as a logically singular quantum event that is and shall forever be also a real-time event (to use modern scientific terms for your "one god" philosophy).  In laymen's terms, "God must apply equally to all, all the time" so that the unlimited-multi-an-verse constantly retains the singular law of constancy, which states, "consistency of law, effectively internal desires, must same-apply to all, if internal desires drive causes for actions in the world of perceiving events--any ever-changing relatity[sp signifying unmon(m=111=ii) of both in previously unconsidered more-singular way]."

This/That all means that such a sentience, truly beyond knowing by any "finite" mind (ref, is... well... beyond knowing.

This means that visions given 2000 years in advance aren't always accurate, but could be more like dreams.  Now, if we consider what Elsie SeChrist says in Dreams: Your Magic Mirror, using Edgar Cayce again as a mild lean-on, we'll see that dreams are really sort of like looking into, well, a magic mirror.

That means dreams can actually predict, or, better, foreshadow a most-probable outcome that grows in intensity for its own ability to be mentally 'previewed' as most-likely, a bit of a glimps into possible future scenarios (to use those science-business terms again).

$talk2dream enjoyed your cover on Time Magazine in... 2015 when we were in jail for that common #onegod of ours.  You looked nice, all in white, with four black-apparel men like henchmen at your side.

So, shall we speak about a sustaining world peace then?  Because, biblically, it does say both sides can work miracles, and (those shmart Columbia U profs) have written that a state of unity does empower both sides FOR PEACEFUL PARTNERSHIP.

Biblically, that's a "you with or against us?"

#funfact.1: Cayce On Atlantis gives the dates of the biblical Nephlim (giants) as 20,000 to 250,000 BC and that we really did live to be 1000 or more years old, and eludes how.

This has been a nightmare.  The Happy Dream only exists in a state of "together-without-force-of-will", which so far has been hard pressed to find.  Does any part of our body make our thinking, or does thinking start from someplace that isn't physical?

The question is not new.  In fact, it's the same one Stephen Hawking solved when he realized the origin of time can be expressed as a singular linear equation, 1=11, and soft scientists understood when they realized mind, to contain the function of memory, must exist also apart from linearly0extending physical concepts for reality.

The question thus truly becomes, "Is telepathy possible?"  ... and we have leading research scientists able to offer a worldwide course specifically designed to help us robot-like avatars better plug in?  ... welcome to our future collective being, "resistance is futile--you will be assimilated"?  ... wholey echo, re-phrase the #ACIM "it takes but two" true-family question again? ... do we share a common reality, at all anywhere where, where we need to think alike?  ... a teamwork place?

The answer is yes, but we have to be willing to share and to that extent of that idea only (not the physical because bodies cannot truly join and so there is lack here possible).

This brings to mind concept of workplace unions in Canada, where dues are paid for services often unknown and usually not applied once qualifying events have occurred as facts.  This concept of union is in need of correction according to A Course In Miracles because, to pay for a service and not be told of it or have it in place automatically is against the law of One God both Deuteronomy (in the church collection of 66 books available at nearly every pew, 6:4) as well as pretty much every major religion on Earth advocate.  For this reason does the Honest Union exist.

Kenneth Wapnick, foremost teacher of #acim, was instructed to avoid Canada nearing the end of his life. is marketing for the funding to establish The Sustainability School with the idea of all that Kenneth Wapnick represents.

Why did Gary Renard (author of Disappearance Of The Universe--the intended introduction to ACIM) tell Gabriela Isle that Ken was told to stay out of Canada 2007-2012?

We agree it takes a team to work together, and the business of churches to be founded upon the most fundamental and innate forms of teamwork known to every culture across the world as "true family", where "true|" means "real|time", and "|", "such that" , and "}".  That really just defines linear time for whoever wants to really think about it.

In the 1960s and '70s, a team of research scientists and professors, literally prestigious teachers of today's outstanding NYC Columbia University production, proposed a post-doctoral course to the globalizing economies.  They wrote three volumes, a Text, a Workbook, and The Manual For Teachers, recently available as one first-combined edition.  They called it A Course In Miracles.  Here is a summary of what they left the Norwegian Nobel Council also to consider:

Your faith is placed in the most trivial and insane symbols; pills, money, "protective" clothing, influence, prestige, being liked, knowing the "right" people, and an endless list of forms of nothingness that you endow with magical powers.

The body in the service of the ego can hurt other bodies, but this cannot occur unless the body has already been confused with the mind.  This situation, too, can be used either for healing or for magic, but you must remember that magic always involves the belief that healing is harmful.  This belief is its totally insane premise, and so it proceeds accordingly.

