My half-hour email:
快樂星期天!我準備了一個帶有新聞故事的文件。這個故事只是一小部分。我需要幫助修復的部分來自加拿大。在加拿大,有一個人騙了我。這個故事在第21頁)的書中分享。這本書的第一部分是一個警告。警告是我們需要一起工作。當然,我們可以選擇不一起工作。他們實際上讓我試著把他們告上法庭。我現在有兩名律師,一起民事訴訟和三起針對他們的刑事訴訟。我仍然希望每個人都能想到這一點。我開始在2012年寫一個故事。這個故事只表明我們應該一起工作。它教導奇蹟真的可以在合作中發生。沒有合作,法律必須為全世界的和平而努力。我的故事宣傳世界和平,因為那正是我真正想要的。我不是在開玩笑 :/
Set TV,
I will send information about our specific matter this week. I think we can really help each other. Please refer to the following link:
Happy Sunday! I prepared a file with a news story. The story is just a small part. The part I need help fixing is from Canada. In Canada, one person lied about me. That is shared in the book at (page 21). The first part of the book was a warning. The warning was that we need to work together. Of course, we have the choice not to work together. They actually asked me to try to take them to court. I now have two lawyers, one civil lawsuit, and three criminal lawsuits against them. I still hope that everyone will just think about this. I started writing a story in 2012. The story only suggests that we should work together. It teaches that miracles can really happen with cooperation. Without cooperation, the law must work for worldwide peace. My story advertises worldwide peace because that is what I really want. I'm not joking :/
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