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20180624 to all to forward to lawyers
20180624 to all to forward to lawyers by Rene Helmerichs

Stacy, Clare, Denise,
and everyone else to whom this should be forwarded.

Allow me to share a dream just had with you.

I was in your office.  I was using your computer.  Files were left on it.  I wanted them deleted.  They came from me, therefore, I retain copyright over them unless I've sold the copyright, which I very much have not done.  I'm not just talking about the Winter Camp writing.  I am talking about every single email you have from me.  But, in the dream, they were all on a single computer that was also a photocopier.

I asked Denise for help.  Denise refused.  It was still ten minutes to 9.  She didn't officially start work until 9 (in the dream), so she had the excuse that she doesn't need to help.  So, I unplugged the computer.  I was getting ready to take it downstairs.  You see, I have a right (write) to have my information deleted from your records (unless you would like to make it public, in which case we will argue every point meticulously--but which I will also keep trying to prevent you from wanting to do because it will result in you losing your licence to operate your schools).

Stacy approached.  She looked right at me.  I found friendship, understanding.  She knows that I mean no harm.  She also knows that I truly cared about you while I was with you.  Unfortunately, I already unplugged the computer.  All wires and connections.  It was now just laying on the floor.  I apologized to Stacy.  In the dream, it seemed Stacy gets the last chance to stop this.

The computer represents data storage.  My ability to unplug it in your office, in the dream, doesn't mean good things for you.  That it was my choice to warn you, also doesn't mean good things for you.

Set TV is involved.  On 13 Feb 2018 they publicly ruined my reputation.  We went to mediation.  We agreed to air a new story.  A Taipei rep came down to see me.  He took the whole afternoon off.  I guess the fact that I can really sue him AND charge him criminally was well received.  We'll be working together.  It'll be a top news story.

I am proposing to have the news ask the public a simple question:
"What would you do if you could save your country millions of dollars in wasted taxes?  Listen to the incredible story of a man who went to jail just to show his country how to save money.  He expects the country to pay him a consultation fee!  This is the most incredible, and ridiculous, story you will ever here.  Right now, it is in Taiwan.  A group of 12 Sesame Street English buxibans in Tainan City has charged this man.  Do you think he will win the court case?  Will the prosecutors allow him to counter sue, and charge the managers of Kidsland?  Follow this live-live action adventure story right here, on Set TV"!

What do you think the prosecutor will say to that on Tuesday?

Oh, btw, I have a new lawyer, not the same as the one from last week.  The one from last week will just be suing you for 1.5 years of salary.  The claim is simple.  Clare told the mediator on 4 May 2018 that I was fired because I did not provide a criminal record.  She handed me the sealed letter on 4 May 2018, and told me that I didn't get the letter.  That means that I didn't know why she fired me until 4 May 2018, and that's really the truth!  I thought she fired me because parents found out that I was in jail.  After all, Denise and Stacy threatened me on 28 Dec 2017 to fire me if they found out (find the recording of the meeting at ), and Clare called on 21 Jan 2018 at 23h00 (after the 20 Jan 2018 demo that she said everyone loved...) to tell me that parents found out.  Then on 22 Jan 2018, I was told not to come to work.  So, long story short, managers at Sesame Street Kidsland are trying to hide facts from parents, and, well, the court is all about publicity.  So, that'll be 1.5 years of pay to me for a really nice vacation package, before we negotiate a marketing consultation fee if Kidsland desires me to help them restore their ruined reputation on public REAL NEWS TV.  Otherwise, well, I guess it's a news story and you can sue Set TV for being honest about you?

The prosecutors and judges will absolutely finish you by the time I am done with you.  The suggestion is still to partner, but, Clare and Denise are mentally ill.  That means mentally disabled.  That means just plain stupid, because they suffer from the stupor of being arrogant after lying about me.

Stacy, good luck trying to talk to them.

I'm sorry, did you think I am happy about all of this? 

Last night I lectured Denise in another dream.  My exact words to her were:
Why should she expect that I am still willing to help her if she is not willing to help me?  (about anyone)

The answer:
Life is unpredictable, but the end is certain. And, the end is not death, but life itself. So how can life be unpredictable?  Because we lack understanding, we require learning.  To learn, we must teach because we learn AS we teach.  In the end, there is only growing (loving) compassion.  Do.  That is what we must teach, to learn that life itself can be unpredictably predictable.  If we cannot cooperate for a sustainable future together, why should I not just have you locked in to jail if that's where YOU believe bad people should go?  To me, you are not bad, you are just confused while you commit every manner of crime against me.

If you continue to refuse to listen to these kind words, it won't be me who puts you in jail but your own fellow countrymen.

More in the Taiwan Timeline at
with a News Summary at

and a dissertation for worldwide peace on the way at
All to raise the money to build a school to certify teachers for the book, A Course In Miracles.
Find the book linked at http://talktodream.Me , "Me" = non-physical wholey spirit that shall forever remain common to all.  My dissertation is my demonstration to myself that I was with that spirit before The Mormon Community Of Christ had City Of Barrie police arrest me on 3 Sept 2012 because they were afraid of what it could possibly mean.  And that is neither a lie, nor an under or over exaggeration.  It is simply fact.

Here's another fact: I have spent nearly three years in jail for this story, and seen my whole life turned upside down.  I have lost my home, my family, my friends, and custody of my son.  I have lost all possessions once dear to me.  I'm not sure how, but I even managed to have a 450 CC Honda motorcycle stolen from me.  And still I am able and willing to forgive all of that in exchange for a life where things just work.  The only question left to ask is, "Can YOU believe it?"

The story is crazy.  I am not.  In fact, I'll drive you absolutely out of your mind to show you real craziness if you want a taste of the last 7 years of my life.  However, since that's more of a real living hell with bonifida torture also committed against me by the medical profession in Canada (they really don't know what they do), let's try for a more peaceful solution?

One can only ever hope.  The rest is a choice that you have to be willing to make, after you start believing the fact that you're in really shit while challenging me about any part of a story that I began 7 years ago.  Every statement that I have written supports that story.  Trying to use any against me in court, is literally to compound the affective advertising effect of a limitlessly self-proplled live-action marketing adventure.

I can't tell you to wake up because we're doomed to be asleep in this world.  However, I can encourage you to work together with me in this project for worldwide true peace, involving, also, an absolute end to any argument about God since I am publicly willing to give The Choice (Amidst The Argument In The Business Of Being Happy---my June 2012 book title) away to everyone AND anyone just to see if you'll catch on too.

There is Heaven, and there is personal hell.  Those in hell are only confused about heaven, since eternity must be wholey consistent, beyond consistent, to be constantly increasing of more of itself.

That also means that Newton was wrong.  Energy CAN be created, because... IT IS.

Partner, or face more public defame.  It's not really a choice, but you can argue that it is.  While you argue, you also choose to ruin your credibility publicly, since I am all about advertisement.  Any questions?  Ask your lawyers, and do tip generously for the good advice.

24 June 2018.


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