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Hi Deborah, and friends. 

Thanks for sticking with our us.  It's been a rough transition.  It's literally like becoming mentally clearer and clearer.  At first I wasn't sure how the typing worked.  All I knew for sure is that it was harmless with intent because I was typing to read it and I was laughing?  Ok... that my was own unwinding too.  A bit extreme on the ranges of things, actually, literally by definition.

So here we go.  It's that time.  This Lifetime, quote us in Gary's DU.  For other crowds, one could say, we're using Asia to take sense into Canada after the U.S.-Canada bailouts in 2008 dumped a load of excess stress on the carry-over systems of far-away-as-U.S-And-Canada-could (Asia)... to counter-balance an otherwise eternally stinking ship, the whole of the universe, in a glimpse.  It becomes a blinding column of light.  But it is the overpowering feeling that draws one ever kneer, and whence did Rene Helmerichs arrive but in March of 2006, after overcoming his own last forgiveness less at a broken foot in a motorcycle accident that was of no "technical" fault his own.  After that there were minor ones, but each accompanied understanding so as not even to be able to notice it as a "forgiveness lesson".  And that sums up pretty much the whole of our book, A Course In Miracles.

You are it's Official Keepers, and Talk To Dream is bartering for the funds to build an accredited school for us.

Here's the thing.

Miracles depend directly on "us"-power, that behind the concept of togetherness, but for each collective unconscious pocket of mistaken anomaly identification.  Think aliens haven't landed?  Rene wrote about it someplace recently... ah, the second version of the Cisco Solution 2018 application, which legally binds us to knowing that the government ought to for sure already know, and therefore it won't matter how many people hit the "report" button of this post instead of the "share" button FIRST.


So, about aliens?  Moses followed a cloud.  Says so in Exodus 40:36, if memory serves.  Last paragraph of the book of Exodus in the Holy (correctly spelled "wholey") Bible.  Such a same object able to manipulate the water-stuff, thus parting puddles during the long hike of sinking Atlantis about 20,000 ago (adding Edgar Evans Cayce reference for time period in Cayce On Atlantis)... is written about by Susan Michaels in the red-cover Sightings: UFOs book, complete with transcripts from two U.S. military towers.

Oh, and the Virgin Mary?

Ya, that one was a lie.  Santa Claus is more real than the story of Jesus' mom having been a vigin.  She was an essene temple girl, wasn't she?  Temple girls were used to get pregnant and whose seed didn't matter.  Only kindness and mutual respect matter.  It was so more evolved that things are today, but that's only because the school in the Himalayas, actually the eastern Chinese side I discovered according to Jon Peniel, anyway... there is history to patch and work to do.

A miracle saves both time.  Let us work together.  We need to get this public.  Please.


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