Had two interesting insights on waking...
The first concerns Canada's voting registry. The dream showed how it can be padded. Literally, the dream showed the registrar for Canada with an incremental decrease of registered Canadians. The powers that be (money) was pulling out, or withdrawing people from the registrar for later re-addition to pad ballots. At first it seemed to be for monetary reasons, the second dream cleared that up with added insight.
It is possible to change the monetary supply of Canada quite without permission of the government! Who knew?! Evidently the man who signed the bill (the actual money of Canada) gave the permission for someone, usually a lawyer, to use a different legal tender note under the one condition that something crucially important for all Canadians is to be advertised. In that case, the legal address of the advertising entity (must be a real person?) can be used as name of the bill with information designating the legal amount of the note.
I guess the second dream would be sort of like using a cheque, except on a very large scale.
Remember the big money that sets the elections does not need to do it for more money. It owns the printing presses. It just wants a friendly face as amicable puppet, not someone completely willing to cut absolutely all strings.
Rene Helmerichs
22 Oct 2018
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