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20180113 Petition Update



This is a legal petition.  In their eyes we are trying to take over the world.  See a glimpse of that they've done in a legal application tendered publicly to Cisco Global Problem Solver Challenge 2018

The Canadian government is legally ours.  That includes a stake in the World Bank.  Together, we have unlimited funding to heal the planet.  We can amalgamate all congruently not-exclusive systems via The Internet Of Things.  As a reward to those standing for an end to the none-sense of fighting over world peace, make the stand today.  We cannot guarantee any promises, but we can say that which we follow is dedicated with the same team that follows the everlasting sustainable idea behind the world "together".  This petition is for you.  All signers of this global petition for a former Canadian professor to legally apply to the country of Taiwan (R.o.Christ), shall be offered a trip to the planned Internationally Accredited Globally Certifying Teachers For A Course In Miracles (1200 page text-workbook-manual-supplements written by late profs of Columbia University's School Of Medicine).  The intention can only occur if the petition succeeds, and if it succeeds, this is the only way for us to be assured that we are truly "together".  We would logically need to meet at some point in our physical incarnation, THIS LIFETIME, to quote our introductory text DU, by Gary Rendard.

Enjoy our Tribute To Krishna Das for his outstand lifelong dedication to "togetherness"!

Enjoy our Tribute to YOU for the faith that Krishna is right:

--minor ramble.  Just consider the audience, then you'll get the logical reason.

And a Tribute to Agni Devil Sticks in Portugal whose seen through the storm with us!  Fyi, if you order from them, they're sure to answer "Why?" after spin-flip tap-dance  trick is learned!

Join before we receive official word from representatives for The Whole World As One Government, i.e. whatever runs The World Bank and its theoretical private corporate U.S. entity that prints legal tender for, effective at that point, everyone in the world.

Mentally, this petition swallows the whole world and lets it eat itself.  It is completely reflective in that way.  That's simply called the awesome strength of cross-cultural honest constistency in a "same-applies-to-all" only one A Course In Miracles way.

Happy New Year 2018 all!  Belatedly.

Rene Helmerichs, born not of a vigin mary just as Jesus himself had a natural birth, and really did attend that school that whatever drives the world bank somehow surely didn't destroy trying to avoid just this very thing.  There is so much lost and hidden history.  Read what Rene Helmerichs has left on public-public records through linked and referenced documents, places, people, events, and incriminations on The Ontario Superior Court Of Justice case file C13-205-SR, and then know that NONE of this "weirdness", what Natalie Yewchyn called "awkward", before then offering her soul to him on 12 Feb 2012, was it, Nat?  That snow storm where you sat outside with me watching me shovel your and your neighbour's driveway?  Before you took me inside and secretly admitted that the thing you HATE MOST about yourself, was the Keloid on your ear, and for which I promptly send you a natural remedy by email, which you only bitched about too?  Natalie... sweetie... marriage is Holy.  With corrected spelling that means "wholey."  And that means you'll know that I have what everyone only reads about, because I type the words and you've had choice to read them all along.  And, really, spending almost three years in jail just to continue to write about the Canadian system for whomever to follow-up on... with whatever record they kept--because the government admitted at our June 2014 first trial that only 15 pages of a 1 Sept 2012 referenced "100s of emails to The International Mormon Community Of Christ", at which you were a treasurer, and our good friend Matthew Swain was its minister, whom you must also have liked at least as much as he liked you for always having been over their house, and making subtly sure that its wife Irina, despite being 2 or 3 numbers larger than you, absolutely tried to wear your hand-me-downs and look like you as much as possible.  Laughably, I don't care about physical bodies.  That does make me a bit of a modern day psychopath, so you're not off on that point, but you fail to see that there can exist a point beyond the peak of Maslow's Heirarchy that is able to bridge reality beyond time, and simply exist in realtime with a somewhat "scattered appearing" appearance only because the person is ALWAYS recognizably confused in a place whose very substance is noteably always and ever-changing.  So, in the end, you're stuck questioning things like, "What did he just say?"  And then we'll clarify when we answer simply "Nothing important.  This is written for the Chinese who will read and digest every single word without prejudice.--So, if me never meet, dear Natalie, the love of my life for being the single greatest current existing thorn in ANYONE'S Side... oh, if you missed the story, hey, here's an intro at the bottom of the attached .pdf that reminds exactly how much The Human Rights Tribunal over in Canada hates us for this petition...

Oh, it's copied into that Cisco application in section 16:

Radhe Govinda - Live With Lyrics

1-Minute-Intro uploaded to the Cisco Problem-solver Challenge on 1.11 day:

Links at the video description:
Supporting the global Common Sense petition at:

.pdf documents:
1. Cisco Global Problem Solver 2018 legally submitted to win according to all rules:

2. Direct to news with HRTO flag (Story linked therein):

3. Straight to story with pictures of the Mormon Minister and Treasurer

4. Application to Taiwan:

Need for sustainability school (.ppt file):




Into the Letter of the main petition at

Petition update Jan. 13, 2018:

Most Recent update at


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