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2018 News Story Of The Year

凱仕蘭驚險消息,Awesome Kidsland, Petition Update 30 April 2018

This is a big case.  The story began in Canada.  It is now in Taiwan.  It directly involves Kidsland, a large group of schools, in the Republic of China, Tainan City.  We are asking to press Criminal charges against that school.  Information is provided.

12個名為Kidsland的私立學校的法律細節,legal details of the 12 private schools called Kidsland
通用名稱,common name: 人上人教育事業集團芝麻街(凱仕蘭,Kidsland
合同名稱,contract name: 芝麻街開門股份有限公司附設臺南市私立凱仕蘭文理短期補習班

My name is Rene Helmerichs.  I am with Talk To Dream (empowerment).  We have a petition online at:

I. 文件內容Document Contents

p. 頁。2II. 介紹,Introduction
p. 頁。2III. 語境Context
p. 頁。7IV. 違法行為,Legal Infractions

II. 介紹,Introduction

A friend for Kidsland began a formal complaint against Rene Helmerichs.  The complaint involves defamation of character.  It is necessary for us to correct the record.  We ask help from the national Republic Of China police to press charges against Kidsland.  We attempted to do this on 23 April 2018.

On 23 April 2018, Tainan City police suggested that we go begin mediation with The Labor Affairs Bureau.  On 24 April 2018, the Labor Affairs Bureau informed us that mediation primarily concerns money.  This argument is not about money.  It is directly a criminal matter.

Kidsland began to slander Rene.

Kidsland hides facts for their benefit.  We respond in likeness to protect our credibility.  Please help us press the appropriate criminal charges.  Details are included.

Kidsland agreed to work with Rene to better their school when they hired Rene.  The contract was signed on 26 May 2017, erroneously dated 27 May 2017.  Rene began teaching on 1 August 2017.  The contract agreement was for two years, until 31 July 2019. 

III. 語境Context

Kidsland knew Rene is writing a book about honesty for Talk2dream.  Talk2dream desires to establish an international knowledge-sharing hub in Canada 上的請願書以及 上的故事包括以7億加拿大元與加拿大達成和解的所有信息。是的,這是很多。這已經是一個為期七年的項目。再次,這是一個非常大的項目。
The petition at and story at includes all information to settle with Canada for $700,000,000.  Yes, it is a lot.  It is already a seven-year project.  Again, this is a very big project.

The argument began in 2012.  It has only two sides.  Rene defends for honesty.  The side against Talk2dream seeks not honesty (dishonesty).  Honesty is always for partnership for a sustainable future.  This project demonstrates that honesty is the same in every culture because Allah is the same for everyone.

Reputation is most important.  The argument began with The Mormon Community Of Christ, a Christian church.  Rene was a college teacher.  To advance as a college teacher, Rene needs to publish writing.  Rene spoke with friends.  Together, the group agreed to write a book to market a charity.  The charity would build a school.  The school specializes in psychology, business, and peace.

Matthew_Swain(生於197725日)是加拿大安大略省“BarrieThe Mormon Community of Christ的部長。他選擇隱瞞事實為錢,而不是合作。
It is necessary to unite religious beliefs without harm.  It is therefore necessary to work with all religions.  Matthew Swain was minister of The Mormon Community Of Christ at Barrie, Ontario, Canada
Instead of partnering, he chose to hide facts for money. 

The church began to destroy the reputation of Rene.  Matthew and the treasurer, now called "Natalie Kelloway", claimed that Rene was mentally ill.  They tried to completely change the story to hide more crimes.

如果不完全正確,這將是絕對非法的。 Matthew_SwainNatalie_Kelloway的圖片包含在書籍
以及 上的博客。同樣在加拿大總督的公開信中:
This would be absolutely illegal if it weren't entirely true.  Pictures of Matthew Swain and Natalie Kelloway are included in the books and
as well as on the blog at and .  Also in the open letter to Canada's Governor General at:

The Mormon Community Of Christ church teaches people to give money to it for God.  They claim it makes God happy.  The people that follow believe that they will go to heaven when they die.  They do not understand that eternity is always real.  They do not understand that we need to work together to end religious wars on earth.  And they do not understand that we can have heaven on earth now.  They are truly all suffering from a delusion:

The church lied to the Ontario (Canada) government.  They had to lie because they did not accept Rene as an equal person.  They told Rene that they had to sprinkle water on his head.  They told Rene that he had to be reborn. 

The word "Rene" means reborn in French.  French is an official language in Canada.  Rene is Canadian.  So, Rene is officially reborn without them.  Rene chose the legal Chinese last name "Be" because "Be Rene" tells every reader to be reborn without a church!  We can joke about it happening with every shower too. 

This story might sound funny, but it is also very serious and involves real governments:

One Chinese government official ordered a woman to be buried alive.  The woman died.  The news story also confirms there is a real human rights war happening in China:
"China's Government has ordered demolition teams to take down Christian crosses.  Among the arrested was prominent human rights lawyer Zhang Kai, who was detained after he mounted a legal campaign to challenge the removal of the crosses."

