The memory made his father howl like a lone wolf. At the end, where the boy leaves the soup to put another dish back into the fridge... he says, "See, I am a fast boy." The comment, at first, appears to refer to the speed of putting the dish away. But, there is no running in the video, so the boy is also super careful, and that means thoughtful. Thinking about the comment, his dad remembered an instance wherein they two were reading to leave the house, and at the front door dressing in winter garb. Dad thought the timing was tight and carelessly said, "Hurry up, Buddy." Buddy, of course, was only maybe 2 at the time and had managed to sum up the whole of the concept of need for time in a single word "yestertime", which he used to describe(confirm) anything that already happened. At 2, Buddy had said "I have lots of time; Sunjay will share his time with you...