A Course In Miracles: clarifying "I need do nothing"
(there're a few paragraphs of general intro before the clarification begins)
This post is of-and-about ACIM. It is not about the author. For information about the author, see what he's up to in the world. For that, find a delightful real-world news story embedded in a dual-language submission to the Republic Of China government (regarding the establishment of a new city-state independent country in Canada), dated 14 Feb 2019, at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DVnVvmixlDKgHSabnikKEc-_7F8Jl-Q-/view?usp=sharing
A Course In Miracles
is a book (http://www.acim.org ) written by A Columbia Uni medical research professor (doctor of doctors).... who heard a voice claiming to be Jesus. So Jesus wrote a book?
Suspicion arose, and
more people became involved. The book was translated into 26 languages. The final consensus failed to absolve the matter: if she's pretending,
she'd damn good at it. In a note of humor to the Scribe, the voice assured her (Helen, inside a loony bin near the end of her life): if I am also you, why would you spend a lifetime teaching psychiatrists that none can be like Me? Must the past determine the future, or can present choice decide a better future reality than what has past?
The book itself shares
supernatural insight. Specifically, the
singular message of the book is included in this short summary:
We did not originate
from a physical reality; therefore, the body is unreal. We cannot return to our original state of
awareness except by fully forgiving each other, because we share one mind eternally. It is in harboring secret hates that we close
off our own awareness, and therefore prevent ourselves from knowing what to do
best. The absence of love is fear, but
what is all encompassing can have no opposite.
We have ill-begotten habits that serve neither our best interests, nor
those of anyone else in our environment.
In other words, this is a book of mind training, and it includes: a
lengthy text to study, a work book to practice, and a manual for teachers to
shorten the time it takes to turn theory into practice.
Coursers are serious students of The Course. It does not matter how long one is a
Courser. In fact, the book itself
assures every reader that the reader need do nothing at all to regain the awareness of
eternity. The sad joke is that in doing absolute nothing, the reader is sure to continue on exactly with the same "nothing" awareness of the not-nothing long-sought Self.
This post clarifies the slightly oblique veil within the statement "I need do nothing."
The statement is only
true because it applies to the secret desire of everyone alive in an equal way,
without anyone's ability to speak in contrary to the statement for fear that the majority must (publicly) agree. In
that way, there is falsehood within the statement and that falsehood is
directly caused in the unfathomable concept behind the word "nothing".
Truly nothing does not
exist. Therefore the statement, in truth,
reads "I need do."
Now, with a statement
that reads "I need do", in a book claiming to be written as a non-religious text for everyone alive, there is apt to be a lot of government arguing for best action: "Need do"... what?
Spread the message of A Course In Miracles all over the world so that a
new bible enters the picture? I need to do WHAT?
Well, for starters, forgiveness is a fairly common circular theme in the book but that's also somewhat misunderstood. We need to
forgive, but true forgiveness of judgments is only
possible once we understand them. The relation between a refined intellectual book and the real-world practice of continual forgiveness is achievable.
We exist in a world as
personalities. A personality is nothing
without preferences. And to say the
common spirit (thread of eternal awareness) does not have a singular preference for "always the best way
with harm to none", is exactly to say that even the common spirit retains
personal judgment in the world. It just
happens to be always singular, and that becomes, to us from our perspective,
sort of like finding our heads bashing against a legal tower so high that our own stubbornness
just breaks itself down.
Think of each body as
an incorporated entity. Each personality
is a corporation of desires, different wills.
Yet within each personality, as the guiding thread for sanity, there
must exist a common agreement to what honest action means (for the individual,
and not merely in physical reality, since the individual retains existence in
dreams and scores of non-physical realities also during the day).
The point is that, in
the world, any two will always meet to better their own personal relationship
within themselves, since they are not fully aware of how they (and least of all everyone and every thing) share one
mind. Essentially then, everyone alive
is simply arguing--honing is a better word, "attuning to" is even
better--about/to/be honesty.
Honesty is
not just an adjective, it is the might of a sword and the ability to creatively
master speech. A silver tongue, if you
will, will always succeed because the stubbornness of nay thinkers (thinking precedes thought, "naysayers" is equally applicable) is rendered
without affect to the common spirit because the common spirit shares the same
thread of honesty (the ability to always find a harmless way to solve any perceived problem, or dig up the root of any perceived need while simultaneously providing satisfactory resolve).
Back to the original
"I need do nothing"... the word "nothing" is the same as
the word "not", it represents a concept that never existed, never
will exist, and doesn't actually exist now.
It is not possible to call our body a true reality unless we include all
that we cannot imagine, and therefore we can shorten the concept of
"cannot imagine" into this simple sentence: "I am unreal but real for all eternity?" it is quite literally the singular thought establishing infinity as a separate state from eternity.
"I am unreal but real" is the same as "We have no idea
what's going on in life, or how life works, but we recognize that eternity is a
state that is always present, so once I-as-we understand that I exist with the
unreality OF being seeming stuck inside, and not just around, all bodies, then I
can begin to understand that 'I need do nothing' means that I am trying to wake
myself up into the real-eyes of how to have everything that I-as-one-body-also truly desire."
All futures exist, but
one future is best for all.
And that's the one that all truly desire.
Conclusion, sponsored
In the words of any
Courser: find the thread of honesty and share the same awareness as the
intensely personal insight of the one mind that is your own mind and was the
mind that inspired Helen to write her personal story as the outstanding best
medical text ever: "A Course In Miracles". Helen's autobiography (.pdf): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qf56fFlbAfx18gt6Q60m79lUVOSDFo6c/view?usp=sharing
If you're new to the
course, definitely start with the intro book: "Disappearance Of The
Universe" by Gary Renard. It's far
more fun to read, and provides a much better grasp of the unlimited edition
If you are like me,
and unable to stomach the word "Jesus" from overplayed and inaccurate
radio messages, church arguments, and general religious hypocrisy, try
"Children Of The Law Of One: The Lost Teachings Of Atlantis" by Jon
Peniel as a precursor to Gary .
Remember, the message
of Jesus wasn't "let's all work together for world peace." The message of Jesus was: "your mind is
like your heart, and your thoughts are like blood. You've allowed a sliver of unreality to be
entertained like an iron filing under the skin.
In time the blood is poisoned and the body only withers. Stop your self-inflicted pain with properly
compassionate action."
It's not about
building a church, or learning to practice law, the law is the only thread of
sanity you have left, and will lead you back to the awareness of who you are,
but by God you've got a body now and must demonstrate that you can use it
entirely in the service of yourself-for-and-with-all-others before you can even
begin to appreciate that you've been trying to remember how you are all others
at the exact same time for all eternity in every moment of time that you've
allowed pass with the countless bodies you've had to remake before finding
yourself here again now. Do choose once
This post is for-and-about ACIM. It is not about the author. For information about the author:
The best way to begin to understand Rene Helmerichs is to see what he's up to in the world. For that, find a delightful real-world news story embedded in a dual-language submission to the Republic Of China government (regarding the establishment of a new city-state independent country in Canada), dated 14 Feb 2019, at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DVnVvmixlDKgHSabnikKEc-_7F8Jl-Q-/view?usp=sharing
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