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News exclusive--truly unbelievably large story

CBC, You have a chance for an exclusive story.  The guts are this:

I was arrested for a crime I didn't commit, and put into a mental ward (maybe police were just trying to be nice to not give me a criminal record?)

Doctors presumed me guilty.  I wasn't given a trial, nor the option for one.  Instead, I lost my college teaching position (Georgian College, Barrie) over the prolonged incarceration (2 months).  I was released only on condition of continuing with forced injections.  I managed to get myself removed from the forced injections when I began blogging about doctors (Liqat Ali and Anjana Chawla) and the hospital (Barrie's RVH, Nov 2012).  Then I tried to complain to lawyers, without luck.  So I went to police, and found myself re-arrested for the same offense, and this time put into jail, CNCC at Penetang.  

The crime was criminal harassment to a mormon treasurer; the date of the second arrest was 2 March 2013 (the first was 3 Sept 2012).  The offense was listed as indictable, which was to use the information for the same allegation that occurred 6 months before 2 March 2013 (this is called a "double jeopardy" in the annotations to The Constitution Act in the courtroom copy of The Criminal Code, and is notably not permitted, i.e. illegal and warrants a dismissal of the case).

Instead of dismissing the case, I sat in solitary confinement for 16 months without bail.  I wasn't allowed bail because a psychiatrist (Gunter Lorberg) kept sending me to court with psychiatric forms that obligated me to be transferred into a different Criminal Code defined "prison" if the judge were to grant me "interim release from custody" (i.e. not really interim release from custody either then, never mind the fact that the court didn't see it that way and just prevented me from even receiving fair consideration for bail, the interim release from custody).

Anyway, the prosecutors tried their best to find me "unfit to stand trial on grounds of mental illness" until the actual trial, when suddenly the judge, Gregory Mulligan (file C-13-205-SR at Barrie) decided that I shouldn't be allowed to submit anything remotely mentioning mental health for fear that the jury would catch on that there could somehow be an alternate motive to me being before the court.

I did submit emails to show the witnesses, Mormon Minister Matthew Swain and local treasurer at the time Natalie Yewchyn (now Natalie Kelloway at were openly committing perjury, and the lawyer cross-examining Natalie, Ms. Uma Kancharla, did return to me after that day to exclaim, "That woman is lying!" yet, somehow, I was of course deemed guilty and given "time served" before being sent back into a mental ward.

And that is only the start.

After that, I returned for round three.  That time, I managed to sit on my rear until a psychiatrist had the time to see me in court (C-14-6966 at Barrie).  The date was 3 July 2015.  He testified as an "expert for the field of psychiatry" (whatever that is).  He claimed that patients should not be permitted to have their statements, given for the purpose of any mental assessment and which ARE being used against patients for indefinite incarcerations and presumptions of guilt all across Canada, recorded.  That's right.  Psychiatrists do NOT permit their patients to have the ability to show the public that psychiatrists are actually, at times, intentionally twisting facts to show guilt where no guilt actually exists.  Think that's a problem?  It gets worse.

The psychiatrist claimed, as an excuse, that his fear of having his statements posted to the internet, should prevent the patient from having the ability to verify that a different psychiatrist is misrepresenting the statement.  Somehow, the court completely missed the fact that I wasn't even a patient of the psychiatrist who was testifying, but permitted the psychiatrist who was testifying to deny me the right to have my statements recorded on grounds that that psychiatrist (who wouldn't be doing the assessment) is afraid of having HIS statements put on the internet.  Perhaps he also missed the part about this courtroom testimony being recorded and, well, now available on the internet linked in the book available from the blogged summary at ?

Anyway, I returned to court a month later, on 5 Aug 2015, to find the psychiatrist working under James Karagianis (the one from 3 July 2015), Mr. William Komer, deciding that I needed to be forcibly injected since, clearly, I do not understand with what I'm being charged while only providing the exact criminal code sections (after the umpteeth time of being asked and getting tired of explaining the actual charge verbatim from The Criminal Code, a copy of which I do own).  That I was then ordered to be forcibly injected by a court on grounds that the psychiatrist felt I shouldn't be permitted to self-represent in court, was really just a kick in the rear to me.  Literally injections in the thigh that only caused me spinal pain.  

The irony is that I was not permitted to return to Waypoint Center For Mental Health on 5 Aug 2015 for the injections because Mr. Komer felt I could not longer be helped there.

Don't believe any of what I've just summarized.  Heck, I'm so mentally ill that I've been given a permanent mental disability check in Canada before leaving to Taiwan to find work as a teacher.  Just read the transcripts for yourself.  They're all available online, linked in the book which is linked in the summary above, and directly at 

Summary above, or at blog:

I figure, at some point, common sense has to kick in.


fyi, this would have to be true for me to be a walking free man effectively drilling holes in the bottom of the global psychiatric boat, to see it sink, and have no one be able to do a damn thing about it.  Yet, this is for a good cause.  The intent from the start was to market a book that advertises for the funds to build a school to certify global teachers for A Course in Miracles... I'm writing a real news story that is ongoing until it makes the news and I get the funds to build that school, and working out all other arguments with law enforcement agencies that we need to help the churches (and everyone else) work together for real-world peace in our common environment.

Continued at:


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