TO: UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres Re: Taiwan and sustainable development for One China updated 30 Aug 2018 (contents: true, though incredible) Mr. Secretary-General, The work of the United Nations is excellent. Unfortunately, this letter does directly demonstrate the UN to be condoning ongoing actions against its very own publicly stated initiatives. It is therefore written not only to the UN, but to every peace activist, every human rights collation, every university student desiring true beneficial change, and to all Muslims, Christians, and atheists alike. The people of Taiwan wish to complain to you, Mr. Secretary-General, representing The United Nations (UN), that you are permitting stacking of the deck (cheating). It is directly related to your 17 Global Goals for rich and poor nations alike. An explanation is followed with examples. We are aware that thinking exists on a spectrum. We are unaware the spectrum is lit...
Since when has Canada exchanged reason for madness?