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Understanding Under-standing (Einstein, Hawking, and Miracles)

I write things down to remember.  I don't write to be judged (psychiatrists can all bleep off).

I began this story for me.  Everything I wrote, I wrote first and foremost for myself.  This one is for my girlfriend.

My girlfriend wants to understand God.  The first (and really the only rule) about God is that GOD is not separate (from any one or any thing).  Any concept of GOD that includes any form of separation is, fundamentally, the earmark of a deficient (or confused) self-concept.  Think: if God sustains all life, that which is separate from God ceases to have life and therefore never existed.  Since we all clearly exist, therefore, we are all attached/connected to the same eternally sustaining life force.  That being said, let's look at that idea a bit more with respect to Albert Einstein and Steven Hawking.

Einstein was a curious kid.  He explored ideas, and wondered how they worked--together.  His wonder led him into some intriguing thoughts of connectivity.  For example, The Theory Of Relativity. 

Einstein's Theory Of Relativity came from a pretty simple thought: if all life is always changing, then a state beyond our understanding (which we'll call eternal but isn't actually eternally the same according to our understanding of "same") must exist.  That means, from anywhere we have individual perspective, everything must be forever relative.  Enter the four walls of our office, and realize that this place seems to stay the same but is in fact always in motion beyond our physical perception.  In other words, everything is always relative.  Taking that to the limits of Einstein's known understanding of physics, leads one to wonder about the extremes of motion, particularly, the speed of light.

Speed is measured by taking the distance an object travels and dividing it by the time it took to travel the distance.  Since distance itself is relative according to our understanding of space, we use the word "velocity" instead of distance.  Little "v", for velocity, is essentially equal to speed for everyday stuff.

speed = distance / time

From experiments, the Greats of his day figured that the energy of an object is equal to its mass multiplied by its velocity squared, and then divided in half.  Because the object has motion, it's called the Kinetic (moving) Energy (as opposed to Potential Energy).  In truth, every object has potential energy also, but in the extreme case, all potential energy becomes Kinetic Energy.

E.K. = 1/2 m v^2

So Einstein thought a while a longer and figured if velocity goes to infinity, or a speed of a really, really fast object is considered, then its mass has less and less importance.  Since the Greats assumed that light is also a particle (an object with mass), and a really, really small particle at that, then the smaller the particle gets (to be infinitely small) still means that the constant part of the equation (the 1/2 in the E=1/2 m v^2) becomes more and more meaningless as the value of v goes to infinity.  

E.K. = m v^2 (for really, really fast-moving suckers)

Since the speed of light is accepted as the letter "c", and the direction always assumed to be straight (so there isn't a difference between velocity and speed), E=mc^2 for really, really fast objects (objects traveling close to the speed of light).

Now, brilliant Einstein prefaced the entire theory with the title: OF RELATIVITY, because the energy of an infinity fast object is actually limitless, and therefore free energy is both possible and a very real thing that we ought really be focusing on developing instead of arguing about stuff like time.

[Honey, remind me to add a post about electrons bumping each other along down a wire, and using that principle to explain a tangible way to make real gold (using harmonics).]

Enter the idiot Steven Hawking.

Steven Hawking desired to find a single equation for Time.  It was sitting in front of his face the entire time.  Time=. Such that "." equals "1/0", where 1=x because 1/0=0/1 since GOD (a singular state containing/sustaining all relative orders must exist; reader please find a proof of that part at the top, you might have read it but not grasped how it relates to the four walls surrounding your workspace).

Now for Miracles.

Miracles are all relative.  "The real miracle is the love that underscores/inspires all of them", and love is so far beyond our comprehension that we really ought never to bother ever thinking how anything is not always just sustained with the same one loving drive.

Love is not destructive, it's always creative.  It's like rain down a roof top.  If bird shit piles up, rain'll just find a way around it until the mess is eroded back into nutrients for whatever else has use for the itty bitty particles of bird poop.

Hawking had a choice to heal his body.  We all do.  Hawking simply elected to not stop his unproductive thinking habits or bend them into more constructive channels.  And if you doubt that, then consider the guy that wrote "Peaceful Warrior".  The author shattered his legs, was told he'd never walk again (let alone compete in sports), and he defied everyone to go on and physically excel with fully recovered limbs.

To quote A Course In Miracles: "there is no order of difficulty in miracles.  One is not harder or more difficult than another."  It just takes time, which is immeasurably shortened with WILLINGNESS to cooperate with the inspirations provided yourself from your very own all-knowing spirit (to which you truly are connected all day and night without abandon)...

Definition for genius: one speaking with the common spirit.
Plural of "genius" = genii, that granting you the ability to have what thy mind seeks.
"thy" = "your" for the untouchable parts that you innately own (like your thoughts).
"thine" = "your" for the touchable parts that you own (like your body, or your house).

A church is the home of your altar, and your altar is where you place your gifts to your God.
If you can't physically touch a thing that is forever and always connected with all the objects in your personal universe, why would you think that "thine" belongs in any part of the statement: "Thy church is the home of thy altar, and thy altar IS the thoughts thy keeps of thyself.

One cannot be true to thine own self, but must always be true to the common self of all thine selves.  Real-eyes you walk through life not knowing yourself to be forever asleep, and death cannot actually touch you unless you think any body is worthy of death.

B'deep, b'deep, Forgive typos, foregive you, and plz forgive I (we all share that word, in every culture).  that's all.

7 March 2019


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