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Happy Teacher's Day 2018!

What does Gary (Renard) mean when he speaks of a disappearing universe or Your Immortal Reality for forever forgiving love?

It is Teacher Day in Taiwan, 28 Sept.  Happy Teacher's Day to all students of A Course In Miracles!  All students will understand "we teach as we learn" so that "teacher and student are never separated."  

In other words, Actions are a living expression of who we are.  Our reactions define us.  Our behaviour is a direct result of our behaviour toward each other.  It's neat, and it's just and fair, and always common and completely logical and fun all at the same time!

Mind has three parts.  One is false, one is real, one is with both.

The false believes it is real, and the real never challenges the false or it would give what is not true its own true reality (by extending its eternal being to what cannot be.  Which defines impossible as possible, and that is where we are... 'middle earth').

We're not aware of our heavenly origin, therefore, we are in a state of actual living hell.

We don't like to hear that, because culture teaches us that hell is a bad place.  

But heaven is eternally real.  Therefore, we can literally "draw down" the necessary inspiration to help that third part, The Gluey Ghost, help heaven on earth become the shared reality for all parts of our one shared mind that yet refuse to accept that we are simply not actually our bodies (in this life or the next).

A Course In Miracles is about recognizing our Ego, and overcoming it with personal forgiveness.  Here we go...


"Why am I reading something to Aidan?  How does this have anything to do with Me?"

To Aidan:

Your ego is the part of you that will object to any part of this, because this is addressed to you, and your ego will argue inside your mind to verify the absolute validity of itself, and this stupid writing as worthy of its attention. 

Words are "triggers".  That word "stupid" is a direct insult to the ego because the ego receives a "stupid" signal for attention from its perceived antonym, "the high self" (haughty self) from which the Ego believes it acts, and must believe, to be assured that it is always right and rightfully using its sound logical soundly.

Kid, ease up.  This one's smooth.  No insult.  All clean, and definitely able to help un-confuse yourself and manyone (anyone else, including also the Buddhist "many minds" that each of our conflicting internal desires engender within our greater mind).


Aidan is a smart kid.  He's actually not a kid anymore, now turned 18 last June!

Aidan is maybe a little too smart.  He sees through the system in his environment.  He hated high school for it, and is working as a grocery stockboy saving for a college education that he feels, deep down, he doesn't really want and certainly doesn't need.

He struggled to find himself.  Over and over and over again he asked himself, "Who am I?!"

It's a nagging question amid such confusion in a world of worlds filled with people telling others what to do, how to act, where to go, and when to say or not say anything at all. 

"Am I the subject of a thought experiment?"  Aidan thought.  "I just can't be sure of anything in a world that is itself always changing!"

And then Aidan saw it.  Yes, he can.  He can be sure of just one thing.

Aidan understood that because the world is ALWAYS changing, constancy must exist.  Aidan worked it backwards from there pretty quick.  Constancy was a new word for Aidan, but Aidan knew what consistency meant.  Constancy was only consistency same-applied, same-applied, same-applied, same-applied into a living helix of legal turbulence.

Every perceived degree has its own balancing point.  Every argument has a solution.  The single solution that ends all arguments is that there is just one state that can always exist.  Therefore, there is one law under all rules that cannot be broken.  That law never means harm.  In fact, it is so rich, so forthcoming, so insanely blunt, that it is precisely transparent and not at all able to put into words, or any really usable legal expression at all.

"MY GOD", Aidan thought.  "I see it?"

Aidan asked about his Ego.  His Ego prevented him from seeing it.  His Ego is the mechanism of perception for the very thing that cannot be perceived because perception implies always changing, and that sustaining the ever-lasting mechanism of "always changing" does not change.

Constant-constancy amplifies.  It acts like a lens.  It can reflect ideas, but it is not itself perceptual.  It is the "zero" point originating infinty that exists forever with each of us, so that we each can know again that our minds are already eternal, and eternally confused in any ever-changing reality.  And there is no waking up to the changeless one, except RIGHT NOW because eternal is now too.  And now, and now, and now too.

And now.

Eternal is timeless, because it is the awareness that there exists a timeless moment under all moments in time that appear like mere dots on a line.

Aidan began to draw a funny analogy between law, laws, justice, time, real life, and teaching and learning.  Aidan began to realize that he was actually living his own A Course In Miracles, without ever having seen, touched, or heard of, or read the book!

Allow me to put this rosy speech into perspective.

Aidan is a flower in the garden of God.  He would tell you, "You are like a delicate flower. Too much sun, and you wither. Not enough water, and you die. Too much water, and you drown in the fear of not having enough by taking more than is best right now." 

But God's garden contains weeds too.  Those are like the insects and pests of the world... that keep the cycle of life moving.  Pull the weed, and we might just hurt ourself?  No chance if we are all equally with God in every moment of time. 

The Garden Parable is only understood when The Ego Of Christ, the ACIM "interlocking chain of atonement", is accepted as the biggest weed of all.  That is what the biblical "Christ will come like a thief in the night" means. 

