^ www.change.org/p/her-excellence-ms-tsai-please-help-us-correct-injustices-occurring-in-canada/u/23665255 One million--1,000,000--new immigrants to Canada are required for this global project. Below is a description of legal grounds necessary to begin to redress systemic international justice issues. This article describes the extent to which Canada deceives its public about ongoing psychiatric fraud. This (.doc) in printable format is at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1u3AK9Z9lw-4HvAmehCrCEHu99T7fLASP/view?usp=sharing Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Mormon Treasurer Natalie Yewchyn (now Natalie.Kelloway@CBRE.com) 3. Mormon Minister Matthew Swain 4. The 3 Sept 2012 arrest 5. A legally defined prison at RVH hospital in Barrie on 3 Sept 2012? 6. The 3 Sept 2012 - 30 Oct 2012 incarceration 7. ...
Since when has Canada exchanged reason for madness?