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TO Natalie Kelloway @ (it's all legal)

ACIM excerpt below

TO Natalie Kelloway,

Natalie, dear, or, NOT MY dear, but dear to someone, and dear God we really need to help the fact that a lot of people will be thinking about you, and blaming you (because that is human nature) and to negate the effects of that.  You (may not) see (understand) that thought is a real-time event that can heal, and likewise increase physical decay.  We're trying to keep those age-lines down, at this point.

Natalie, you did nothing wrong.  But, you did forget a whole heck of a lot in your C-13-205-SR testimony at Barrie, Ontario, Canada, in June 2014.  Technically, the world will judge you to be guilty of perjury.  That's a crime.  Its punishment is relative, like all things.  If you happen to be Michael Bryant who killed Darcy Allen Sheppard and managed to get off with, well, a lot less than I endured on account of your perjury, well, you'd be scotch free (hmm, wonder where that expression originated?  Will have to look it up later...).  Anyway, Natalie, there is always hope.

In any situation, there is always hope.  Here is my lasting hope for you.  Give me all that you own.  If you do that, you cannot legally be punished, in any way.  Of course, I'm talking true wholey matrimony.  It's permitted.  I don't mean that I want to live with you, or even fuck you (that includes fucking you over).  I mean only to prevent any legal harm that can possibly befall you. 

Tell any lawyer, "Talk to Rene.  I give my life, all that I can possibly imagine myself to own, to him.  He will defend for me on my behalf."  It's that easy.  Otherwise, well, the world currently believes in forcibly injecting people into complacency and, since you've clearly lost your mind for forgetting everything we ever shared... if you need a reminder, see my version of events in my Dissertation For Worldwide Peace at (might need to download it if it's slow loading):
Psychiatrists are sure to have their way with you. 

Luckily, there is that spirit of Jesus.  I think we'll agree, on pure common sense, that Jesus didn't walk around handing out pills for mental health when he was said to remove the demons of our past memories from people, to jar them awake into the real-time eternal moment of helping each other...

So, truly, your choice.

That's The Choice Amidst The Argument In The Business Of Being Happy: SOL A Course In Miracles to demonstrate to you that you ARE your own mind and mind exists beyond our commonly shared unconsciousness:

What else?

Well... God is defined in the book, The Choice.  Oh, and find your 2 March 2013 witness statement, and that of minister Matt, in there too... and a few emails from you to jog your memory, and, do tell Matt "Your welcome for making sure that your church provides you a house after they have to fire you for lying about Rene, because we both know that your boss put you up to it.") 

You mentioned that I said you were God and I am God too.  Actually, the confusion is about the word "not".  See explanation to my wife, to translate, after the smashing world-wide news story to fully sink the global witchcraft boat:

Understanding GOD:

My wife asked me to write something intelligible down, for her to translate.  We've had a bit of an argument about my ongoing request to have her help translate this real-life news story, or parts thereof, to begin to really advertise in China.  We've settled, of course, on what she would like to translate.  So, here it is:

God is all there is.  Before God, there was GOD.  After God, there will be GOD.  There is no such thing as concept of first and last in any state that lasts for ever and ever.  Ergo, whatever our argument, it's invariably some form of money, which directly translates into power, the ability to influence others, and, effectively, our personal concepts for whatever we wish God to be.

So let's consider history.  Greek, or Roman, mythology includes Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades.  Zeus is god of air, Poseidon is god of sea, and Hades is god of everything else.  These three were said, along with a few others, to have over-thrown their father, Cronos, which means Time.  Before Cronos, there was GOD.  There is still one real-time state underscoring (existing with) every concept after GOD, meaning, GOD is unrecognizable to us.

Zeus is symbolic of our mind.  Our mind, in dream symbology, is represented as air.  Poseidon, sea, is our emotion.  Hades is the quantifying aspect needed to differentiate Zeus and Poseidon from the fact that, logically, there can only exist two after the first division.  It's a bit, actually, it's exactly like recognizing that 0 (any united eternal state) begat time (1) and in that instance was concept of also (2) as "1/0=.|.=Time" born.  Naturally, all other symbols are all collectively a symbol to mask the fact that we already are, and have, and persist with a sustaining eternal element, eternally with us in any moment of Time. 

