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Let's Stop WW3

This story starts small but gets bigger.  It relates to everyone, everywhere.


Disclaimer (from the dissertation for worldwide peace at ):
Legally speaking, my name is Rene Helmerichs.  I was born in Bremen, Germany, on 2 March 1977.  I am author of Story Of Loo posted at .  That story is highly offensive.... Specifically, tithing to any church on earth is directly against the tenets described in Deuteronomy, and THAT is what I'm after. 


Kidsland Sesame Street Taiwan uses a legal loophole to hire a Canadian criminal offender.  They give him better pay than other teachers and a two-year contract.  He only went to jail to write a book to build a school.  He didn't actually commit a crime.  He is currently trying to restore his credibility in Canada, but they consider him to be only mentally handicapped.

The teacher needs to share his story because it can end worldwide religious arguments about God.  That means real worldwide peace.  That includes ending bullying from mainland China.

Instead of helping him, Kidsland vice president Clare Chiang publicly destroys his credibility.  The result of her action is a criminal offence in Taiwan law, under Article 4 of the law. 

Clare then lied to the Tainan City mediator on 4 May 2018.  She said she fired him because he didn't provide a criminal record.  But, he was a good teacher.  She said she'll rehire him if he provides the record.

Clare knew the man was in jail because he told her about his record before she hired him.  She hired him on 26 May 2017 for a two-year contract from 1 Aug 2017 to 31 July 2019.  The teacher sat with Clare on 20 May 2017 and told her, "THIS IS IMPORTANT."  Find the 20 May 2017 recording in the timeline at

Clare can legally rehire him without the criminal check.   His ARC does not require a work permit.  The work permit requires the check.  Clare hired him the first time without the check, so the second time is no different.  Actually, she broke Taiwan law if she tries to hide that he has a criminal record from parents of students.  She manages 12 private schools in Tainan City, and one in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan.

The teacher, however, is not seeking to be rehired in the same capacity.  The teacher is able to offer far greater benefit as director of marketing for the school.  New branches could be opened, and the relationships toward parents complete restored.

Clare manages a potentially fraudulent company.  The company does not respect its clients while it prevents the teacher from correcting misunderstanding.  Clare told the Tainan City government mediator on 4 May 2018 that she fired the teacher for not providing a criminal record check on 25 Jan 2018.  In truth, Kidsland mangers Denise and Stacy threatened to fire the teacher if parents of his students discover his past.  The threat occurred on 28 Dec 2017.  Details with links to supporting records are in the Taiwan timeline document linked at .

Clare phoned the teacher on 21 Jan 2018 to inform him that parents had discovered his past.  On 22 January 2018 he was asked not to return to work.  He was not allowed to collect his belongings.  He was not allowed to correct misperceptions of the parents for which Clare did call.  Clare informed the teacher that one parent presumed him to be mentally ill, without ever having performed an examination.  Find the 21 January 2018 conversation also at and copied here, for the reader's convenience: 

It follows that the company also does not respect its relationship with teachers.  It allows its clients to believe that a teacher is mentally handicapped instead of helping them understand that he is not.

The man is a teacher trying to build a school and end worldwide religious wars in the process.  It's a big project.  He needs help.  Telling him that he is mentally ill for attempting the feature is a testament only to self-arrogance and a willingness to ruin reputations and relationships.

Managers at Kidsland Sesame Street in Tainan City refuse to respect that such a thing is possible.  They could agree to work together, but choose only to advertise their intent to work together.  While they counter their public mission, they are knowingly fraudulent.  Gloss over the grammatical typos in their well over one-meter-tall poster:

This is a real-time singularity.  Here's a detailed breakdown of what's currently happening with The Argument for Kidsland Sesame Street:

This news story helps governments.  President Obama for The United States did, for example, sign an order for Martial Law in 2015.  The wars on terror do promote only terror, and negative news does serve an ulterior purpose.  The question is whether the reader is aware of the licensing standards news corporations must abide.  What intent sets that standard?  Which intent does the standard serve if we cannot advertise this exceptional case for worldwide peace?  Share it with your governments and follow the trail of excuses to find the rotten apples.

This story is also part of a larger human rights case that the teacher is building.  Find details of the case in letters to the government of Taiwan:
8 June 2018:
12 June 2018 follow-up:
15 June 2018:
28 May 2018:

If Taiwan does not help the teacher, he will ask mainland China for help.  China can use this case in international court against Taiwan.  Legally, The United Nations can boycott Taiwan's international trade relations with legal embargoes.  The 9 Chinese dissidents granted refuge from the mainland in Taiwan may then be returned to China.  Grounds are simply that Taiwan is not sincerely for human rights if this case is not respected.

