^ https://www.change.org/p/her-excellence-ms-tsai-please-help-us-correct-injustices-occurring-in-canada/u/22952131 Find the disclaimer at the globally advertised news story, and in the dissertation for worldwide peace. Dissertation: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_t3yU7C_ctkk7GO3bIDsFYbrhgQA5zx4/view Disclaimer: Legally speaking, my name is Rene Helmerichs. I was born in Bremen , Germany , on 2 March 1977. I am author of Story Of Loo posted at http://talktodream.at . That story is highly offensive. It names 10 doctors and countless other individuals. The story began in 2012. Tim Stanlick, senior minister for The International Mormon Community Of Christ Church, emailed local minister Matthew Swain with instructions to call the police and have me arrested if I emailed him again. Fundamentally, a church cannot do that. It goes against Matthew 5:25, but, moreover, the fact that I was only emailing them to advertise a book, d...