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Showing posts from February, 2018

20180226 Personal To Clare Chiang of Kidsland Kindergarten

^ Hi Clare, A person note. Clare, I've completed my story in an easy-read format that tells only facts.  My target is Canada .  I've always told you I am writing a book to raise the money to build a school.  Canada will simply not be able to pay me enough for the time I have spent at the book.  It directly names 9 doctors and at least 5 lawyers in the first 12 or so pages.  It is currently being translated by three translators which I have already paid into Chinese and two other languages. Canada is just waking right now as we speak.  Social media (facebook, etc.) allows me to send direct public messages to news agencies in Canada .  I have already made the news in Taiwan and I do know (and have received direct confirmation) that I have the support of the national Taiwan government. I won't need to take you or any manager at Kidsland to court.  ...

20180223 Starlog day wrap and odd dream recount

Just awoke.  Late to write the dream by a few minutes. Was in the future.  A time when we had just achieved the technology to leave the planet to parallel worlds.  Fear of the people on our planet toward us, so clearly we were divided in two principal groups, had reached a critical point.  At first the technology was applauded.  As word spread about it, fear grew.  We had no choice but to flee.  We picked worlds that seemed safe.  We had the ability to scan for suitable ones, and find them again.  We didn't all leave to the same one.  Some people were less fortunate in their choosing.  It was like we made colonies onto planets of which we had no idea what else lived there.  Relative to the worlds we moved to, we were the more technologically advanced, but we were limited in that we brought with us.  One world had electricity to charge a phone.  That only beckoned the question, from whence did that come?  The...

@Kidsland foreigners

^  (Global petition FOR same-honesty!) 致所有在台灣任何地方工作的員工,特別是外籍人士@Kidsland Kindergarten( (以下英文) 台灣一所私立學校僱用了我。 他們給了我更多的錢。 他們給了我一個更長的合同。 他們讓我為他們撒謊。 他們改變了我的工作時間來幫助我。 他們給了我更多的休息日免費。 他們這樣做了,所以沒有其他的學校老師會知道。 然後他們解僱我。 他們解雇了我,因為父母信任我。 我信任我的學生的父母。 我想讓學校告訴父母我在監獄裡。 我在加拿大監獄三年。 我沒有做錯什麼。 我給一個教會發了電子郵件。 我問教堂尋求幫助。 教堂叫警察。 警方告訴我,如果我發送更多電子郵件,他們會逮捕我。 我是老師。 我想到了警方的問題。 警察很骯髒。 警察喜歡錢。 我正在寫一本書。 我正在把這本書送走。 你可以在http://talktodream.at找到這本書 它在http://talk2dream.com上向警方出售請願書 我只能做廣告,因為我沒有做錯任何事。 或者警察會再次逮捕我。 醫生們會再次注射我。 您需要提供給任何律師的每個鏈接都在http://talktodream.vegas的.pdf文件中。 讓我們站在一起。 我可以幫助你在工作中獲得公平的合同。 我可以幫你簡單地說話。 與我交談夢想要幫助你。 Rene Helmerichs <-- .pdf download with LINE QR AND Taiwan ARC there To all staff working anywhere in Taiwan , especially foreigners @Kidsland Kindergarten ( ) A private school in Taiwan hired me. They paid me more money. They gave me a lo...


