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20180213 Starlog Update



To News Person at , I didn't catch your Chinese name verbally, but I know there's a picture of it at , so at least I can scan the QR code when I have my handy translator around.

I can't read Chinese.  One could say I'm visually limited, but, then again, this IS The Magic Show of 2018.  So, let's all listen to an illegally pirated copy of Alan Walker's SPECRA, without Google ads, for FREE download from

Then let's share this one on Facebook, whom I personally abhore but at last check I had 18!!! different real people take on the identity "Rene Helmer" IN MY hOnOUR, to show me that I stand not alone.

So, what's that?  Magic Show?  Well, I'm actually trying to take over the money system governing the entire planet earth.  If you think it's a joke, well, I'm CCing EVERY University Of Columbia (NYC) School Of Medicine faculty to be SURE they can all tell you that you're not suffering from a delusion.  In fact, they're actually the foremost teachers of psychiatrists like the ones that had me locked up when The Mormon Community Of Christ (massive international church, I'll email all their ministers next) decided that I was TOO DANGEROUS to be let loose.  So they had me jailed for 3 years and forcibly injected and in a mental ward for most of the time (which is quite against international law AND something the other news guy... what was his name?  Oh, links available with face pic at Google+ post--because they don't have privacy issues like facebook does--at...

if face fails (I abhore face) try google


We're really trying to help people.  Read the messages at that Twitter post, or was it Instagram?

Ah, right, ok, you're in the dark.  Well, the Roman Catholic Church has a "Pope" as its leader.  BUT IT IS STILL A CHRISTIAN CHURCH, and the Christian churches have a Buddhist-like really-really-smart-guy-named CHRIST at the helm.  In this case, I'm telling you that some long dead guy named Edgar Cayce had a son named Edgar Evans Cayce who wrote a book in the 1960s called Cayce On Atlantis that tells us we all used to live there, and are just re-incarnating over-and-over-and-over again until we LEARN to GET ALONG with each other WITHOUT THE NEED TO CHASE AFTER MONEY.

So what better way to attract THE RIGHT people than to give away real money with my contact information on it?

Magic!  See?  I call it, simply, logic.  Logic comes from reason, reason comes from mind, and MIND is logically not confined to the physical if we are all here in an ever-changing relating forever seemingly learning to better relate to each other as BROTHERS AND SISTERS of one kind.

It's that simple.

Everyone knows.  I need a news conference at Kidsland, contact info at to literally legally save the reputation of a school that I actually care about, not to mention the 300+ Taiwan sincere staff that THEY employ.

No loss to any, no harm to any, just switching a few things around.  No need to read anything out-of-date (and everything really IS out-of-date THE INSTANT that anything is written), so I will literally forever be passing along ground-breaking News-worthy events for, well, pretty much the rest of my life.  I've earned THAT much trust from THE BOSS OF ALL THE CHRISTIAN CHURCHES AND MUSLIM MOSQUES AND JEWISH SYNAGOGS the world over.

Everyone knows.

It's TIME to share.

Contact Kidsland at the telephone number provided in
OR have a look at Clare's picture, holding a Sesame Street Taiwan sign, and her business card, at the legally-heavy direct-to-download .pdf from a GOOGLE FREE server available @

b'deep b'deep

Stacy contact me.
Clare gets fired for firing me (Karma), but gets Tony's 3 kindergartens in Kaohsiung.  He gets a little-league baseball team, which he's always wanted.  No loss of money, but all future gain from the new Sesame Streets in Kaohsiung will belong to Joyce and Keller (Clare, you will manage their Nanzi branch AND Tony's three kindergartens AND your own kindy there... after doing 12 Sesame Street branches in Tainan, that should be OK for you, and you'll surely like the challenge of it!  Plus, Joyce is the boss, so your back is always covered).

To Kidsland, I have a house for you in Tainan.  It can house your new foreign teachers for free.  This will help them stay.

Anything else?

Stacy, contact me via LINE Id t2dvoice
Twitter @talk2dream



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