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To Climate Change Project decision-makers

Hello Kindhearted souls of Climate Reality Project,

My name is Rene Helmerichs.  I am a freelance teacher and lecturer currently in Taiwan (republic of China).  I don't have a political or religious affiliation, but I do appreciate the residency Taiwan has offered.  I suppose that makes me a republican who's equally for The People of mainland China.  I have a project to share with you.

Firstly, the video An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth To Power is incredible.  I suppose we all have resistances to overcome.  I had felt that in my own desire to re-watch the movie, but am happy I did--a third time with my Taiwanese wife to be sure she understood the whole of its message.

In the movie, and the point of the movie, a rather large-scale problem is discussed.  I wonder whether members of your project are aware of the root of the problem?

The word mind is currently not defined in legal texts.  In Canada, psychiatrists are permitted to present the court with opinions, and by those opinions is their authority perpetuated.  Yet consider for a moment the fact that every major religion advocates for an eternal mind, mentioned also by Erwin Schroedinger (1933 Nobel Physics winner) "the number of minds in the universe is one", and Einstein (in the inspiration permitting his Theory Of Relativity and postulation that space itself is curved).  Psychiatrists must insist that thinking originates in our brain, and that, though we might have some mythical unidentifiable spiritual tie, our thinking ceases upon physical death.  They could not be more wrong for reasons understood when we each, individually, question how it is that our minds retain the ability to bridge time in every moment of the day otherwise seemingly confined to time.  That which has the ability to bridge time cannot ultimately be confined to time, and therefore never actually is. 

Simply put, our minds are already eternal, but we understand it not.  And we are left relying upon doctors who insist that such could not be the case.

Dear Climate Reality, my project is one to solve the problem of ISIS, the Trump referenced "war on terror", and the problem of disbelieve that we could, and should, really begin to work together to unanimously establish a governing legal structure for our planet that is both moral and ethical, including serious concern for our climate reality, as well as the ideas promoted in every religion, and every school of thought advocating for science in place of religion.

I have a petition on the web.  The petition corrects the root problem.  Details are available at .

I am yet working to better the presented wording.  It is not easy to encapsulate a global, or universal, concept into a real-world way for all countries to accept, and all lawyers to appreciate. 

My project was begun 6 years past now, and is directly for The Nobel Peace Prize, in any year.

Time is on our side, however, delay does not help anyone.  We certainly agree that climate change is a pressing concern, however the decision-makers of leading countries (i.e. Trump) are notably left with doubt whether our suggestions, and insistences, are the better court.  To trump Trump, if you'll pardon the pun, it'll take a miracle.  The good news is that miracles depend only on cooperation.

I seek to build a global school to certify teachers for the book A Course In Miracles (written by professors from NYC's Columbia University's School Of Medicine in the 1960s and 70s).  The school is unique.  Education about our climate reality is, of course, among its main purposes.

Can we work together?

I'm serious about having in place already the material for The Nobel Committee to consider worthy of the Peace prize.  I lack advertisement.  Signees at the petition would suffice to amplify awareness.

Is there a way we could work out a solidified partnership?  What would your desires be for such a school to teach?  The curriculum is yet open.  The basic structure is always harm to none, always for awareness, and fully sustainable.  The school itself would not need outside cash, as its members have the insight to help any country implement cost-savings initiatives in any field for a net tax-revenue savings from which a percentage could be offered the school in ongoing partnership.

If this sounds like a plan to take over the world, please adjust your thinking.  The intent is to work together, as being of one mind, and not to implement another system of tyranny or opinion to steer the minds of national leaders.

More information is at the petition:

I look forward to hearing from you,

Rene Helmerichs

(Born 2 March 1977 in Bremen, Germany--currently of Canadian nationality living in Taiwan).


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