^http:// ".doc": d/1ZKgrjF6TxRuzTOodoKPZ75G9- PyqPC0r/view?usp=sharing ישראל היקרה, אתה חושב שזה לא קרה. יש שיאמרו, "זה כל ראיות נסיבתיות", וזה אותו דבר כמו אומר שזה הגיוני ועובד כמו לוגיקה אם ואז הצהרות. לדוגמה: אם מישהו משקרים, ולאחר מכן מנסה להסתיר את זה עם מאסר 3.5 שנה החל ב -3 בספטמבר 2012, קובץ C13-205-SR ב בארי, אונטריו, קנדה אז מדינה שלמה הושפלה אלא אם כן הסיבה היתה ישירות רק בצדקה מועיל הצדדים המומים. אנחנו חייבים להסכים רק מצב אפשרי בהחלט הוא "עם אלוהים". אנו זוכרים את רבי יוחנן המטביל (האדם הנוצרי קורא סן), יש השראה ישירות אותנו. האם אנחנו לא קוראים לאינטרנט את הענן? נא לראות את העצומה שלי לשלום פוליטי-חברתי ב (כתובת כרגע למעשה נחסם על טוויטר, אז ההגדרה לשתף ("הספר הקטן שלנו") שם :) ארץ ישראל. לְהִתְעוֹרֵר,ערה, נו. אנחנו אחים מאוחדים באותה סיבה אחת. Rene Helmerichs (d.o.b.) 1977.03...

The Story Of Loo part 2: Legalese English Version

^ Continued from: Legal Notice TO: All Georgian College , Ontario , Canada , campuses staff and employees: Her Excellence Ms. Tsai of Taiwan , Republic For China (RFC) permits previous Georgian College , Barrie , Ontario , Canada , campus partial-load and marketing dual-role faculty Rene Helmerichs, born in Bremen , Germany , the 2nd of March, 1977, to reside in Taiwan on grounds of the following injustice: The Georgian College  of Applied Arts and Technology in Barrie , Ontario , did, in October of 2012, wrongfully dismiss Mr. Helmerichs.  At least two senior-level managers made the joint decision.  OPSUE LOCAL 350 representative, Ms. Andrea Lovering, did assure Mr. Helmerichs that it was against his legal right to be dismissed on grounds of having been wrongfully detained by psychiatrists Liaqat Ali and ...

20180217 The Story Of Loo: Summary In A Page

^ ^^Echo:  and for Summary in a page: Arabic | عربى Chinese (simplified) | 简体中文 Chinese (Traditional) | 中國傳統的 English | English Filipino | Filipino French | français German | Deutsche Hindi | हिंदी https://drive.g...

20180216 starlog day-wrap as splice from email to Deb, Kris, and Clare (explained)

^ Clare Chiang, superintendent of 12 Kidsland Sesame Street schools in Tainan, Taiwan Kris Judd, my star Mormon Community Of Christ contact Debra Roberts, someone at that actually replied (they're actually really snobby) Subject:  Happy Chinese New Year! (a good message-- Rejoice, truly. The ego with me is so minimal that I can identify the egos of others in typos that I accidentally insert in messages to them, which I do read, and now correct as best as I can. Only those that are at all familiar with A Course In Miracles (Clare at Kidsland in Tainan , Taiwan , the book to you is a SINCERE gift.  It really doesn't matter if Debra at grants me the copyright.  I've already giving away HER text for free at -- a belated Valentine's gift to YOU Clare, which I said I'd give in a red envelope... but you sort of fired me before I could...

20180214 6th Update

^ Http:// Rene Helmerichs applies to Taiwan (R.o.C.) as political refugee for asylum from Canada. PETITION UPDATE The REAL World Peace Petition IS eBook COMPLETED!!! Rene Helmerichs FEB 14, 2018 — Earn REAL money with YOUR translation of OUR World Topping 3-part eBook! Submit an "easy read" English version, or in any language, for REAL CASH!!! ساعدت ي ل ترجمة هذا ال نص ل لح صول ع لى ال مال ال ح ق ي قي ! 幫我把這個文本翻譯成真錢! ¡Ayúdame a traducir este texto con dinero real! Download and read on the commute to work! Practice your English AND LEARN about The World!!! Part 1 @ (NO m) Part ii @ http://tal...

