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Game Plan

Basic problem and game plan to solve it.  Constructive input is appreciated.

On 15 Feb 2018, Rene Helmerichs introduced "The Magic Show of 2018" to Set TV.  This video was aired for the 18h00 news on Kaohsiung, Taiwan, channel 54 (reaches about 10 million households):
CC (if quality is poor on blogger)

Set TV News Group is attending the outcome of any of a number of related Taiwan court cases for a follow-up.


Rene Helmerichs has a criminal record for crimes he did not commit, which Canada refuses to correct, and which prevents Rene from earning income in Taiwan to support his wife!

There are currently two schools involved:
a) The first is Sesame Street Kidsland with 13 branches, about 2500 students at the elementary level.  Current file for live court cases (1 civil, a few criminal) against Kidsland is at 

Game plan:

1) School hired Rene

2) School did not request a criminal record check

3) School believes it cannot hire Rene Helmerichs because:
i) Rene did not provide a criminal record (CR) check (Taiwan Ed Act Article 9.4)
ii) The CR check shows Rene was in jail for sexual embarrassment (Ed Act Article 9.6)

4) The school dismissed Rene without considering its crime. 

5) The school should:
A) report Rene to police, begin criminal proceedings, try to cover its crime; and/or
B) help Rene correct ongoing injustices that cause and caused Rene to be false accused.

The effects of 5(B):
i)                    a confirmation of peaceful intent
ii)                  partnership for a future Nobel Peace Prize
iii)                sister-school to future real "Miracle University" (teaches A Course In Miracles book)
iv)                assistance correcting legal inconsistencies in Taiwan laws
v)                  assistance correcting inconsistencies in business/school rules
vi)                positive international promotion of Taiwan to The United Nations

The effects of 5(A) without 5(B):
i)                    the school will incur negative publicity
ii)                  the school will react negatively (attempts to slander Rene)
iii)                the school promotes crime
iv)                school demonstrates violations of basic human rights
v)                  managers at the school may lose their jobs
vi)                the school mocks Taiwan law (can incur multiple criminal suits)
vii)              negative international attention of Taiwan for any country to use against Taiwan

The effects of 5(A) and 5(B) require Rene to argue this matter in court. 

6) Rene advertises his defence publicly. 

7) The court must choose:
A) to help Rene correct an ongoing crime against his liberty; or
B) the Taiwan government can deny assistance to Rene to correct a crime against liberty.

Results of 7(B):
If Taiwan is unwilling to support Rene to correct a crime against his liberty, he must ask the internal community, China and The United Nations.  China can begin a human rights claim against Taiwan in international court under The Nuremberg Principles.  The Nuremberg Principles were designed to prevent future military strikes between international countries on grounds of law.  The World Trade Organization can embargo Taiwan if the government attempts to rally its publicly supporting international countries (Eswatini, Kiribati, Nauruan, Palauan).  Taiwan has no lawful defence because its legal structure is demonstrated to be willingly and knowingly against human rights if 7(B).

The effects of 7(B):
i)                    prevents China from using military force to conquer Taiwan;
ii)                  causes drastic political instability within the government of Taiwa; and,
iii)                restricts Taiwan's freedoms--China "conquers" Taiwan legally.

The effects of 7(A)
i)                    prevents China from using military force to conquer Taiwan;
ii)                  promotes Taiwan in the face of China, to an unlimited degree (Taiwan 'wins'); and
iii)                The United Nations will request Taiwan to re-enter its membership

8) To further promote this story, Taiwan aspires to be the first country in the world to offer free wifi to its entire population of 23 million.  There are a dozen universities with thousands of students within Tainan City.  Rene intents to walk across campuses introducing the story with a summary youtube Chinese/English introduction posted to an upcoming petition update at the petition linked in the Background above.  The address will be linked from an adjustable pointer already on physical cards.

A copy of the cards for students to link to the petition with QR code is shown:


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