Aidan saw it.  His mind is already eternal.  Therefore, he must be a living expression of the exact same spirit of Christ that Jesus shared just a short moment ago, in a different moment of time, perceptually much further in the past than just yestertime.

Aidan has a friend, Sunjay.  When Sunjay was just 2, he coined the term "yestertime".  Yestertime is anytime that is past, and is the perfect word to use for ubiquitous "yesterday".

The Yin Yang ("The Male Female")

Aidan pondered some more.  He asked his spirit, his eternal mind, "What does the Daoist symbol for eastern thinking, The Yin-Yang, mean?"

Aidan heard an answer he didn't understand.  Aidan understands courts and lawyers and police and doctors seem to have the bulk of the authority in his environment.  How did that possibly relate to The Yin-Yang?

Aidan thought and thought.  Then Aidan forgot he'd asked.  He got busy stocking shelves, and took his mind off the question.  His Ego was set to a different task.  Suddenly it was there.  He was looking at a picture of the legal scales on a pack of noodles in his hand.

"Hmm, odd that my environment would be able to associate things so fluidly!" Aidan thought.

He wondered about those scales only a minute longer.  They were on a stand.  Two scales, representing two sides, had a common under stand.  He smiled at the wholey joke, "understood."

The next day he awoke.  He was still half asleep, his mind still-contented with the everlasting arms that under-stand all personal desire.

He pictured those two legal scales like two disks.  One shone with a golden light, the other was black as night.  The background was just white.  The lighter side of his life made him smile, always.  Of course the black disk was heavier and sinking.  How was the balance maintained?  How is there order? 

A rope came from the golden light.  It lobbed up and over a non-existent pivot.  These were still two scales of justice.  There is a common understand.  But the tie itself was missing.  A rope symbolized that tie.

The platform on the left, looking at the scene, was of golden light. 

The scale on the right was the one that was black as night.

The rope came from the left, and slung, hung, down to the one on the right, over an invisible higher ground, turning point.

A man would need to hold the rope.  There was a man on the scale on the left. 

The rope would need to offer life.  There was a bucket at the end of the rope.

The man on the left slowly lowered the rope-with-bucket to the many people standing on the scale that was black as night.

The rope had no start.  It just seemed to come out of a left-wing light itself.  It was a definite rope.  It just had no start, but was as long as was needed to reach the people in the dark on the right.

Aidan was confused.  In countless movies he heard the term "the right arm".  The "right arm" were always the freedom fighters, the advocates against tyranny, a small group that represented ideals for a higher God.  What possible sense was there to paint the left side with wings?

"Ego."  And Aidan understood The Yin-Yang.

The scene changed at once.  The man on the left was so bright, blindingly bright, that those on the right misperceived him to be "the absence of light".  Those in the dark believed themselves to be "in the right", and so they were.  But were they truly right?  How could they be without ability to perceive the whole! 

"OMG", Aidan thought.  "Things sometimes happen for reasons we maybe forgot we agreed to.  And then we remember, and we say, 'Oh' or 'Oh, ya'.  After we remember enough of them, we get onto the 'Oh Wow' and then into the 'Omg'."

After that it's just "Holy Shit" and "wtf."

The scales of justice are in balance, not because one side is lighter while the other is dark.

Picture the two as buckets into a well.  Into the lighter side extends the rope, the tying, uniting balance.

One on the left lowers the bucket to those on the right.

The rope never ends.  It comes from the light.

The light on the left is so bright, that all on the right perceive it as an absolute abyss, an absence of light, the end of life.  Yet from that bright platform on the left, there extends the rope and thread binding all life into equal personal scales with same-sound reasoning, atoning, and ability.

The right side is perceived to be lowered, as the rope extends... by you the perceiver.  The perceiver can then ask, are they being lowered, or being raised?

Aidan, as perceiver, is then "shown" the rope is made of points, like moments in time, a dotted line.  "The people" to whom the same rope leads is anyone.  Everyone is reassured.

"Relax, I can make all things right. Step into the light!" says a voice from "not" the right.

Is it that every point on the thread of life, our "timeline" is cancelled with a change of heart-mind?

Or is it that no fear need exist because the same one choice always exists for all?

The Choice for "light, life, and the way" is always to help all with harm to none, meaning no such timeline or any concept for time is at all necessary.  That is the branch of God sustaining every whine.

And... Aidan was still confused about how The Scales Of Justice were the exact same as The Yin-Yang, so he shook his head.  And the scales dropped, and shattered, and turned into millions of more scales all existing in the same eternal state. 

"The Yin-Yang", he said, "maybe if I spin it... slowly to hypnotize, quickly to make it entirely disappear.  I can use it for myself, or I can use it to help others know that we are all the same." 

"Now I get."?

Picture a bridge.  Mind bridges time.  Mind joins different moments in time, for Ego to decide what to do next, that is best for itself.  The Ego in each of us is only learning that "best for self" and "best for all" is one-and-same.  Since mind bridges time, therefore mind is beyond time.

Psychiatrists have it all wrong in their pill-pushing campaign.



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