It's doubtful that my wife will be able to translate all this, but she can certainly try.  The point is only that she is willing TO try, which is why I love her all that much more.

A Course In Miracles is a book that teaches about God.  It teaches that God is the same for everyone.  It also teaches that God is everything and nothing.  You see, you cannot think about nothing.  It is impossible to think of nothing!  Even when you try to empty your mind, you are still thinking of something.  You think of emptiness.  But emptiness is still something.  To really think of nothing, that is impossible.  And so, we use the word "not" to describe the idea of nothing.  We can say "I am not a pencil" to describe the idea that we are nothing like a monkey, but that is not true.  In fact, people and pencils and cellphones are all devices that we use to communicate.  And God is the ability to communicate. 

God sustains time.  God did not make time.  God makes sure that we understand that our minds are timeless, because God is always with us.  Time is really only delay.  We can measure delay.  We cannot really measure time since the idea of time lasts forever.  We can plan.  But every thought we have is already delayed.  To start to understand ourselves, is really to start to ask questions about God. 

How can everyone be and have the same God, but look like different people or walking around in different bodies?

There are smaller parts of the smallest parts that science can find.  All of those small parts are never still.  Some of the parts move so fast that they look like they just suddenly appear.  And some parts move so fast that we cannot see them.  Space isn't really empty, it just looks that way.  Remember, the idea of nothing is silly.  There is only everything, but we can think that nothing exists.  And that is how we got to where we are now.

Science is trying to understand space, and time, and our mind, and God.  The idea of God means that we all began at the same point.  But that point was before time.  So we all share one mind, because mind is the first thing that came from the thing that made the eternal ability to think.  Science doesn't understand that part very well.

Right now doctors are actually trying to tell people that people are just a body.  It's probably better than just telling them that they're not, since death does not ensure awareness of eternity... karma means we come back.

Doctors in Canada are able to take people who argue with doctors, and just inject them until they give up and agree with the doctors.  It is really hopeless there right now.

Actually, Canada is worse than you can possibly imagine.  Police arrest people for crimes, assume they are guilty, don't give them a trial, and leave them with the doctor for the doctor to inject or medicate or "treat" until the people give up.  And the public pays for all that with tax money!  That lowers the life standard for everyone in Canada.  It's sort of like being on the Titanic and knowing there is a hole in the ship, and then helping to make the hole bigger instead of fixing it.

If you believe that one God exists for everyone in the same way, share the story at  It is a story that you won't believe.  It is a real news story.  It is just so much news that people will probably laugh and think it is ridiculous.

It is ridiculous to think that you are your body.  You are not your body.  What does "not" mean?  Maybe try re-reading the explanation at the top.  It means: YOU ARE GOD and you are not god because God cannot be just one body in a world filled with things that are all equally God.  Respect God = respect yourself and everyone else.

The only way for anything to work in any ever-changing reality (any reality perceived to be always with change) is to leave something undefined.  In English it's the word "not".  In Chinese it's the sound "Boo", which is far more appropriate when read in English (cross-referenced with English culture) because it contains multiple meanings for a wholey ACIM-style pun.  And you can read that literally, in English.

We are simply re-awakening to the knowledge that heaven is NOW, forever.  It isn't someplace else.  It is with us now.  We make our own heaven in our thinking for it, and, until we think correctly, we're just amiss, or, off the the eternal mark.

A subset of mind is the whole idea of math.  Stephen Hawking was a smart guy, or acclaimed to be a smart guy.  Given God we actually share the same smartness, but chase the idea of concepts for it that result it false scales to exalt whomever comes up with the momentary brightest idea.  Remember, lucifer means "bearer of light" which is symbol of a heavenly awareness that is figuratively so bright, it is undetectable, or blinding, until it dawns on our individual mind.  At that point, we're left realizing we're holding a bag of our own judgement that make us look rather like the fool who challenged something that always was.