The human rights case disappears if the news and government of Taiwan help the teacher to show the world that Canada is openly violating human rights, daily.  There is mediation scheduled with Set TV on 20 June 2018.

The teacher offers this to the news:

On 3 Sept 2012, he was arrested for a criminal offence.  The offence was possession of 3.5 grams of marijuana.  He was never charged with that offence.  Instead, a police report dated 4 Sept 2012 says that he was arrested for criminally harassing a girl, Natalie Yewchyn (now Kelloway).  Find the report at

Next, he was not given a trial.  He was arrested and put into a hospital jail.  The Criminal Code Of Canada did legally consider that to be the same as "charged with an offence" and "imprisonment" for the offence.  He did not receive a trial, nor any ability to counter the false statements made about him.

The doctors were Liqat Ali and Anjana Chawla.  The location was Royal Victoria Regional Healthcare Centre (RVH) in Barrie, Ontario.  RVH is a large hospital by international standards.

The teacher had his right to refuse mediation removed.  He requested his fiancée to act as his legal "Next of Kin" and guardian.  He was denied that right as well.  His spouse, you see, was on his side.  Instead, authority was given to his mother whom psychiatrist Ms. Chawla had convinced was in need of mediation to "save" him from his thinking.  He was forcibly injected. 

Doctors didn't believe him.  The girl was lying.

Anjana Chawla turns this ridiculous story into even more of a joke.  She claims to have released the teacher after two months for Halloween.  The suggestion actually came from the teacher.  Anjana used the excuse that someone would want to hurt the teacher for his writings, and, therefore, he was of harm to himself.  That was constituted grounds, in the insane mind of Anjana, to keep the teacher.  Yet, about whom did he write, for the nearly 200 hand-written pages of the inner workings of a mental ward onto his RVH medical record?

Anjana finally bribed the teacher to lower a blog of defame toward RVH staff.  In exchange, the teacher would have his right to refuse mediation restored.  The medication caused the teacher only spinal pain.  The community treatment order was lifted to the surprise of a Legal Aide Lawyer brought on board to fight Anjana in November of 2012.

Recall this case began with a 3 Sept 2012 arrest.  On 1 Sept 2012, two City Of Barrie detects had threatened to arrest the teacher if he continued to send marketing email to The Mormon Community Of Christ.  At the time, the primary recipient of the email had been USA minister Kris Judd.

The teacher needed to grow an argument for one simple reason: the law is about relationships.  In the end, there exists only one mind.  The mind must restore all relationships back into functionally working order.  If a church objects to a partnership for worldwide peace, that makes the argument about "God" concepts.

The teacher doesn't understand what The Mormons meant when a Georigan College student returned on 23 April 2012 to his class.  The student, Kazue, claimed the 8-hour 21 April 2012 "Good Sense Budget" Mormon workshop was not a tax-advice workshop, but about giving money to God.

A true heavenly being does not attempt to convince worships to invest in a legalized ponzi scheme.  Church ministers call it tithing.  They tell the public that the bible commands it.  The bible does not:

When a church tells the people that it makes God happy, or that "The Lord" has commanded it in the Bible, they are mistaken.  The teacher has added "Lifenote05" to his dissertation for worldwide peace at .  The life note explains tithing to churches is not actually for a heavenly deity since governments manage the greater economies. 

Wife of Mormon Community Of Christ minister Matthew Swain, Irina, was a student at Georgian College in Barrie, Ontario.  The teacher had offered his adult students a tax advice workshop the year before.  To be sure there was no conflict of interest with the school, Irina and Matthew kindly offered the apartment.  The evening was quaint and Occuptation-specific Language Training (OSLT) immigrant students attended the pot luck.  For the 21 April 2012 Grovepark Home event, Irina sold the planned "tax-advice" workshop to the teacher.  The teacher advertised it to his class without realized there to be a religious tie.

The Mormon Community Of Christ offered itself to the teacher to be used to grow an argument about God.  An argument can only end where it begins.  That is the eternal law of God to maintain function order within all its divisive faculties of just one mind.

Find the 2 March 2013 statement from ex-Mormon treasurer Natalie Yewchyn (now Kelloway) in the appendix of the dissertation at

Emails to show members of the Mormon Community Of Christ lied are included.  The story officially began on 21 August 2011 when Natalie Yewchyn gave her telephone number to the teacher with agreement for a coffee date.  She has lied about everything that happened following that day.  The full story is presented in the dissertation and continued in Story Of Loo, .

