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Showing posts from March, 2019

Future Developments In Wind Energy Over The Next 100 Years

^ This (.doc): CC: A new idea for Wind Turbines 27 March 2019, A thunderstorm cloud is the optimal wind turbine, directly creating electrical current without need for a planted windmill.  That's where renewable wind energy will ultimately lead--thunderstorms-in-a-box, so to speak, but before we're there, we've got leagues to go. Two new additions in my life intrigued me with a conversation about Wind Turbines over dinner. Michel, the more handsome and clearly more scholarly gentleman on the left, is finishing up a Master's in Astrophysics.  He's particularly interested in plotting global wind patterns to determine suitable, or best, locations for wind turbines. A thought crossed my mind, "If the purpose of the wind turbine is to gain energy from wind...

20190309 star log

^ Rene and wife, early morning random chat.  Chakra mentioned, also mind, relation to an ever-changing reality, and filler. Titling this "Rene's ongoing discussion of a plot in motion whereby the churches of the world are cornered into a lasting agreement for mutually sustainable peace" might be most accurate. Rene 9 March 2019

Understanding Under-standing (Einstein, Hawking, and Miracles)

I write things down to remember.  I don't write to be judged (psychiatrists can all bleep off). I began this story for me.  Everything I wrote, I wrote first and foremost for myself.  This one is for my girlfriend. My girlfriend wants to understand God.  The first (and really the only rule) about God is that GOD is not separate (from any one or any thing).  Any concept of GOD that includes any form of separation is, fundamentally, the earmark of a deficient (or confused) self-concept.  Think: if God sustains all life, that which is separate from God ceases to have life and therefore never existed.  Since we all clearly exist, therefore, we are all attached/connected to the same eternally sustaining life force.  That being said, let's look at that idea a bit more with respect to Albert Einstein and Steven Hawking. Einstein was a curious kid.  He explored ideas, and wondered how they worked--together.  His wonder led him ...