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The School For Students

The School For Students

This is a marvelous idea

Let's pay students to learn!

After all, time is money,

and none has money to burn.

Where will the money come from?

Well, who keeps remaking It?

It's always some government.

In the end, but--love shines through.

So listen up parents!

Listen up dears!

Come practice Real Life

At The School For Students!

For the most busy ones,

And the Korean ones,

and the ones that just think 'No.'

There IS another way.

The idea for a school in Western Canada began in 2001.  In 2012, a marketing vehical called Talk To Dream (T2D) was developed.  Talk2Dream was developed after research into the best way to publish and sell a book found that publishing houses were more likely to consider a book with established marketing base (platform, i.e. audience, like regular guest speakers such as Cindy and Gary Renard have).  The idea for a book therefore should include the market base, and cater to an existing one.  

The marketing platform is served by a manual to share with high school students about dream accomplishment paid for by the students as a class buyout, or by the school from a budget for noteworthy causes.  The manual would be similar to, but shorter than, the Good Sense Budgeting workbook of the Mormon Community Of Christ (disreputable church... see info at  

The current market-to-reach is all the people who pay or evade government taxes, who actually want to do something to fix/better this tilted global monetary system.

Since, the government of Taiwan should begin to listen when more and more students join The Church For Students (including A Course In Miracles students,, but not limited to them) because a school in the politically asunder country of Canada is not yet possible.  The Taiwan government would simply need to ask, did the about really happen?

and for that we need a louder Voice, a larger conglomerate collection of voices actually being paid a real wage to listen, learn, and do with harm to none always.

So, parents, students, educators, and decision-makers, here's the deal.  The School For Students will need to start as a church, for purely political reasons.  Membership in The Church (Of One Law) For Students shall be pro-rated according to attention time and interest.

This is a partial schedule of what the student can expect to earn:
:250nT paid per hour: High interest and attention
:50 nT donated once: Low interest and a raised eyebrow.


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