^ http://t2dvoice.blogspot.com/2018/02/20180226-personal-to-clare-chiang-of.html Hi Clare, A person note. Clare, I've completed my story in an easy-read format that tells only facts. My target is Canada . I've always told you I am writing a book to raise the money to build a school. Canada will simply not be able to pay me enough for the time I have spent at the book. It directly names 9 doctors and at least 5 lawyers in the first 12 or so pages. It is currently being translated by three translators which I have already paid into Chinese and two other languages. Canada is just waking right now as we speak. Social media (facebook, etc.) allows me to send direct public messages to news agencies in Canada . I have already made the news in Taiwan and I do know (and have received direct confirmation) that I have the support of the national Taiwan government. I won't need to take you or any manager at Kidsland to court. ...
Since when has Canada exchanged reason for madness?