The teacher tried to take the issue of doctors assuming people guilty and forcibly injecting them for it, to court.  The first arrest on 3 Sept 2012 had been to market the story.  The teacher was arrested a second time on 2 March 2013.  The intent was to continue the story, as well as correcting the injustices having occurred in 2012.  A voice recording of a conversation with manager Christina from Sinton Transportation, 26 February 2013, is linked in Story Of Loo.

The 2 March 2013 arrest resulted directly in incarceration.  No bail or release from custody was ever given.  The teacher was put into a hospital ward that was inside Central North Correction Centre (CNCC), the 1100+ bed jail in Penetanguishene, Ontario.  He was kept in solitary confinement the entire time while at CNCC with only 20 minutes release to shower and use a payphone (without money given).  He was not permitted release from his cell each day.  At the time of his stay, 20 minutes of fresh air inside a concrete room was offered approximately once per week.  Release from the cell the shower often took several days.

The teacher was charged for the same information, the same facts, against the same girl, for the same time period as the first offence on 3 Sept 2012.  That's legally called a Double Jeopardy and is technically illegal according to The Constitution Act Of Canada.  However, in practice, jail guards are also still paying servers with extra food to assault inmates with unfavourable charges.

To say the prison system in Canada is broken is an understatement.  The entire legal system is a burden on tax-payers and in need of a complete overhaul.  Yet the talking heads that sit in office deny this case a rightful spot on the international news wires.

The 2 March 2013 offence was listed as "indictable".  That means it relied on information that was older than 6 months.  It was exactly six months after the first arrest on 3 Sept 2012.  In practice, an Indictable offence allows prosecutors to demand a higher punishment.  Recall also the fact that the minister and treasurer actually lied to start the story off.  You see, one can legally ask help from a church according to Matthew 5:25 and 5:41.  

The teacher began this larger case by marketing his book to The Mormon Community Of Christ with an

The case file number for the 2 March 2013 arrest was C-13-205-SR, City Of Barrie courthouse.
The teacher sat in jail for 16 months waiting for a trial.  What was the real crime?  He sent email to The Mormon International Community Of Christ to begin to advertise his story to get the money to build a school.  Marketing partnership was offered in exchange for nominal items including, for a pun, a new Dodge Viper.

The school will be the only official school worldwide to certify teachers for the book A Course In Miracles.  It'll also stop the upside-down logic of the European precident to destroy relationships with court instead of first demanding that parties enter mediation.  Taiwan law is light-years ahead of the upside-down counter-intuitive logic of what the west means when it allows Donald Trump to proclaim "America First!" as seen in the "Let's Start WW3" video by the Japanese group World Order:

The teacher was arrested a third time after he told his probation officer that he was blogging for public help.  Her name was Tamara Williamson.  She had a legal obligation to help the teacher talk sense to judge Gregory Mulligan.  That judge, for the June 2014 trial, allowed Mormon treasurer Natalie Yewchyn (now Natalie Kelloway) and Mormon minister Matthew Swain to openly commit perjury in court. 

Judge Mulligan denied the teacher to submit the redacted 4 Sept 2012 Barrie police report ( ) to the jury.  It should have legally ended the case and caused Ontario to award the teacher with the necessary funding.  Instead, Ontario prosecutors chose to cover the scandal.

The teacher attempted to press the charge of bribery against Anjana Chawla in July 2014. A justice of the peace advised the teacher frankly: "If you press this, and you can, the prosecutors have the option of dropping the charge.  If they drop it, you can't reuse the evidence at a later date.  Consider your position.  They claim you to be mentally ill.  Which outcome looks more likely?"  The justice was amazing.  He handed the teacher his personal courthouse copy of The Criminal Code, which the teacher was then able to further study.  During subsequent arrests for this very same case.

The teacher bids you, are we on the same one side for a sustainable future free of worldwide religious arguments, or not?  Let us simply declare that the God Jesus is All'yah (the same spirit with everyone).  The amount of mistakes that people are willingly making is tremendous.  

Miracles depend on cooperation.  The teacher will either get the money to build his school with the willing help of Kidsland managers, or, the news and Taiwan government will have a hotter human rights case on their hands if they side with Kidsland in court.

Kidsland has pressed the charge of "libel" against the teacher for blogging writing exactly similar to this.  In fact, it was V.P. Clare Chiang who pressed the charge in Tainan City, Taiwan.

Her side, or ours for worldwide true peace because arguments for and against Allah are ended.  Allah is our common sense, the rest is for us to figure out while we learn to better relate in the quest for the best sustainable outcome.

The teacher,

Rene Helmerichs.

See the timeline at

Follow-up email also sent 17 June 2018:

Hi Kimberley, City Of Barrie police chief,

We need to start planning.  Two psychiatrists, Liqat Ali and Anjana Chawla, will need to be arrested.  All the others can be given to God.  That means, stripped of their psychiatric licence, permanently.  Let them re-enter the field of mental healthcare as psychologists.

