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ACIM Authority Problem

You have an Authority Problem
According to A Course In Miracles (ACIM)?

From the ACIM Textbook:

T-3.III.5.          7. When you say you are acting on the basis of knowledge, you are really confusing knowledge with perception. 8 Knowledge provides the strength for creative thinking, but not for right doing. 9 Perception, miracles and doing are closely related. 10 Knowledge is the result of revelation and induces only thought. 11 Even in its most spiritualized form perception involves the body. 12 Knowledge comes from the altar within and is timeless because it is certain. 13 To perceive the truth is not the same as to know it.

T-3.VI.10.       Peace is a natural heritage of spirit. 2 Everyone is free to refuse to accept his inheritance, but he is not free to establish what his inheritance is. 3 The problem everyone must decide is the fundamental question of authorship. 4 All fear comes ultimately, and sometimes by way of very devious routes, from the denial of Authorship. 5 The offense is never to God, but only to those who deny Him. 6 To deny His Authorship is to deny yourself the reason for your peace, so that you see yourself only in segments. 7 This strange perception is the authority problem.

Now say that again in the exclusive first person:

Peace is my natural inheritance. I am free to refuse to accept my inheritance, but I am not free to establish what my inheritance is.  The problem I must decide is the fundamental question of authorship.  All fear comes ultimately, and sometimes by way of very devious routes, from the denial of Authorship.  The offense is never to God, but only to me when I deny God.  To deny God is to deny myself the reason for my peace, so that I see myself only in segments. 7 This strange perception is the authority problem.

Read more about The Holy Spirit here:

Miracle U!

Rule for goals: everything is possible as long as none excludes any other. 
Real-time exists for all time, same for all, for same-shared dream, excepting none.

Join here to share the means:

Our goal is The School Of Dreams!

Once a day share and say:
My goal is not work but play!

I can choose my future.
Be gone you who sell sutures.

My mind is eternal.
My dreams are internal.
Reality is now.
Mind you to please tell me how!

Potions for mental health?
Grim psychiatrists seek wealth!

Doctors are a strange kind;
pills to think in place of mind?

Witches do not respect.
Psychiatrists ought defect!

What lawyers ask to share,
Doctors steal without a care.

The Golden Rule is now.
Our neighbours, our brothers, wow!

My goal is not work, not pay.
Doctors became witches.  Hey!
Our taxes are wasted;
war for delay is hasted.

We lost sight long ago,
of our need to share our dreams.

In sharing to we learn
What all we commonly yearn.
We yearn to know our mind
To learn again "of one kind".

Everything is possible but
No one cannot be cut.
Remember The Spirit,
and all our wants asked of it.
Spirit lives in my mind's eye
I am a big piece of pie.

I am my own baker.
I am the master maker.
I did not make myself.
I dream to be Seer Self.

My mind is the builder.

Sign + share + talk2dream your dreams into our commonly shared reality!

Work with Rene to build the first school able to certify global teachers for A Course In Miracles, Miracle U.  The 1269-page course was written by NYC's Columbia School Of Medicine professors, teachers of modern day psychiatrists, in the 1960s and 70s.  Canada will fund the project; we just need help getting the word out about this petition for it.  Any way that you can think of.  Everything is possible because, simply, real-time defines eternity as always existing with change.  Keep your goals the same, without exclusion or exception, and your reality must bend to you will.  YOUR WILL be done on earth.  YOU are lord here.  That's what THAT means.  "And the means are always given" is the Amen.

No idols can be placed before any alter of the true God because that God exists with you right now in your very thoughts.  Your God is just confused which goal you think you want most of all.  So better is to ask, to be very sure, that you know for yourself what your own mind is trying to guide your reality to actualize for you above all else.

10 Sept 2018

Recent petition updates:
29 Aug 2018 - Ending Terror

7 Sept 2018 - The Forgiving Piper: Act II

10 Sept 2018 - Miracle U


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