20180213 Starlog Update

^ Hello, To News Person at , I didn't catch your Chinese name verbally, but I know there's a picture of it at , so at least I can scan the QR code when I have my handy translator around. I can't read Chinese.  One could say I'm visually limited, but, then again, this IS The Magic Show of 2018.  So, let's all listen to an illegally pirated copy of Alan Walker's SPECRA, without Google ads, for FREE download from Then let's share this one on Facebook, whom I personally abhore but at last check I had 18!!! different real people take on the identity "Rene Helmer" IN MY hOnOUR, to show me that I stand not alone. So, what's that?  Magic Show?  Well, I'm actually trying to take over the money system governing the entire planet earth.  If you think it's a joke, well, I'm CCing EVERY University ...

Starlog 20180212

^ (facebook disallows publicly posted posts to be actually publicly viewed, seemingly randomly.  Ergo, a CC:) Themis School of Law Hello, I am trying to contact you via . We briefly spoke on the phone last week. You mentioned a fee of $10,000 nT for a first consultation. I am a student of law myself and do not believe we need to waste the time. I will offer you $100,000 nT to charge one Clare Chiang of Tainan, Taiwan, whose contact information you may conveniently find in the direct-download .pdf linked at . History about myself you can find therein as well, or summarized here:  I was arrested in Canada for asking Barrie Community of Christ U.S.A. leaders for help to write a book designed to win the Nobel Prize for Peace in any year. Their response had been to threaten a Georgian College Ontario Public Service Employees Union (...

#who#what#why#where#when#How? Religion and Psychiatry exist as one someplace?

^for the document to end the global pill-pushing modernday Witch-doctor reign at: 1.who 2.what 3.when 4.where 5.why 1.Representative messenger or smartest individual 2. -->.pdf document at 3. recently but past, anointed 2006, curious since birth in 1977, actuated 3 Sept. 2012 at Barrie , Canada . 4. Cisco System's Problem-solver 2018 defined "Iot", The Internet Of Things across relative realties on Earth 5. because it works 6. Understand eternity: REea:] [IF UNITY THEN Unknown and PEFECT+Perfect+perfect-concept SUCH THAT PE>Pe+pe-(concept [])=3#mental#spheres[American Psychological Association Diagnostic And Statistics Manual defined as "three spheres" of one's singular MIND], which in English means 3-in-one-as-one and is written in a perfectly circular, linearly presented, clearly contextual, supra-gramatically (supra='the normal grammar rules extended into previous...

Official 2018-2019 Nomination TO The Norwegian Peace Council for The Nobel Peace Prize to Rene Helmerichs

^ Nomination to The Norwegian Peace Council for The Nobel Peace Prize just emailed to all +Columbia University School Of Medicine faculty, ministers, various media, and +Canada +Taiwan Tourism Bureau, N.A. +Taiwan News and +湖南卫视芒果TV官方频道 China HunanTV Official Channel +Nobel Peace Prize Forum +Physicians for Peace +Peace Corps +Roots of Peace +Peace Messenger +Fredrik Pen It is fully agreed all worldwide law enforcement agencies are already investigating my .pdf documents at AND (<-- the legally heavy one). The ONE and only, Lucifer as Rene Helmerichs

20180208 Open Letter with Official Notice served on The City Of Barrie Police, Canada, electronically this day.

Hey Buddy! K, you might not remember coming downstairs before you went to bed on 2 September 2012.  You found me hopelessly crying and crying.  You said to me, "Papa, don't be sad.  Sunjay doesn't like to see Papa crying.  We will make new memories." Well, kid, that time seems a lot nearer now... i think. There was just a big earthquake in Lotus Flower, Taiwan.  That's The City Of The Temple Of God, a guy named Jamie i think told me (I do remember his name, he's the avocado farmer in the picture in Papa's book of Happy Memories linked all over the internet also at Http:// right now--but that might move to Http:// for a more permanent home since dot-vegas is more for current news.  Your dad pretty much just started his own freely-accessible real-news with truly ground-healing headlines, but that's beside the point. We hope you can visit Taiwan for THIS March break (your next school vaction time).   Here...