Hawking, in his movie, was notably after a single equation to define time.  But time is itself limitless, so the idea of defining the limitless state becomes rather a complete waste of mental energy.  Hawking did not real-eyes that he could have devoted his life to equality, as Einstein truly had, and saw his body deteriorate in rapid proportion to the wasted personal energy used to chase what was in front of his face all along: 1/0=.|.=time ["one divided by nought reveals an infinite repetition such that infinity is all of the concept we call 'time'"].

In heaven, 1+1=111...

From the book A Course In Miracles:

The body is the central figure in the dreaming of the world. 2 There is no dream without it, nor does it exist without the dream in which it acts as if it were a person to be seen and be believed. 3 It takes the central place in every dream, which tells the story of how it was made by other bodies, born into the world outside the body, lives a little while and dies, to be united in the dust with other bodies dying like itself. 4 In the brief time allotted it to live, it seeks for other bodies as its friends and enemies. 5 Its safety is its main concern. 6 Its comfort is its guiding rule. 7 It tries to look for pleasure, and avoid the things that would be hurtful. 8 Above all, it tries to teach itself its pains and joys are different and can be told apart.

T-27.VIII.2.     The dreaming of the world takes many forms, because the body seeks in many ways to prove it is autonomous and real. 2 It puts things on itself that it has bought with little metal discs or paper strips the world proclaims as valuable and real. 3 It works to get them, doing senseless things, and tosses them away for senseless things it does not need and does not even want. 4 It hires other bodies, that they may protect it and collect more senseless things that it can call its own. p585 5 It looks about for special bodies that can share its dream. 6 Sometimes it dreams it is a conqueror of bodies weaker than itself. 7 But in some phases of the dream, it is the slave of bodies that would hurt and torture it.

T-27.VIII.3.     The body's serial adventures, from the time of birth to dying are the theme of every dream the world has ever had. 2 The "hero" of this dream will never change, nor will its purpose. 3 Though the dream itself takes many forms, and seems to show a great variety of places and events wherein its "hero" finds itself, the dream has but one purpose, taught in many ways. 4 This single lesson does it try to teach again, and still again, and yet once more; that it is cause and not effect. 5 And you are its effect, and cannot be its cause.

T-27.VIII.4.     Thus are you not the dreamer, but the dream. 2 And so you wander idly in and out of places and events that it contrives. 3 That this is all the body does is true, for it is but a figure in a dream. 4 But who reacts to figures in a dream unless he sees them as if they were real? 5 The instant that he sees them as they are they have no more effects on him, because he understands he gave them their effects by causing them and making them seem real.

T-27.VIII.5.     How willing are you to escape effects of all the dreams the world has ever had? 2 Is it your wish to let no dream appear to be the cause of what it is you do? 3 Then let us merely look upon the dream's beginning, for the part you see is but the second part, whose cause lies in the first. 4 No one asleep and dreaming in the world remembers his attack upon himself. 5 No one believes there really was a time when he knew nothing of a body, and could never have conceived this world as real. 6 He would have seen at once that these ideas are one illusion, too ridiculous for anything but to be laughed away. 7 How serious they now appear to be! 8 And no one can remember when they would have met with laughter and with disbelief. 9 We can remember this, if we but look directly at their cause. 10 And we will see the grounds for laughter, not a cause for fear.

T-27.VIII.6.     Let us return the dream he gave away unto the dreamer, who perceives the dream as separate from himself and done to him. 2 Into eternity, where all is one, there crept a tiny, mad idea, at which the Son of God remembered not to laugh. 3 In his forgetting did the thought become a serious idea, and possible of both accomplishment and real effects. p586 4 Together, we can laugh them both away, and understand that time cannot intrude upon eternity. 5 It is a joke to think that time can come to circumvent eternity, which means there is no time.


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