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Someone please help me.

I'm Rene Helmerichs.  I was more than wrongfully convicted in Barrie, Ontario, Canada.

This is my story.

I was arrested, charged with a criminal offense, presumed guilty, and put into a mental ward.  Doctors managed to strip me of my right to refuse medication, and considered me delusional for arguing with them for my innocence!  Then I was forcibly injected.  

You're not going to believe this.

A doctor (Anjana Chawla) actually bribed me to stop blogging about her.  When I tried to go to the police for help, they arrested me again for the same crime!  I'm not joking!  It was 6 months later, and they listed the charge as indictable.  After that, lawyers tried to declare me unfit to stand trial.  I sat in solitary confinement for 16 months without bail.  At the trial, I tried to bring forward information from the first arrest so that, at least, a Charter section should be applied, or something, but no luck.  Instead, the judge, Gregory Mulligan (C-13-205-SR at Barrie, Ontario) refused to let me submit anything remotely mentioning mental health.

At the June 2014 trial, I submitted emails showing that the witnesses were ALSO lying.  

Of course I was found guilty and... guess what... sentenced to "time served" except I wasn't released from custody, but sent back into a mental ward.

Prior to all of this, I was a reputable teacher at Georgian College in Barrie with no criminal history and no mental health history.  I was only released from Royal Victoria Hospital on condition that I return for the weekly forced injections under the Community Treatment Order that was signed 30 Oct 2012, expectantly to last at least a year, but which was miraculously lifted just a few weeks later (thanks to the blogging).

I kept trying to fight for my right to self-defend in court, and wound up being able to take a psychiatrist to court.  On the record of 3 July 2015 for C-14-6966, I questioned James Karagianis (chief at Waypoint Centre For Mental Health in Penetanguishene at the time) why he and others would not permit patients to have their statements recorded.  I had my statements twisted and used against me in 2012 and was not able to show anyone that psychiatrists were intentionally lying about me to defend for the witnesses (whom they believed but which were actually lying--police really didn't help, they tried to tell the doctors that I was also making bombs in the basement of my mother's house which is total horseshit!)

Anyway, the doctor said, to the record, that he's afraid to have HIS statements appear on the internet, and that's why I, or any other patient, shouldn't be allowed to have my, or their, statements recorded.  That's not really what I'd call an "expert witness" for the whole field of psychiatry, but the court didn't seem to see it that way.  A month later on 5 Aug 2015, another doctor, William Komer, working under James, had the court order me to be forcibly injected on grounds that I was too mentally ill to self-represent in court (noting that I was self-represented on 3 July 2015).  When the court made the order and was about to send me back to Waypoint, Mr. Komer insisted that Waypoint could not longer help me and that I would need to be "treated" elsewhere.  Go figure.

I have the story in a whole book with transcripts included in the appendix and, believe it or not, now face charges in Taiwan!  I'm accused of slandering a school that hired me knowing that I was in jail, knowing that I was writing a book, then refusing to allow me to advertise the book, threatening to fire me if parents of students found out, and then actually firing me when parents of students found out, after breaking the initial Taiwan national law which requires new teachers to submit a criminal record check from their home country.  Find that story in the book too, with real documents and an email from the school confirming that they removed the part of me needing a criminal record check from their contract to me.  Sound unbelievable?

Dear God, just help me get out of the mess I'm in!

I have no money, and no income in a foreign country for which I need a criminal record check to work in my profession (now) and can't return to Canada because I'll surely wind up in jail there again!  In fact, police have already knocked on my mother's door looking for me, recently.  I've been in Taiwan for 2.5 years now.  

Any suggestions?

Here's the book:

Is there some sort of way that we can work together?



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