Kim, this is for real.  The thread is just a prick.  The bloodletting is at Http:// , Story Of Loo.
Deb can confirm the voice that gave A Course In Miracles to be the same voice as the spirit of Jesus, aka Lucifer, right arm of Allah and bearer of the unseen light (the one that's so bright it blindly confuses people).
You have difficulties.  I have the ability to work everything out with harm to none.  Do we have a partnership?

I need a response.  I can't read individual minds as clearly as collectives.  I've been playing the advance echoes of your collective thoughts.  That's different than hearing voices.  In fact, one guy I met at Waypoint claimed his voices were telling him that I was the devil.  He was there because he claimed to be Jesus.  I am neither.  I am Rene.  I know I can solve three of Clay Mathematics Institutes notorious 7 millennium problems, because I did it at the speed that I can type, about 40 words per minute and then with a bit more time to give it a quick read-through for a logical check.  I emailed Clay an 8th.  So, I figure, I'm probably a lot like that character Matt Damon plays in Good Will Hunting because I also understand the law like the back of my hand.  The proposed 8th mathematics (logic) problem for Clay elites is linked:

We need to work together.  It will only save us time to work together to advertise this story.  There is no easy down from here, and government officials already know.  Why does the hardest working of society remain as last to know what the elites plan?  Is it because the elites govern the airwaves of thoughts programming social opinions for or against oil-wars justified at the planned collapse of twin money towers?

Muslims, btw, had nothing to do with the fall of the world trade towers.  Gary Renard mentioned that in his third book.  Hayhouse Inc. refused to publish his book for that reason.  In fact, his second wife Cindy personally complained to me in Toronto, 23 Oct 2011.  She specifically said, "we thought YOU could help with that."  Of course, Coursers understand the word "YOU" to apply ubiquitously.  Cindy's on the left.

I was sitting more or less right across from her.  There weren't many at the evening function, so plenty of chance to talk.  It was my fifth time at a meal that close or closer to Gary, not that it matters at this point.  But, at the time, I wanted to be absolutely sure that I checked out the guy who wrote Disappearance Of The Universe before I put my faith into vouching, publicly, for his story as a true recount.  It is TRUE.

Well, it did happen that the 3rd book by Gary Renard was translated, and published, in Europe (Holland or Denmark, memory is unclear) BEFORE its release in the original English in the USA.  So, whose directive governs your thinking?  Is it yours for a true end to religious wars about terrorism or enforced peace, or real worldwide peace with harm to none?

Get the contents of the thread onto the airwaves and into the news.  I can really bring about an end to worldwide religious arguments because you can call me God, and I will always tell all of you that I don't know God, but I've experienced an eternal heaven and its the same one for all of us, with nothing lacking nor missing.  I experienced it in 2006, late one March afternoon, in beautiful Taiwan.

I'll also always tell you that the mother of Jesus was not a virgin, and that the God of Jesus is Allah.  Edgar Cayce wrote about that.  The Foundation For Inner Peace, preserving the original notes of A Course In Miracles (ACIM), will confirm the first version at to be acceptably accurate.  Specifically, the part about 80% of the ACIM material being from the same source as that given by Edgar Cayce (1877-1945).  The remaining 20% was everything advocating for awareness of the physical reality above first establishing the proper perspective that YOU are NOT a body, but a self-concept called Ego governing local egos, each of which steer different parts of our commonly shared reality called space-time.

Rene, on behalf of... could it be... a wholey spirit, one commonly with all equally as a birthright to all innately?

Churches.... you can call me whatever you like.  I expect tithes.

This is the actual recording of the 3 Sept 2012 encounter with City Of Barrie police sergeant Doug Henderson:

My goal was to "unite the egos of churches".  It remains unchanged, 6 years later.  Is that my problem as a spec in mine eye for visual disability, or your problem as a God-sized plank across the mountain of shit you profess to be in the public's best interest but which actually serves your little concept of God?

Live-action at
How it began (time before first arrest):
Story Of Loo (after first arrest):

SOL A Course In Miracles applied to demonstrate to you that you are God and God exists beyond our collectively shared unconscious mind:

an open doctoral dissertation in Experimental Psychology.










真誠地希望你會決定幫助全球人權。請告知台南市地方法院的檢察官放棄江佩樺對Rene提出的指控。罪名是誹謗。這些陳述都是真實的。他們仍然可以在 找到。這本書是江佩樺一起工作的警告。



台灣時間表在 上共享所有必要的支持文件。本新聞摘要來自:

是主任老師 for the worldwide peace petition at , 上的全球和平請願的主任老師,



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