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20180223 Starlog day wrap and odd dream recount

Just awoke.  Late to write the dream by a few minutes.

Was in the future.  A time when we had just achieved the technology to leave the planet to parallel worlds.  Fear of the people on our planet toward us, so clearly we were divided in two principal groups, had reached a critical point.  At first the technology was applauded.  As word spread about it, fear grew.  We had no choice but to flee.  We picked worlds that seemed safe.  We had the ability to scan for suitable ones, and find them again.  We didn't all leave to the same one.  Some people were less fortunate in their choosing.  It was like we made colonies onto planets of which we had no idea what else lived there.  Relative to the worlds we moved to, we were the more technologically advanced, but we were limited in that we brought with us.  One world had electricity to charge a phone.  That only beckoned the question, from whence did that come?  The dream progressed to fulfill that answer, and wasn't unpleasant but my version of me therein was fearful nonetheless and made haste to return a moment to our place of origin (our origin world, this one) for a quick check in.  By that time, advertisement had announced to all via internet that our world (the main one, this one) was the central hub for all universes to which we travelled, and provided the address to any travellers to share with other parallel worlds. 

The dream did literally show me a website address in a newspaper however since it was to "anybunny" which is currently a porn site, it goes without saying that in the time to come, we WILL be advertising exactly that, but the details have yet to be fixed, or are simply not able to be revealed NOW for the unnecessary altering of events that would ensue.

Feb. 23 day wrap-up
... worked on book to be finished by Monday.  Have a translator secured, who will hopefully not flake.  Neatest part was discovering the Federal Reserve has 4 of 7 seats open after Wikipedia explained that terms for the main board seats run across several presidencies.  So the question is, when has that ever happened before?  Website updated Feb. 21, 2018.  Interesting.  I do recall writing something about the fact that there were 5 of 7 private seats held by major bankers which did permit the Fed to act as private printing press for the World Bank back in 2008, after they set up the global funding of an endowment fund for "just in case" emergencies with a nice Twin Tower collapse back in 2001.  Good job guys.  Well, at least you got your ground work done just in case.

On the down side, I'm seriously in need of money and since no smartass seems to be offering me partnership, I'll be soliciting global any-money to help me build a law firm by which to literally take over the planet piece by piece until we HAVE world wide peace temporarily established for the next 11 centuries or so.  At that point, technology will likely simple require another leap in understanding of God.

I can't tell the time right now because the battery on my 10-year-old laptop died (for a second time) years ago and the clock now runs slow even while I keep it plugged in (which is really weird, but that's my life.).  Clock started to run slow a few days ago at the same time when I realized the ego-super-ego expressed through me seems to have flipped so that the other is now first.  They're both ego, so whatever.

Hey, 140 signatures at Feb 23 in the morning!


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