In Taiwan, the Catholic church is hiding.  It often does not show the mother of Jesus from the street so people think it is a Christian church.  It is important to understand that The Catholic Church is not an honest Christian church.  A Christian church follows the teachings of Jesus, including that he was the son of a man and not a virgin woman.  China is also destroying Catholic churches:

Does China have a secret partnership with ISIS to destroy signs of Christianity?  World War Three is happening right now.  Will The Republic Of China continue the war, or will it help to stop it?  Talk2dream can build a school to unite religions and stop the arguing about Allah.  Worldwide Governments only need to allow this document to be presented on the news.

The Mormon community of Christ church claimed Rene wants to be God.  No person can be God.  The Ontario, Canada, government has wasted a lot of money against Muslims who argue the Catholic church in court.  Arguments about God do not belong in a courtroom.  The Mormon church then claimed Rene is mentally ill.  Both ways they lie. 

Small addition for Talk2dream Muslim friends: the catholic church is dishonest about the mother of Jesus.  The mother of Jesus was not virgin.  Her culture is like the Japanese teaching for "always sex".  She gave her body to God to make a baby.  The authors of bible stories said Jesus told people that he is "son of a man."  That means his mother had sex, but she did not know who the father really was.  Sex is honestly used to make babies.  So it is honest for women to have lots of sex when they are fertile, if they want to serve that idea.  It is, however, silly to risk getting diseases, so sex with clean men is proper.  And, if Google can translate this accurately into Chinese, why not also Arabic, Hebrew, Russian, and Japanese?

The matter in Canada was a criminal matter for sending marketing email to a church.  The Ontario (Canada) government made even bigger mistakes than the church.  Police in Canada regularly use hospital prisons to circumvent the criminal process:

Since Rene speaks honestly, people can only try to slander Rene until governments allow this story on the news. 

The police told Rene on 1 Sept 2012 that they will arrest him if he emails the church again.  So, he emailed the church again and asked Sergeant Henderson to arrest him.  That way, the Ontario government is guilty of crime and will have to pay Talk2dream when the worldwide news covers this project.  We are happy to share any money we receive because it IS for charity. 

發送電子郵件到教堂進行慈善活動。該電子郵件沒有傷害。為此,在監獄裡度過了大約三年的時間。醫生現在否認他有在加拿大工作的權利。政府拿走了他兒子的撫養權,並向他支付養老金。這是有史以來最悲傷的笑話。這個故事很瘋狂,不是。加拿大別無選擇,只能付出很多錢。這裡是201293日向“Barrie警軍士Doug Henderson
Rene sent email to a church to market for a charity.  The email was without harm.  For that, Rene spent about three years in prison.  Doctors now deny him the right to work in Canada.  The government took away custody of his son, and pays him pension.  That is the saddest joke ever.  The story is insane, Rene is not.  Canada has no choice but to pay a lot of money.  Here is the recording of 3 Sept 2012 to Barrie police sergeant Doug Henderson:

Rene is legally permitted to defend his credibility, internationally. 

老實說,7年後,我們現在很可能會停止這個項目嗎?凱仕蘭懷疑互聯網。只有政府合作,允許它在新聞上做廣告時,這個項目才能避免國際訴訟。更多信息可以在(英文) 和(中文)
Honestly, after 7 years, is it very likely that we will stop the project now?  Kidsland doubts the internet.  This project can avoid an international lawsuit only if governments cooperate to permit it to be advertised on the news.  More information is available (English) at and (Chinese) at

This story is like a reverse domino effect.  Talk2dream started as an idea, and now can pay for a real school.  The argument is the same.  It is currently with Kidsland in The People's Republic of China island province called TaiwanChina and Rene dislike dishonest churches about the same.  We can work together for international Taiwanese credibility as well. 

IV. 違法行為,Legal Infractions

Kidsland knew Rene was in jail in Canada for almost three years.  Rene asked a church for partnership with harmless emails specifically to market the Talk2dream project.  Kidsland desires to hide the fact that police in Canada illegally put Rene into a lot of mental hospitals for a criminal matter.  Police in Canada intentionally denied Rene the normal right to a criminal trial, before using the same information to then charge Rene and leave him in jail.

Kidsland deleted the Republic Of China (Taiwan) requirement to provide a criminal record check from the May 2017 contract.  They liked what Rene had to offer, and promised Rene to work together:

Rene told "Clare", the vice president of Kidsland, that his story was important to know on 20 May 2017:

Clare Chiang (江佩樺) and "Denise Madness" attended the 20 May 2017 meeting in Tainan City.  Rene does not know the legal name of Denise but you can see her trying to threaten Rene with police in a video of 25 January 2018:

Parents trusted Rene as a teacher.  Parents insisted that Rene NOT take two weeks vacation for a honeymoon in February of 2018.  They requested that Kidsland make Rene teach their kids in the winter camp of 2018. 