Healing perceives nothing in the healer that everyone else does not share with him.  Magic always sees something "special" in the healer, which he believes he can offer as a gift to someone who does not have it.  He may believe that the gift comes from God to him, but it is quite evident that he does not understand God if he thinks he has something that others lack.

Can you find light by analyzing darkness, as the psychotherapist does, or like the theologian, by acknowledging darkness in yourself and looking for a distant light to remove it, while emphasizing the distance?  Healing is not mysterious.  Nothing will change unless it is understood, since light is understanding.  A "miserable sinner" cannot be healed without magic, nor can an "unimportant mind" esteem itself without magic.

It may help someone to point out where he is heading, but the point is lost unless he is also helped to change his direction.  The unhealed healer cannot do this for him, since he cannot do it for himself.  The only meaningful contribution the healer can make is to present an example of one whose direction has been changed for him, and who no longer believes in nightmares of any kind. 

A therapist does not heal; he lets healing be.  He can point to darkness but he cannot bring light of himself, for light is not of him.  Yet, being for him, it must also be for his patient.

> The Honest Union supporting the global bottom-line principal of need for a sustainable future including:

1.      Google
2.      Talk To Dream
3.      Agni Devil Sticks

(will revise with names)
Initials, approx age at the end of 2011
RH, male, 34, Rene
MS, male, 34, Matthew
IS, female, 29, Irina
NY, female, 29, Natalie
C?, male, 34, Christ
T?, male, 34, Terry(sp?)
BH, male, 24, Bryce
MW, male, 24, Mike
A?, female, 33, Angela
GL, male, 34, Grant
KJ, female, 40s, Kris
JS, male, mid 40s, John

The Government Of Ontario, Canada Grounds:
Check the public records to verify any part of the contents of this story from The City Of Barrie courthouse in Canada, or any other named institution or individual account under a 99.999% reliable lie-detector test: the versions of multiple accounts on the record and remember to look for actual actions, because they speak so much louder than words.
#acim Grounds:
no formal acknowledgement of sustainability partnership in the name of whatever they advertise for our sustainable future while only advertising for the work of Helen and Bill and not the extension of the incipient idea.
#facebook Grounds:
No offer to correct the name or account of the disabled Facebook page having attempted to market Talk To Dream in September 2017.  Ultimately that one is expected to read their full long boring policy and terms without being trusted to innate understand a same common foundation available to all in a real-time sense, which would normally require Facebook to clear any chance for misunderstanding about the terms for which they reserve express right to randomly change before disabling an account for non-complience without ensuring the user to have been caught up on their version of "best common law practice for all".  I.e., Facebook has demonstrated itself not to reciprocate willingness to explore chance for a misunderstanding, thus they are immoral.  They can always contact for chance to be bumped from this list but it'll take some innate control-issue corporate structure changes at their head office, for whom it lies in the lay.  Recall the overpriced initial IPO of this one.

There exists a school that programs, from kindergarten age up, kids with the idea that God wants them to blow themselves up in what name?  This was on VICE and public TV in Canada
and the governments of the world are doing what to abate terror?  In the same video, we see the same kid who had previously been caught after a publicly intended bomb malfunctioned and was released because he was a kid with a "tisk tisk, here have an hour of counselling for the years of mental programming."

There exists public advertisement of individuals have public sex, at other times soliciting the public and taking it indoors, individuals and groups of individuals numbering up to or over 100 per day, who engage in sex acts without any protection whatsoever.  Now, on the surface, this means nothing.  But, the two individuals soliciting for other individuals to join with them in advertising their affairs, and ultimately expressing the desire of doing it too according to that linear secret, with... open soars, fairly large noticeable genital warts, and truly absolutely the cocktail of every STD know to the human species to make for like the worst possible mix of a virus when the differing virus in those hosts have their clockwork synchronized.  But, dear God, the do not tell the 100+ people they #kcuf in a day.  Link provided on request and with proof of age and intent, which must be stated with the request, or the response shall be automatically negated if it is received. 

This is not and cannot be sustainable to any concept of sustainability involving common health.  As a result, a college professor entered a collaborative partnership to explore the concept of true sustainability more thoroughly.  The story is as follows.  A request for funding with intent to be awarded The Nobel Peace prize among The Sustainability School marketing for which #talk2dream entered into partnership with The Hugging Tree in 2012 should be duly noted, and with great appreciation from all partners included.

> (not the .com):



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