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#talk2dream_To: Leadership and expertise of McDonald's Corporation trademarked RMHC

Ideas just sort of develop...


This page is a STUB (=temporary) until funding for further translation, copy, and editting, of the most far reaching sustainability concept is received.


In 2012 something happened.  This writer was working as a college professor at... (ORG)

"How did this guy stay off of medicine?

Oh, that is actually easy.  The principle is the same as that for to be linked to a petition to the Gov. General Of Canada--you're reading this because you've been drawn here for your sense of vision... so think uNLIMITED!).  It's simply that the underlying law is always for communicating.  Being willing to always hear, even at night in "sleep", is evidence only to self, same-self, that self is talking to self, given eternity.  See?  So inspiration, or what the West calls it, anyway, can come in pictures, or whatever.  So one naturally wants it, to hear, or to just work things out... sorta mentally.  Like a logic problem (that doesn't really exist, and won't once everything's worked out, given eternity--see


I have nothing left but to defend for my reputation.

We think too long "if it's bad, we don't need to face it because if it's good, it'll out last us"--while something really REALLY great for us is scratching at the glass ceiling there beneath telling us "It's no big deal if you've been bad."

At the top, we walk a very tight line with our words in print.  We know what to say, when to say it, and what very much NOT to say.  But we do not know what it means to speak with inspiration.  Imagine Jesus at a keyboard today.  Think we hate the guy so much to want to even repress the gospel songs on the airwaves when we're driving channel flicking for something upbeat?  The guy was a visionary.  It's that simple.  At his awareness, IQ becomes irrelevant because the ability to pass Mensa tests with a perfect score (without reading the test) actually becomes a physical-word choice (or, at least, it did for this writer?  And there's definitely a physical-world pun in there for A Course In Miracles students!).

There is already a book in place for all that this blog could ever help accomplish in print.  This blog, this idea petition, story, marriage, work, teaching-to-unite-for-plain-sustainability-of-self, is applied.  The book is A Course In Miracles.  It was written by the teachers of medial doctors who have become modern day psychiatrists.  It's not that old, but old enough to be in about 40 different languages.  See
Anyway, the book says it can happen to any person alive.  The person just has to "want" it enough.  That means a partnership forms.  And the person gives himself over to what the course calls "another way" every more slowly but increasingly with recognition of the trust that underscores every argument known to man.  So... as trust builds, so can accomplishment, in worldly matters.  And if 100% trust is equivalent to the "Jesus" level of IQ, given the churches preaching HIS name, what could one such as He, having digested ACIM and chosen simply to want... more?  Well...

Here is the unforgettable story of the first clown to dared challenge the system as a whole, and, well, it should really be re-written with actual names (not just initials) and more references to funnier things like patients having sex in mental wards, but, well, it's real life anyway, and the public love that stuff.  Ya?


Fellow Visionaries,

It has accurately been said, "Under the bottom line is the place of trust from which reassurance springs to ever prevent the bottom-most line from breaking."

The bottom most line is always just about advertisement.  We are charged with the care of our planet.  The "now" care, and the future care... the care extended from all that we know now in that visionary perspective of global thinkers.  And in that way, are we charged with defining honesty.  It is in our interest to support, on pure concept grounds for the need of a sustainable sustainability concept, the idea of an honest bottom line that is eternally reassured (to be able to encompass all religious views arguing for such).

[to be edited and sent to some of you].

If you have any partnering ideas, send us a line?

[explain in brief the round, and the reputation.]

[the rest below is copied from the link ]
The idea to google and direct-market to such agencies has occurred, and will be assigned staff with funding once provided or made available.  There are also the online funding requestion application and the petition that still need creating.

Sheila Musolino
President and CEO, Ronald McDonald House Charities
Steven M. Ramirez 
Board Chair, Ronald McDonald House Charities
Licensee, McDonald’s USA, LLC
Jeffrey M. Davis
Global Oracle Service Line Leader of Deloitte Consulting
Alex Dimitrief
Senior Vice President and General Counsel of General Electric
Steve Easterbrook
President & CEO, McDonald's Corporation
Jan Fields
Former President of McDonald’s USA
Javier C. Goizueta
Vice President, The Coca-Cola Company, and President, McDonald's Division Worldwide
Ginger Hardage
Retired Sr. Vice President Culture and Communications for Southwest Airlines
Alan A. Harris, M.D.
Senior Assistant Chairman, Professor of Medicine
Hospital Epidemiologist, Department of Internal Medicine/Infectious Disease
Rush University Medical Center
David C. Herman, M.D.
CEO, Essentia Health
Enrique Hernandez, Jr.
Chairman of the Board of McDonald’s Corporation President and Chief Executive Officer of Inter-Con Security Systems, Inc.

Fred Huebner
Licensee, McDonald's USA, LLC
Sheldon Lavin
Chairman and CEO, OSI Group, LLC
Mats Lederhausen
Founder and CEO, BE-CAUSE, LLC

Andrew J. McKenna
Chair, McDonald’s Corporation
Chair, Schwarz Supply Source
Grace Fung Oei
Retired, Vice Chairman, Corporate and Institutional Clients, Standard Chartered Bank (HK) Limited 
Theodore F. Perlman
Founder, The HAVI Group, LP
J. Christopher Reyes
Co-Chairman, Reyes Holdings, LLC
Chairman, The Martin-Brower Company, LLC
Alex Rodriguez
Licensee, McDonald's USA, LLC
Eduardo Sanchez
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Lopez Foods, Inc.
Stuart E. Siegel, M.D. 
Director, Children’s Center for Global Health, Childrens Hospital Los Angeles
Co-Medical Director, Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Program Norris/University of Southern California Comprehensive Cancer Center
Professor of Pediatrics and Medicine, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California
Gay Simplot
Director and Member Executive Committee, J. R. Simplot Company
Michelle M. Stephenson, DNP, RN, NEA-BC
Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer, Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago
Wayne Stingley
Licensee, McDonald's USA, LLC
James D. Watkins
Chairman, J.D. Watkins Enterprise, Inc.
Vice President, Ronald McDonald House Charities
Sheila J. Musolino, President and CEO
Steven M. Ramirez, Chairman of the Board
James Watkins, Vice President
Adele Jamieson, Secretary
Spero Droulias, Treasurer
Stacey Bifero, Controller
Janet Burton, Chief Field Operations Officer
Jennifer Blanchard Smith, Chief Marketing Officer
Life Trustees
Linda H. Dunham
Audrey E. Evans, MD
Don Lubin
Edward Rensi
Paul D. Schrage
Michael R. Quinlan
RMHC Board of Trustees Policies:  


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