Kidsland managers irrationally began to fear for Kidsland's reputation when they saw the petition that Rene began against Canada on 26 December 2017.  ( )

Rene requested ability to reassure parents with his story already in October of 2017.  Instead, Kidsland let the parents receive only part of the story (not the whole story) in January 2018.  Parents reacted quickly.  At least one parent was a doctor.  The doctor did not know the full story.  Suddenly Kidsland allowed the parents to slander Rene. 

Kidsland did not defend the credibility of Rene.  They did not allow Rene to share the whole story.  And they did not assist Rene to defend himself publicly.

Kidsland advocates a doctor who does not perform real medical exams.  No doctor in Taiwan discussed mental health with Rene.  Rene also had health insurance, so there should have been an official exam instead of slander from Kidsland.

The book psychiatrists use to make diagnoses is called "The Diagnostic And Statistics Manual."  Rene read it in Canada.  The doctor should have his license suspended after Rene questions that doctor in court.

Kidsland continues to defame Rene.  Kidsland claims that Rene is mentally ill.  Kidsland has no legal justification for the claim.  Kidsland also refused to allow Rene to pick up his belongings after his last day of work on 19 January 2018:

Kidsland stopped paying only 6 months into a 2-year contract.  They initially told Rene that they are afraid of losing money from parents if parents find out that Rene was in jail.  They implied this in a 1.5 hour meeting on 28 December 2017:

Kidsland repeatedly told Rene that he did nothing wrong.  Kidsland claims to want to work together.  Yet they refuse to advertise with Rene in a positive way.  This story can help Kidsland very much.  But they actually refuse to work together.  In that way, they are confused.  Confusion is a sign of mental illness.

We gave away over $50,000 nT (about 2000 CAD) to be on the news.  Set TV (三立電視) introduced this story to the Taiwan government 15 February 2018:

When governments finally allow this story on the news, without prejudice, people will find the Canadian court process is corrupt.  It fundamentally violates human rights.  Only publicity can ensure judges, lawyers, and doctors stay honest. 

要求台灣警方幫助政府協助台灣人權促進會TAHR)。TAHR已幫助九人從中國進入台灣。公眾可以質疑聯合國的動機同樣地質疑TAHR的動機。邏輯規定:如果TAHR不願意幫助為他的人權辯護,那麼就是不誠實的。Rene asks the Taiwan police for government help to involve The Taiwan Association For Human Rights (TAHR).  TAHR has helped nine people enter Taiwan from China.  The public can question the motives of TAHR the same way it should question the motives of The United Nations.  Logic dictates: if TAHR is not willing to help Rene defend for human his rights, then there is dishonesty.

Kidsland has committed a number of additional crimes against Rene.

Kidsland refuses to disclose the legal name of the individual who signed the contract as "Denise".

Kidsland management promised to support the petition once it has over 100 people on 28 December 2017.  They did not do this.  Instead, they terminated Rene.

Kidsland falsely assures parents of students that parents should trust Kidsland.  Kidsland refuses to disclose vital information about its teachers to parents. 

Kidsland falsely assures that it wants to work together with everyone for a better future together.  It is fundamentally wrong when working together includes lying to people.

Kidsland is also threatening to deport Rene.  Rene understands that Kidsland can do this is if Kidsland pursues false criminal charges against Rene.  Kidsland manger "Denise" implied their intentioned to do this by email on 18 April 2018.

Kidsland is unwilling to mediate when they refuse to demonstrably answer this simple question:
"We have a story that can help you gain a lot more students, directly increase your credibility, and help you gain much higher revenue.  If you agreed to work together, why do you support the charge against Rene?" (Tainan City First Police Precinct file 1070144255, Officer Zongxi Wu)

Kidsland is also guilty of being a public nuisance if they are wasting public time and money to pursue dishonest legal action.

Kidsland has also stolen intellectual and physical property.  Kidsland published writing from Rene without giving Rene credit.  Kidsland then stole the book that they gave Rene.

Foreign teachers must provide a criminal record check.  Kidsland broke the intent of the law.  It omitted the requirement for a criminal record.  They claim that they did not break the law but the law must be consistent.  Kidsland did not report the ability to the authorities.  Instead, they kept it secret.

有關上述內容,請參閱 上的請願書。2018424日至中華民國警察局的更新信息附後:
For context referenced above, please refer to the petition at .  The update from 24 April 2018 to The Republic Of China police authorities is attached:

This is the 30 April 2018 update to the petition.  It is copied to:

It is our desire to restore credibility and not to defame.  Kidsland has the choice to agree in mediation.  The Tainan City Government Labor Affairs Bureau agreed to help.  We can offer a house in Tainan for new foreign teachers, to help recruit new teachers, to increase their student enrolment, and to start new schools in Kaohsiung. A new contract can be signed to help both parties.  We ask Kidsland for public help to challenge Canada with international law. 

Miracles depend only upon cooperation.  We really can end religious wars, if we work together.  Will Republic Of China police help defile our good name and delay the international way for world peace?  Or, will they press charges against Kidsland to end the confusion of Kidsland's managers? 

This argument never belonged in a courtroom because it is international common sense.

Rene Helmerichs(是瑞)為



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