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TO: UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres

TO: UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres

Re: Taiwan and sustainable development for One China

updated 30 Aug 2018 (contents: true, though incredible)

Mr. Secretary-General,

The work of the United Nations is excellent.  Unfortunately, this letter does directly demonstrate the UN to be condoning ongoing actions against its very own publicly stated initiatives.  It is therefore written not only to the UN, but to every peace activist, every human rights collation, every university student desiring true beneficial change, and to all Muslims, Christians, and atheists alike.

The people of Taiwan wish to complain to you, Mr. Secretary-General, representing The United Nations (UN), that you are permitting stacking of the deck (cheating).  It is directly related to your 17 Global Goals for rich and poor nations alike.  An explanation is followed with examples.

We are aware that thinking exists on a spectrum.  We are unaware the spectrum is literal.  Any spectrum has but two ends, two extremes (two Masters), yet both must ultimately serve the same order originating any concept for order.

It is folly to assume two related events occur by accident.  Every extremist is a highly refined state of order, be it correctly guided or askew in judgement.  This is the same as saying neither master is inept.

Your website is correct to assert the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also called global goals, are inter-connected.  Because they are inter-connected, you must logically understand the source of interference for all goals is one same point: there exists a global lack of legal definition for that originating thought, "mind".

Ideas of the origin of each of our thinking are expressing itself around the world as wars for "God", "Allah", "wars to end terror", the Papisy (since the mother of Jesus could not have been a virgin if, to quote Jesus, students are to be able to become like their teachers, which necessitates a normal birth--rather, according to the Cayce material, she freely gave her body to many men knowing she would produce the living incarnate of our collective unconscious so she did not know who was the father of her child and that was deceptively turned into a virginal-birth story centuries later), arguments about money (the idea of lack), and, simply also UN measures preventing Taiwan citizens from entering UN meetings, or ROC reporters from covering them, and other disabilities senselessly imposed upon Taiwan.

Taiwan actually has no need to push you for membership, following your exclusion of the founding member (Taiwan) in 1971.  You cannot solve the problem the people's democratic republic of China (ROC) currently faces.  The legal seat of governance for the mainland remains with Taiwan despite UN assistance to support communist-era dictatorship.  This letter implores you to consider your own house.

You are wise to have chosen the mainland in this argument, given its financial support (actually UN-sanctioned financial raping, but for which the UN had no choice being already succumb to US authority) to the US "too big to fail" bank bailouts of the last decade.

The people of China were needed to support the struggling global economy.  Isn't it normal for the poorest nations to bear the greatest burdens of climate change, quoting Pope Francis in An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth To Power?

It is interesting to note that you would choose to exclude Taiwan, to choose instead the mainland, in the same year (1971) that the gold standard was absolved.  The result has been to permit the private company U.S. Federal Reserve to sell its paper as new global gold to make a super-power functional above the breaking backs of poorer nations.  It is foolish to assume the events are not connected, as it is also foolish to overlook the fact of bombs in the basement of The World Trade towers were needed to ensure evidence of pre-circular (verified) mega-scale money transfers was fully destroyed.  But that you then also permitted The U.S.A. to back out of the Paris Climate Treaty (originally signed 22 April 2016) despite your Global Goals--that's the part of ongoing stacking referenced at the start.

You are aware that a country which openly spites your publicized global goals does directly declare war upon your intentions, yes?

For Taiwan to want to push you for membership is no better than you to say, "We esteem to become part of the UN tolerance toward growing global injustices openly served the masses of The United States Of America by its very own leadership, Mr. Trump-et al."

Taiwan is directly working to ensure the global argument about the word "mind" finds a peaceful, equanimous end.  The same cannot be said or any of the countries currently with seats in your elite membership body.  Are you for global unity, or against it?
The result of the mental argument about "mind" is truly unfortunate, and sits at the root of all your current SDGs problems.  The poorest Canadians, for example, are arrested for crimes they oftentimes did not commit only to be presumed guilty and used as unofficial human trail phase II candidates in mental wards after the presumption of guilt and sheer lack of consideration for a criminal trial.

Taiwan is faced with a decision.  The decision is much greater than requesting its rightful seat at UN assemblies returned.  The decision is directly to support the petition against Canada that shows a second UN member country in direct violation of your conditions for membership.  The petition, "An Act Of Kindness" is linked at (the introduction at ) and directly in the most recent 28 Aug 2018 update "Ending Terror" at

It's a hair-raising petition.  An individual was tortured (by your own definition) in Canada on presumption of criminal guilt without receiving a criminal trial, and despite trying to warn officials that the entire endeavor was to write a book "demonstrating mind for science", to market a charity to build a global school.  It is precisely the poorest who are least likely to be heard in any global argument, or any esteemed colleague such as yourself, Mr. Secretary-General.

The Executive Yuan for Taiwan has little choice in the matter of the petition.  Taiwan legal officials (prosecutors) have already charged its writer for insulting one Clare Chiang, vice president of a Sesame Street school partnership overseeing 2500 students.  All statements to Ms. Chiang were, of course, true and legally permitted under international "freedom of speech" laws, but who really respects freedom of speech nowadays anyway if the UN itself cannot vote for the people of the U.S.A. to cork the false keystone trumpet?

We, the people not supporting your tolerance of The U.S.A.-Canada psychiatric pact, support the decision for Taiwan NOT to push you for membership because Taiwan is, simply, doing more for your Global Goals than you are.

For information about the current and ongoing projection on Taiwan soil, see an update for the above mentioned petition against Canada titled "Shocking Real News: Sesame Street, Taiwan, China" wherein The Executive Yuan for Taiwan permits a school system of 2500 students to defraud parents while not interceding a wrongful charge of slander against one who advocates against the injustices at

Or, perhaps consider the perspective more inline with cited UN considerations, "Taiwan LAF (Legal Aid Foundation) mocks China law".  In this example, The Executive Yuan for Taiwan actively permits the LAF (its national "help the poor with legal struggles" organization) to insist that one of its lawyers, Ms. Elsa Yang, must continue to represent an individual despite her desire, and insistence, not at all to communicate with the defendant nor submit his desired defence to prosecutors.  A full glimpse of the situation is in the update at

Remember, while mainland China is permitted to destroy churches in the name of "no religion is good enough global "One China communism", ref "Christian woman BURIED ALIVE while trying to stop the demolition of church in China" , the mainland does make a better partner for the UN's unspoken vendettas than pro-church and possibly real-world true peace (if the petition is respected) Taiwan. 

Rene Helmerichs

Students for global change, The Climate Realty Project, see the documentary movie JFK (1991) recounting meticulous facts recounting the United States government awareness and support of the 1963 John F. Kennedy, 35th President, assassination. For a larger-scope understanding of events related to, and directly supporting U.S. government dissensions, refer to the 3 hour documentary "Money Masters" at

There is more at foot than any one person can conceive. 


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